Discovery - A company that will go to the ends of the Earth for its people will find it can hire them for about 10% of the cost of Americans.
Mistakes - It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.
Wishes - When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
I have yet to get a bard above 4th, but I was under the impression that perform skill affected the DC of facinate at least......and I thought it increased the other song buffs too.
Can someone tell me for sure if these people are right? Is perform really useless? For instance, is a +10 perform ring completely useless in DDO?
Are you guys sure about this? My limited experiance was that a lowbie bard couldn't facinate hardly anything....and I'm sure he couldn't facinate everything that was attacking him.....seemd like some saved and some didn't.
When I saw high level bard use facinate to great success, I assumed they had a high perfom skill....complete with +10 perform rings etc.
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I don't cast MM much because it does not do much damage compared to the hitpoints the mobs have....and I haven't even tried FM yet.... but from what I've seen Magic Missile will damage everything except red named bosses in certain quests. And only those that seem to be immune to all low lvl spells. I know MM will damage Wisperdoom....although she is resistant for some reason...but she is not immune. And I've never seen a run of the mill mob monster be immune to MM.
But, I admit I don't usue it much anymore, so I could be wrong.
Still, until the Gianthold quests, I never saw monsters cast any serious buffs. If fact, I still don't know why the devs thought the firewall scrolls were such a problem, when all the monsters had to do was buff themselves with fire prot/resist.....just like every player does.
I guess my real point was that most monsters don't cast buffs at why worry about them castng this one?
the new spells oare cool and all but when are we going to see some basic spells like silence and fly that we are able to cast?
I'd guess never. Fly (or heck, the basic rope/climbing skills) would turn several key quests into easy to bypass fun due to the simplistic way they were built. In Cruicible for example you would just climb/fly up and wipe out all the attackers overhead in the maze and then drop back to the end of the maze so you could complete the objective. No silly door switches while being pummelled from overhead. In VON2 you could skip the maze and 2 of the beholders entirely as well as avoiding falling off with a basic fly spell.
Nope, not gonna happen.
As a DM you simply manage this by finding reasons why Fly won't work. You shouldn't do it all the time, but in some cases it's perfectly reasonable. Like in the Crucible maze. Either make it a no-fly zone (magic of some sort) or give it a one-way roof; you can fall down, but you can't fly up.
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ok let me clear it up warforged and some of the spells and feats that are not from the basic players handbook or the basic dungeon masters guide are found in the Ebberon players handbook and the ebberon dungeon masters guide
the only other books i see them using myself if MMI MMII and there messed up version of creatures (which i love ) that dont belong in any books that i know of
i own the spell compendium all the complete books and almost all the asseccory and race books up until march of last year
and to tell ya the truth there isnt much if anything that comes from anything other then a book that says players handbook (be it ebberon ravenloft or the desert one or oriental adventures or etc) or the DMG or MM/FF books
but please if you know something let me know i would love to look it up
dragon marks at least where a step in the right direction but really a non role playing straight power toon weather fighter or caster cant afford to waste feats to get a tattoo i mean really why the hell would my dwarf fighter want a dragon mark when he could be taking dual weilding or power attack or cleave or specializations or improved crit ....... dragon marks suck for the most part
how about spend the next year going one book at a time and making a update just for it like a complete arcane update or a races of dragon update or a herros of horror linked to a bunch of undead missions and missions made to spook and fear introduce lycanthropy and have it so when we get bit until we die there is a chance we will change into a wolf which would be a great lead in for druid next year and dont come out with one race and class a year man take a couple months of updates off giving out loot weekends in there place and come out with a new race or class every three months there is so much people want to see that you cant possibly be out of ideas and there are so many people that have faith in the future of this game and the possibilities are endless as to how this game could one day be the best mmo available instead of just another game to play so i dont go to WOW
i mean shoot make us pay for it if ya want put a group together that works just on implamenting new races and classes to the game and put out paid expansions if you dont buy it you cant play as the races or classes and maybe be locked out of the city where you train as one at higher levels that way people can still play with there current account if they are happy with there options and the things they will be missing out on and others can happily throw there money at you for whatever advantages come with the update
and please if this is your plan for what to do after we hit 20 then please say it so we can stop wondering if we will ever see the races and monster races that we love to play in pen and paper dnd or the classes that we all figured would be in this game at launch considering NWN2 had most of them on there list of garunteed classes and races months before launch (I knew about NWN2 having warmages before ddo came out and nwn didnt come out for almost what 5-7 months after ddo launch?
not trying to be pushy but it seems the future of this game and its development (what these forums are listed as) never seems to get any feedback as to what you the dev;s are taking to heart and really we want to know what you have planned we dont want to waste our money playing the game hoping that one day you will do something we want to have you say yes warmages are planned for the future dont know when yet but possibly next year some time after druids
no we are not currently looking at any other races or classes this year
just let us know what to expect maybe make a dev created post called the future of ddo question and answer
"Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!
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It would be nice if they would of given a ranger some new spells. Mass Barkskin would be nice
Leader of Clan of the Green Dragon
Shoebox level 12 ranger / lever 2 fighter
Shoepolish level 6 cleric
Last edited by shoebox747; 07-05-2007 at 01:24 PM.