I remember when module 1 went live. It took the majority precent of the player base the whole rest of the month to complete von 1-4 let alone brave 5. I dont recall when Velah was killed game wide, but I do know that the countless hours spent altering the Dragon Raid was time taken away from module 2.
In 16 months of development we got 5 raids. When I began playing DDO I looked to the future of the game and thought by this point we would be looking at 8 raids and possibly disucssions on what the epic levels might look like. Its sad to know how much time has been waisted on nerfing the content.
We should just move along to bigger and better things. I would like to see 24man raids that require so much team synergy that soloing is impossible. At this point the raids are so easy that they can all be 3 manned by experienced players.
Now if we had 8 raids available and the timers were set to 1 week then we could still raid a different dungeon each day. This would slow down our ability to master the raids so quickly.
On top of that all of the raids should've required a minimum of 6 players to complete and if you fail the raid then you should still be set on the timer. This would prevent players from attempting short man raids that they are more likely to fail. The distribution of raid items would be slower and more rewarding for those in possession of the items.
Examples of faults on the Reaver Raid. The reaver's ability to alter gravity was devestating. Combined with the Air Elementals disrupting your party it can be a lethal combination, but lets face it! The Air Elementals are easily crowd control and killed. Now if the reaver used other abilities to disrupt the players then they couldn't manage the 45+ elementals with a single sorc. A fine example would be a mass solid fog effect that blinds players. Now this ability can be prevented with Freedom obviously, but that would be 1 more aspect that the players would have to include in thier strategy. The reavers thunderclap could also deafen casters inflicting a 20% spell failure. Now the players are forced to communicate more or they will lose vital crowd control. Tornado like winds could push the players out of a position where all of the CC is set up! To further emphasize the Reavers ability to control weather he could induce heat waves that fatigue and exhaust players slowing movement down.
The spiked ceiling that we navigate through while flying should be randomized to avoid players from becoming to familiar with the exact path to take. The levers should be gaurded by a mob and or a trap!
The puzzle room defenses are way to easy to overcome. A single mob type that cannot be CCed or DMed would add enough disruption to prevent single casters from dominating the enviroment.
Dont get me wrong I love this game! The raid concepts are genius, but flawed. I just wish that more thought went into making the raids difficult enough to require larger groups, but not overbearing for less experienced players. Hope the next raid hit home on this.