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  1. #41
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friar Galanodel View Post
    .... or part of Operation Bard Love is to make Perform matter, in which case there will be much complaining.
    This doesn't make Perform matter, it makes the feat Skill Focus: Perform have a small purpose. However, beyond opening up new bard songs, Perform currently has no purpose in the game. There's no reason to increase it with enhancements, feats, or items. That's why I feel requiring a useless feat as a prerequisite is not a good move. I wish Perform did matter, but right now, it doesn't.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  2. #42
    Community Member Katrina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnerD View Post
    Question: How does Spawn Screen currently fit into the game?
    Wraiths and some shadows have the ability to raise your corpse as another (less powerful) undead that fights against your friends. Very handy in Delera's

  3. #43
    Stormreach Advisor
    DrAwkward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post

    Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
    Components: V, S
    Range: Personal
    Duration: 1 minute/level

    Grants a +1 resistance bonus to saves; this resistance bonus increases to +2 at caster level 6th and +3 at caster level 9th. In addition, this spell negates Magic Missile and Force Missile attacks directed at you.
    I'm concerned that a 1st level spell is able to negate a 4th level spell, and that this spell basically makes you immune to a caster that specced the "force" line of enhancements.

    What is the logic behind making a long duration first level spell that makes you immune to every force spell in the game?
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
    the fact that she has a Brass Beaver

  4. #44
    Founder Shadow_Flayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    This doesn't make Perform matter, it makes the feat Skill Focus: Perform have a small purpose. However, beyond opening up new bard songs, Perform currently has no purpose in the game. There's no reason to increase it with enhancements, feats, or items. That's why I feel requiring a useless feat as a prerequisite is not a good move. I wish Perform did matter, but right now, it doesn't.
    .... or they made perform matter by changing the Fascinate songs to have actually saves, is what I was getting at. If this were true, then getting your perform skill higher would mean something other than just having access to the enhancement.

  5. #45
    Founder Duplicate_5's Avatar
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    Default oops

    I think you accidentally left Mirror Image off your list. I don't have the description right now but can add it later if you'd like

  6. #46
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    I'm concerned that a 1st level spell is able to negate a 4th level spell, and that this spell basically makes you immune to a caster that specced the "force" line of enhancements.

    What is the logic behind making a long duration first level spell that makes you immune to every force spell in the game?
    I have to agree with this. Spells that can negate other spells in DnD have always been the equivalent level or higher than the spells they negate. A first level spell should never negate a fourth level spell. If you want to have similar functionality, perhaps change it to something like Force Resistance 5, which will take of the first 5 points of force damage for each attack. That would negate non-enhanced magic missiles, but only reduce force missiles by a small amount.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  7. #47
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friar Galanodel View Post
    .... or they made perform matter by changing the Fascinate songs to have actually saves, is what I was getting at. If this were true, then getting your perform skill higher would mean something other than just having access to the enhancement.
    The cart can't pull the horse very well. There's been no hint that they are going to do this anytime soon. While they should do it, I'm going by what is either in the game, or announced as coming soon. Until they change the way Fascinate works, this is a completely useless feat, with no purpose in the game itself.

    Even after they change Fascinate(I believe they will eventually, but I don't see it happening anytime soon, given the amount of time they spend on bards), I doubt many people will use this. A +3 to a skill that is already in the high 30s isn't really worth a feat slot.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  8. #48
    Community Member Katrina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedrica-the-Bard View Post
    Inspired Bravery 2 ranks?? Come on... In the end game, everyone on my team has a Greater Heroism, because I give it out if the wizzy doesn't and it has fear immunity as part of it. Why on earth would you ask me to waste action points on Inspired Bravery to get access to the Warchanter? Silly, IMHO.
    Sometimes you have to sacrifice to get something good. I know I didn't want to take mobility to get whirlwind attack on my fighter but it's worth it to me to sacrifice the feat for something greater.

  9. #49
    Community Member Hurin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methadonix View Post
    The duration [of Angelskin] seems to be somewhat lacking however...

    6 seconds per caster level...
    Hmm... what is it in PnP?

    My Pally won't be using it since he can just use Stoneskin wands and scrolls, but I thought it might be a nice one for the pure Pallies.

    Edit: does anyone have the Spell Compendium handy? The only source I could find said it was 1 round/level, but it also listed the DR as 10/evil...
    Last edited by Hurin; 06-26-2007 at 11:27 AM.
    Hurin Thalion: 11/2/1 Paladin/Rogue/Sorceror (Human)
    Ultimus the Liberator: 13/1 Wizard/Fighter (Warforged Hvy Repeater build)
    Eol the Dark Elf: 14 Sorceror (Drow)
    Sacratus: 8 Cleric (Drow)
    Saeva: Ranger 5/Rogue 1 (Drow)
    Azaghal of Belegost Fighter 1 (Dwarf)

  10. #50
    Founder Kraki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    Spells that can negate other spells in DnD have always been the equivalent level or higher than the spells they negate. A first level spell should never negate a fourth level spell.

    Since I was about to post the same thing, I'll just put in a /agree here. If the need for a total immunity is there, perhaps Shield @ lvl 1 and Nightshield (or Improved Shield or whatever you wanna call it) @ lvl 4 which would block both kinds of missle. I'm guessing that this will be a short duration buff? Not 1min/lvl since for 15 mana I'd be immune to MM and FM for 28 minutes.


  11. #51
    Community Member darkgolem's Avatar
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    Underwhelming, but cool.

  12. #52
    Community Member Asal's Avatar
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    Will the holy sword be tradeable in a dungeon? I think most Paladin who will be able to cast that spell have a better weapon already. I see little use for the spell.

    Angelskin is way too short a a buff to be much use.

  13. #53
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    I have to agree with this. Spells that can negate other spells in DnD have always been the equivalent level or higher than the spells they negate. A first level spell should never negate a fourth level spell. If you want to have similar functionality, perhaps change it to something like Force Resistance 5, which will take of the first 5 points of force damage for each attack. That would negate non-enhanced magic missiles, but only reduce force missiles by a small amount.
    I have to agree with this as well. What this means is that any player or monster with access to the spell, scroll or wand would want to cast it on themselves. Also, no caster would take magic missiles and/or force missiles in their repertoire any more.
    Last edited by Tyrande; 06-26-2007 at 11:34 AM. Reason: spelling

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  14. #54
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Spellsinger = 10 APs & 1 feat spent
    Virtuoso = 9 APs & 1 feat (or 10 more APs, but not til lvl 10)
    Warchanter = 6 APs & 2 feats

    If Virtuoso was Extra Song III, it would be pretty much even all the way around. But as it is, Warchanter seems a bit steep. Bards are not exactly rich in feats. And any reason why WF:Ranged and WF:Thrown are not options? Are Devs trying to tell us that ranged combatants really are less worthy than melee?

  15. #55
    Community Member Craigthegreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Spellsinger = 10 APs & 1 feat spent
    Virtuoso = 9 APs & 1 feat (or 10 more APs, but not til lvl 10)
    Warchanter = 6 APs & 2 feats

    If Virtuoso was Extra Song III, it would be pretty much even all the way around. But as it is, Warchanter seems a bit steep. Bards are not exactly rich in feats. And any reason why WF:Ranged and WF:Thrown are not options? Are Devs trying to tell us that ranged combatants really are less worthy than melee?

    Yes, and for some time now.
    Thanks for your time.

  16. #56
    Community Member Asal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    I'm concerned that a 1st level spell is able to negate a 4th level spell, and that this spell basically makes you immune to a caster that specced the "force" line of enhancements.

    What is the logic behind making a long duration first level spell that makes you immune to every force spell in the game?
    This spell is not for players. This is so monster cast a spell that makes them immune to player Magic missile. It will impact STK and VON 3.

  17. #57
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Spellsinger = 10 APs & 1 feat spent
    Virtuoso = 9 APs & 1 feat (or 10 more APs, but not til lvl 10)
    Warchanter = 6 APs & 2 feats

    If Virtuoso was Extra Song III, it would be pretty much even all the way around. But as it is, Warchanter seems a bit steep. Bards are not exactly rich in feats. And any reason why WF:Ranged and WF:Thrown are not options? Are Devs trying to tell us that ranged combatants really are less worthy than melee?
    Don't forget that Virtuoso requires 3 action points be spent on the Bard: Perform enhancements, which currently have absolutely no use in the game as well. It is one thing to be forced to take enhancements or feats you don't want, it is another to be forced to take things that have no purpose in the game at all.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  18. #58
    Community Member dameron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    I'm concerned that a 1st level spell is able to negate a 4th level spell, and that this spell basically makes you immune to a caster that specced the "force" line of enhancements.

    What is the logic behind making a long duration first level spell that makes you immune to every force spell in the game?
    So that non-arcane bosses can flash "immune" when force missiles hit them.

  19. #59
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    This spell is not for players. This is so monster cast a spell that makes them immune to player Magic missile. It will impact STK and VON 3.
    I not seen a sorc/wizard use MM on stk boss or von 3 boss since around mod 2.

  20. #60
    Community Member Asal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    Here is the list of new spells we are currently working on for Update 4.2: Searing Heights:

    Spells for Clerics:

    Chaos Hammer
    Evocation [Chaotic]
    Level: Clr 4
    Components: V, S
    Saving Throw: Will partial, see text.

    You unleash chaotic power to smite your enemies. This spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (max 5d8) to lawful creatures (or 1d6 points of damage per caster level (max 10d6) to lawful outsiders) and slows them for a short period of time. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the slow effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures that are neither lawful nor chaotic, and they are not slowed. Such creatures can reduce the damage by half again (down to one quarter) with a successful Will save. This spell deals no damage to chaotic creatures, and can only be cast by chaotic or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a lawful caster.

    Order's Wrath
    Evocation [Lawful]
    Level: Clr 4
    Components: V, S
    Saving Throw: Will partial, see text.

    You unleash lawful power to smite your enemies. This spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (max 5d8) to chaotic creatures (or 1d6 points of damage per caster level (max 10d6) to chaotic outsiders) and dazes them for a short period of time. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the daze effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures that are neither lawful nor chaotic, and they are not dazed. Such creatures can reduce the damage by half again (down to one quarter) with a successful Will save. This spell deals no damage to lawful creatures, and can only be cast by lawful or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a chaotic caster.

    Unholy Blight
    Evocation [Evil]
    Level: Clr 4
    Components: V, S
    Saving Throw: Will partial, see text.

    You call up unholy power to smite your enemies. This spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (max 5d8) to good creatures (or 1d6 points of damage per caster level (max 10d6) to good outsiders) and sickens them for a short period of time. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the sicken effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures that are neither good nor evil, and they are not sickened. Such creatures can reduce the damage by half again (down to one quarter) with a successful Will save. This spell deals no damage to evil creatures, and can only be cast by evil or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a good caster.
    Love for my True Neutral Cleric

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