Just curious. Do you play a cleric? If so do you ever use Slay Living? If not then you're not very well informed. If you do then I just dunno what to say. You have none of the problems other clerics have. If you are a front line cleric and you target a monster in front of you by the time you target it and move within range to cast it has either aggroed on you or another party member and moves. Often past you or to the side... either way it is no longer "line of sight" and the SP is wasted and the spell fails. I have been clericing a long time now. Since BETA in fact. So please extend your wealth of knowlege that seems to make you a better and wiser cleric then all the rest of those having this issue with touch spells.
Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
"A good player overcomes. A poor player is overcome" -Proud member of DWAT
Lorein Azura Childs
Guild Leader: Sanctuary
Evangelina Azura Childs.......Cleric (13)
Lorein Azura Childs.............Cleric (14)
Navidiius Terra Apexi...........Wizard (14)
Legebrandiel Engeven..........Paladin (06)
Mithrialia Narawen Engev'fer.Ranger (14)
Charmian Loreweaver..........Bard (07)
Arcadia Terra Apexi........... Wizard (13)
No good deed goes unpunished.
That has to do with the game mechanic and it IS NOT OUR FAULT! Mobs are programmed to flank us. If you are casting when they try to flank, the following happens. You can turn your character and track the enemy, maintaining facing the whole time. But if the mob breaks facing of where you were when you started casting the spell, you get a facing error, even if you tracked the mob and manually changed your facing to compensate. It is very apparent with long cast spells, still apparent with short cast versus fast mobs, and IMO one of the most frustrating aspects of casting DDO.
Disagree that its a "cater to me" type of thing completely.
Its a "facing" thing. In PnP facing is pretty much a free action. Due to the mechanics of the game(im guessing), simply performance issues and/or wonky AI, mobs that were once standing in front of you are now off to the side or even completely behind you.
Ive suggested that they bring the free facing back into DDO. Make all touch range spells free of facing. If they are in touch range, the spell goes off. Simple right?
This is by no means a cater to anyone type of thing though. It IS very annoying thing to have mob standing there one sec only to be off to your side in the blink of an eye when your spell goes off... or doesnt go off. Doesnt happen all the time but it deos happen plenty that I always take note of it.
Yes I play a cleric, he's 2 months old my main is a Wizard so I am familiar with casting spells...As far as my wealth of knowledge it's pretty basic...you must face your target isn't something you need a high IQ to grasp. And there are spells that cast at targets behind you (at least some Arcane AOE).
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
Something that needs to be considered in translation (which it seems is never the case in this game) is that pnp D&D ignores facing. not to mention that pnp D&D is in rounds, and that the chance of being able to walk up and touch something is pretty much guaranteed except in a few cases. not only this, but in pnp D&D touch spells stay on your hand for 1 round per caster level, so if something does jump out of the way, you can try again later provided you dont cast another spell. This all being considered, touch spells arent so bad in pnp. However with so many things in DDO, translation from pnp has been poor at best. The Devs have not considered that in real time, with an AI that has monsters jumping around like they are on crack (even oozes) touch spells are almost certain to be wasted, since there is no way to hold a touch spell's charge. If its not due to range, its due to the monster jumping over you behind your back. (again, oozes do this with amazing agility, despite their near-zero dexterity scores) With no such thing as an attack of opprotunity, these monsters are free to be acrobats without any penalty. You wont ever see any player able to jump behind a monster's back to dodge a touch spell, that is for certain.
To be perfectly honest, touch spells have no place in a game where every monster from kobolds to oozes to dragons move around like crackheads trained as professional acrobats. Sure, you want to simulate the pnp experience...but to tell you the truth, I have never faced a pnp monster that acted in real time in my round-based combats. This should be something to consider.
Well you got me there. I'm just to stupid to know that I have to face a monster to cast touch spells. I guess I'm also so dumb that I have no clue what I am talking about. Oh wait. I do know these things. Except, with few exceptions, most monsters will simply not stand still like a moron and let you do your Bippity Bobbity Boo on them. So either the AI needs to be adjusted or touch spells need some tweaking to be made more effective in a non-turn based environment.
But I'm sure you have some special retort for this comment as well and I will simply go over here and speak to this wall as it will likely hear what others have to say a little better then some people seem to.![]()
Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
"A good player overcomes. A poor player is overcome" -Proud member of DWAT
Why are these the only two choices?
All you have said is; "The touch attack doesn't work when the enemy is running past me...so therefor the spell must be tweaked to be made more effective."
I see it the other way. Yes, I have had Slay Living get wasted because of what you mentioned, but I realized it was MY FAULT, not the AI. I pretty much won't cast Slay Living unless I'm sure it is gonna land ie: when the mob won't be running out of range or past me. What you've been playing a cleric all this time and still can't handle that?![]()
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
Remember when charm spells would only work 50% of the time and even then the charmed mob would still attack you? That's something to ask for a fix for, not this.
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
Plus wouldn't you rather have the dev time go into tweaking other, more important stuff? Like bugs that have been in the game since, well, forever
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
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*sigh* I'll have to go hunting for info, somewhere DDO tells you that you will waste mana and have your spells not go off under certain conditions ie: your party member ran around a corner while you was trying to buff/heal or the monster ran out of range of spell. or something like that.
Touch attacks are like that, same with PK and FoD, for a reason.
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
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