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  1. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael.walden View Post
    If your a true neutral Cleric lets say. OMG I dont have a deity. Will you be able to cast all three of these new damage dealing spells for clerics?
    Yes you can. The only thing that can block you from casting them is being of an opposed alignment, and true neutral isn't opposed to anything.

  2. #422
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    There is now another group sending advertizements threw the mail wanting people to buy threw them. How can this be? Whats next dateing services, car loans, mortage financing, viagra ads. I hate salesmen because they can never accept when they are not wanted. Why cant turbine control this? It would be nice that when the mail icon appears that I can click on the icon and see were the mail came from also at the same time I could delete it without goneing to a mail box. The alternative is to ignore the mail all together. If turbine does nothing to stop it then all you guys are doing is lip service which is insulting and makes you guys lose creditabilty

  3. #423


    Out of curiosity, what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
    Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
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  4. #424
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    Do you really need me to answer that? What part bothers you?

  5. #425
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Default In Developement: New Spells and Enhancements for 4.2

    I think the problem is that this thread is about SPells and Enhancments for 4.2 And not about enhancing the mail system to filter spam. You might have meant to post that in a different development thread. Like the WDA or something like it.


  6. #426
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    You really belive that I need to hear that? I am going to try not to take it as an insult!! Why should it matter were I post it? Maybe it should accrue to you that maybe I have it book marked here!!

  7. #427
    Community Member Talias006's Avatar
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    No, I don't believe you needed to hear that. I think they were just saying that perhaps your comment would've been better warranted if it were listed in the WDA post where there might be a possibility of it making sense showing up in. Believe what you will, but this is a thread started by an employee of Turbine to discuss the issues of the new magic spells and character enhancements.

    Dropping the Mail issue in here is actually very much like the problem you're experiencing with people sending you spam mail or messages that are off-topic to what you're interested in seeing.

    And if I offended you in any way, I'm sorry.

    Shall we get back to Spells and Enhancement concerns?
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Coyle still hates you.

  8. #428
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    Ok. I will try to keep that in mind the next time I feel the need to post my comments. Since spells were brought up and i have greed for them how about Bigby's forceful hand, Mordenkainen's sword, and blink. Levitate would be nice as well. For rangers the water walk spell and maybe the feat track

  9. #429
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    Default Thanks Glimpster

    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    Yes you can. The only thing that can block you from casting them is being of an opposed alignment, and true neutral isn't opposed to anything.
    Thanks for the answer.

  10. #430
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    It would have been nice to hear from some one from turbine about the spells I was asking about in one of three ways, bless you, drop dead, or maybe but that did not happien. So now I feel this place is for craps and giggles big waste of time. SO I will slither back under my rock and in my hole and not come back again!!!

  11. #431
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    Smile holy sword

    just wondering how others that play pally feel about this new holysword spell?
    i find it may have its uses but really not worth meming, personally i would rather have deathward memd 9 out of 10 times. im not familiar with the D&D rules in eberron all that well but i was told that this spell should be able to work on any of your personal weapons and damage should stack also. if this is true why did turbin not implement the spell in this way? was it fear of overpowering the pally? well just wanted to know what others think of it.

  12. #432
    Community Member BrntVan's Avatar
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    Default New Spells

    These new spells aren't that great like you have to be lawful good to cast some of these cleric spells. But nightshield is very helpful it also stacks with regular Shield.
    Last edited by BrntVan; 07-23-2007 at 08:19 AM. Reason: I wanted to change the face it was not right with the script

  13. #433


    Quote Originally Posted by BrntVan View Post
    you have to be lawful good to cast some of these cleric spells.
    That's not true.
    Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
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  14. #434
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrntVan View Post
    These new spells aren't that great like you have to be lawful good to cast some of these cleric spells. But nightshield is very helpful it also stacks with regular Shield.
    Well it really just eliminates the need for a resistance item....actually somewhat useful. My wizard will be finding a new cloak, or I will be getting the Dragon boots and putting on a cloak of the roc, giving me freedom of movement in addition to my +3 resistance from the nightshield spell.

  15. #435
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    I think the problem is that this thread is about SPells and Enhancments for 4.2 And not about enhancing the mail system to filter spam. You might have meant to post that in a different development thread. Like the WDA or something like it.

    I thought it was kind of funny that a post about unwanted mail was posted where no one wanted to read it.

    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  16. #436
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Well it really just eliminates the need for a resistance item....actually somewhat useful. My wizard will be finding a new cloak, or I will be getting the Dragon boots and putting on a cloak of the roc, giving me freedom of movement in addition to my +3 resistance from the nightshield spell.
    Yep. My wizard is now wearing that Cloak of Protection +5 I had in the more need for the Co Resist +3 if I can cast it on myself.

    (is 34AC nonbuffed on a Wizard good?)
    Last edited by Talon Moonshadow; 07-23-2007 at 02:02 PM.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  17. #437
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Which may be a valid complaint, but has nothing to do with your initial assertion that the Devs haven't read anything but the PHB and the DMG.

    And seriously, cure critical potions? Maybe you should read the DMG.
    Quote Originally Posted by EspyLacopa View Post
    Actually MT, That rule is in the Player's Handbook, in the description for the Brew Potion feat.
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Well, it's in both places then, cause it's also in the DMG under the description of potions.
    Quote Originally Posted by EspyLacopa View Post
    Then I guess the guy who wanted Cure Critical potions should read better.
    I own over 40 PnP books sorry if i cant quote them all at the same time and list page numbers like some of the bigger pnp geeks but the point is i can find more then 80% in just the basic books of the rules they are either not following or blaming on its a video game or could put in with little or no real animations or maybe even just a different colour on an animation that exists not like they havent done that before the whole potions thing wouldnt be so out of the ordinary in DDO where bending the rules to suit there needs is an everyday affair

    guess what my real problem is that well not enough stuff comes in the updates to keep us from endless loot runs

    there is no customization leading to a world filled with people that look identical now they merged the worlds so its just gonna make it worse

    so maybe they need to pic up a complete arcane and make a major update for casters then how about opening up the complete adventure and toss us a monkey grip or the hundered plus feats and special abilites that only require a symbol and a die roll

    in school i used to program in turing (and that is a old **** program now) and i remember it not being so hard to create a square icon that people can click on and add a line to a if and or then statement (all basic programing is based on these same commands just writtten differently in code) to grant a +1-4 ability or damage amplifier to what is already available

    ok monkey grip might require a little more cause you might have to make a second notice program that determines if your able to weild the weapon in one hand based on the fact that you have the feat and deny others from doing it if they dont

    the point is if we only see a major update once every 5 months then we will never get the game we should have had at launch before everyone leaves the game and it goes bankrupt and becomes the greatest game that never lived

    we dont have servers like WOW with 15 million people you want to know why its cause there isnt enough to do

    like em or not the PnP'ers are the reason this game got made

    keep em happy all you have to do is try a little one race and one class a year is not enough and 10 slightly better because everything else sucks spells every couple months might make some happy who dont read the books but others sit here going damd i cant create the character i love from my PnP world cause there are no prestige classes or the spells i love to use or necromancers or evil alignment or warmages or druids or monks or cause multiclassing has been downtalked so much that somepeople wont even party with someone with 2 multi classes in there description (i admit i hate inviteing people with less then 13 levels of caster and something else unless they are clerics and looking for extra sp) either cause of damage out put or because they become mana leaches for clerics and casters just to level them off with everyone else (also explains why i mainly guild party)

    all i really want is to see that they hear these kinds of things and eventually put out quarterly progections as to what they have planned why not send IGN some video of stuff you have planned for the main mods so we can look and see what work is being done to fix what or what spell animations are complete how about a seperate section with interviews and video of game updates for the future updates and what little stuff is complete or at least at the testing stage so we can start building the hype faster maybe if this had been done by now we wouldnt have had to merge servers.


    if we end up merging any smaller it means turbine/DDO is bankrupt

    Quote Originally Posted by dungeonrat07 View Post
    Yes I know they are from the players hand book but it is also in the Eberron book aswell and by the way I have both books. Yes you are right it is time for me to move on and find something elseto do! Thank you and have a good day

    oh dont that suck when you get a book thrown in your face about something eh yeah i thought so

    Quote Originally Posted by THACO View Post
    Can't we all just learn to get along? Now play nice.
    I know Thaco and i am sorry

    i think Thaco here has made a good point about forum edicate this is the Development discussion forums we should be sticking to the main topic leaving personal problems with other forum friends and j3rks and focus on the perpose of the forum

    to slander Developers and throw our endless ideas as to how help them make more money from more people thus creating a larger gaming experience and thus raising turbines hand as the company to produce the best MMO available to date

    but if we are so busy fighting with ourselves the devs dont read

    they dont fix

    and if fact usually screw things up

    all cause we couldnt get along and find a compramise here on the forums

    and no i am not really being sarcastic

    Quote Originally Posted by Talon Moonshadow View Post
    Yep. My wizard is now wearing that Cloak of Protection +5 I had in the more need for the Co Resist +3 if I can cast it on myself.

    (is 34AC nonbuffed on a Wizard good?)

    yeah that is pretty good i only got a 30 unbuffed with my +5 protection cloak on yadidnt but really now that i got a stormreavers napkin and a +2 int tome (scored yesterday on elite titan) i try to stay away from anything melee and focus on fire ice damage from afar and mind tricks to keep them away

    i really want a warmage cause then you will see casters with decent ac become a more popular thing they get ability to (at higher levels) wear meduim armor with no spell faliure just hoping i can get a mythral full plate before warmages are available
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    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  18. 09-21-2007, 10:00 PM

  19. 09-21-2007, 10:22 PM

  20. 09-21-2007, 10:30 PM

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