So I just finished 2 manning the Demon Queen. After some impressive hack, slash, and spellcast she finally topples, we dance, open the small chest (with loot worthy of not existing), open the big chest, split the loot, recall, and check our end rewards.
I think I should go through the trouble of raising Lailat from the dead given his idea of a reward. Seriously, what was Zawabi thinking? Did too much Djin ale get to his head?
Here's what I was offered:
+1 Improved Freeze V Dagger of Lesser Repair Lore
+2 Superior Lightning Lore Scepter <--------
Lesser Acid Guard Robe of Improved Silent Moves
DB Robe of SR13
Lesser Fire Guard Robe of Imp Silent Moves
Robe of SR19
Acid Guard Robe of Acid Resistance
Fearsome Robe of False Life
Elixir of Major Mnemonic Enhancement <---------
Wand of Lightning Bolt
I'm sorry, but for accomplishing Zawabi's lifelong dream and freeing the land from the great evil scourge that is Queen Lailat.... shouldn't there be something, well, to look forward to?
D&D's big revelation in loot was to have each person have their own chances. This is not a game of choosing need where you should have said greed. However, raid drops, a signature element of MMORPG's, are treated as treasured objects which are fought over and end in bitter disappointment for 10/12 of the people supposedly in the raid. Therefore the recent trend has been to cut out all the dead weight to get each person or nearly everyone in the raid loot.
So here's my suggestion. Put the fun back in getting a 12 person party together. Have a unique static reward list on par with raid loot (ok fine, slightly less powerful if you must) as end rewards for raids. Here's what this will help:
#1 People will be more positive during raid looting because this one big chest isn't the end of the line. There's a much better chance that you'll get something afterwards.
#2 More people will get that "YES! I got that unique item" feeling after raids.
#3 The devs will have somewhere to put mediocre raid loot, or restricted audience loot that appeals to very specific people and builds. Ex: The Khopesh from the Queen (what are the odds a khopesh user will be in the party? Its an exotic weapon after all) The Titan Docent: great for WF, not for ANYONE else. The Necklaces from VoN6 : great for sorc/wiz of that specific build ONLY. This allows Turbine to give awesome items to unique and special builds without causing distress to other players.
#4 Raid loot can be more generalized for everyone. In other words, make raid items useful to a wide variety of people instead of a small number. Ex: The Kundarak Delving Suit is useful to any dex based character. There are very good odds someone in a party will want it (Rogue, Bard, Ranger, and extras). Or the Sword of Shadows (any tank or melee character). +2 Tomes.
Let me know what you think.