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  1. #1
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Default XP at the mid levels

    I did a favor run in the church and the cult last nite (lvl9 vampire quest) with my lvl 12 clr. The base XP is less than 2000! That's the same kind of XP you get in one part of waterworks or STK. Even some of the other lowbie harbor quests, such as bonebite, aren't that far off in XP. I could understand that they didn't want people reaching cap too soon when cap was lvl10, but less than 2K for a level 9 "long" quest? Especially, when compared to the mega xp one gets in GH
    Last edited by krud; 06-29-2007 at 09:22 AM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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  2. #2
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    getting from level 7-11 is a *****

  3. #3
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    Tell me about it...

    And the vamp is one of the tougher challenges at that level.

  4. #4
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Well in Church and the Cult, except for the vampire, most groups can move through the rest of the encounter pretty easily I have found. If a group has vampire killers with them, he can go down without undue trouble. If the group does not have those skills/equipment they will generally wipe and wipe. Killing vampires should not be easy. That being said, if you master the tricks of the vampire hunters club, while still not "easy" it can be managed.

    Holy Silver Weapons are VERY useful. Manage attacks carefully so you "box him in" somewhere, and then let fire away with dps. Two or more casters can keep ahead of his regen (and then some) with spells, while the boxing melees hammer his unholy butt.

    Now as to the EXP reward, probably just a calculation from the core rules. Some monsters at CR X have ALWAYS been pushovers and others have been hard as stone to crack. Sentitent undead fall into the hard, while things like a Hill Giants tend to fall into the pushover class. Both might be CR 9 or something like that, but everyone and his brother can pound on a giant without much trouble.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    Well in Church and the Cult, except for the vampire, most groups can move through the rest of the encounter pretty easily I have found. If a group has vampire killers with them, he can go down without undue trouble. If the group does not have those skills/equipment they will generally wipe and wipe. Killing vampires should not be easy. That being said, if you master the tricks of the vampire hunters club, while still not "easy" it can be managed.

    Holy Silver Weapons are VERY useful. Manage attacks carefully so you "box him in" somewhere, and then let fire away with dps. Two or more casters can keep ahead of his regen (and then some) with spells, while the boxing melees hammer his unholy butt.
    My point exactly. Anything so tough that you need highly specialized equipment and tactics is worth a bit more XP.

    I've generally seen melees to be more of a distraction than a help in that fight. They make the vamp move around and then ray spells can miss him. I once told a cleric "let the fighter die, he can't help" when the cleric missed a searing light to try to heal the fighter.

    One good thing about the lousy XP on that mission is that people don't mind missing out on it. Last time I went in, we started with cleric, wizard, fighter, rogue. Then when we were ready for the final fight, the rogue and fighter left and, uh, asked some cleric acquaintances of theirs to go help out with the vamp.

    For the final fight we had cleric, cleric, cleric, wizard: firewall, searing light, searing light, searing light, scorching ray, searing light, searing light, searing light, scorching ray, searing light, searing light, searing light, scorching ray...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    Now as to the EXP reward, probably just a calculation from the core rules.
    Uh, if that quest is following core rules for XP allocation, it is the only one in DDO that does so.

  6. #6


    there is plenty of xp to be had at these levels

    all give very good xp for their levels
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  7. #7
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    there is plenty of xp to be had at these levels

    all give very good xp for their levels

    Don't listen to him(because he is right) those all suck(and I want to have people run something besides those quests) and you want to run other quests.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    don;t forget sorrowdusk island and the new action area in house k ....sorrow dusk by itself is worth well over 50,000 xp and if you are a warroir class you can solo most of it when you can;t find a grp
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post

    Don't listen to him(because he is right) those all suck(and I want to have people run something besides those quests) and you want to run other quests.
    Oh wait I forgot the
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    I have done POP on normal at lvl 9 with a pug, sure we wiped twice but for 21k xp that is worth it
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  10. #10
    Founder Shamguard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    there is plenty of xp to be had at these levels

    all give very good xp for their levels
    The real problem is finding groups to do these quest. As the level cap goes up it is going to get harder and hader to level mid level characters because of the "Power Level" Penalties. You get more than a 4 level range in you party and someone is going to be losing to much needed xp. (IMHO)
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  11. #11
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamguard View Post
    The real problem is finding groups to do these quest. As the level cap goes up it is going to get harder and hader to level mid level characters because of the "Power Level" Penalties. You get more than a 4 level range in you party and someone is going to be losing to much needed xp. (IMHO)
    You are kidding right? I can often find a Delera's group forming and there were 2 Greymoon-C06 groups forming last night on my server while 2 of my friends were running through on Elite. It's things like Myra's Sleepless Nights that are hard to find groups to do.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    there is plenty of xp to be had at these levels
    3 long quest chains, a raid, and stormcleave (great quest -- wish there were 10 more like it).

    I've never done a raid. I'm currently somewhere in the middle of deleras, CO6 and threnal on multiple characters .

    Also, CO6 XP stinks. Deleras and threnal XP are nice.

  13. #13
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    Talking You know you are an old player when...

    When the vamp quest was first put into place, the level cap was 10. The quest if you got all of the bonuses was worth roughly around 10K xp on elite. If anyone else can confirm that I would appreciate it. This was also before the favor system was created, also before the new action point training system was put in place.

    IMHO the experience was ajusted to account for more powerful characters at that level range. The loot is still really good (silver bow, blood plate, fragment of the silver flame), and for a long quest it is really short.

    I do think that it was over adjusted considering how difficult the boss is, how many traps there are, and the amount of mephits you have to fight (I HATE MEPHITS, and they are EVERYWHERE)
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  14. #14
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    there is plenty of xp to be had at these levels

    all give very good xp for their levels
    I know all about where to get good XP, but I've seen those quests too many times. It would be nice to not feel compelled to run these quests multiple times in order to advance. There are lots of other filler quests, but the rewards seem to be lacking. For a non-twinked group without people to drag them through, the vamp is difficult, and the reward seems way low in comparison to the kind of xp you get in the lowbie harbor quests. It's not the only mid-level quest that i've seen giving entry level xp on something which requires more effort.
    Last edited by krud; 06-30-2007 at 12:19 PM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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  15. #15
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Those quests are great XP. But you have to remember, with all the killer weapons and loot that is being pulled by higher level toons and filtered down to the low level ones, and the now common place knowledge of the quests, plowing through SC and CO6 is now possible at levels 5 and 6. So, now you have a large number of quests for the "mid-level" toons that are being ran by low level or low/mid level.

  16. #16
    Community Member Frodo_Lives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormanne View Post
    Those quests are great XP. But you have to remember, with all the killer weapons and loot that is being pulled by higher level toons and filtered down to the low level ones, and the now common place knowledge of the quests, plowing through SC and CO6 is now possible at levels 5 and 6. So, now you have a large number of quests for the "mid-level" toons that are being ran by low level or low/mid level.
    And that is part of the problem, it takes almost no time to get to level 6 without running anything higher than Tangleroot. Actually run the quests in the harbor and you will hit level 4 within hours, not days. Then do STK twice, Tangleroot a couple of times, throw in some quests like the Depths or other house quests and boom you are 6th level.

    Then do Greymoon, SC, and a few others you can hit level 7 without even touching Delera's, Gwylans, or any of the other good xp quests for that level.

    If you don't bother to run all the good xp quests or quest chains until you are actually a level that is somewhat appropriate for them it takes no time to level up to 10. The only reason that levels 7 - 10 take forever is because no one wants to wait to actually run the big xp quests when they could use the big xp the most.

  17. #17
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    I have a few toons who have power leveled thru those levels by running those high xp quest chains. It's not that hard. However, I also have 1 toon who runs one day (sometimes two) days a week with a group of friends. We run almost all the level approppriate stuff on normal or hard and hardly ever repeat quests. it is only until we hit level 8 and 9 that I have found it necessary to repeat run some of those high xp quests in order to advance. It seems to take much longer to accumulate xp at those levels than anywhere else withou sticking to the high xp chains.
    Last edited by krud; 06-30-2007 at 02:16 PM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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