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Like Tempest.
No pre-raid quests, no pressure, just fun. No 'if you get knocked off your out of the quest', you get knocked off in Tempest you just run back up.
Lots of people have fun in Tempest. Sure there is no raid loot, but you get a lot of (crappy) chests and kill a bunch of stuff, get some decent xp, and play with 12 people instead of 6.
Everyone really really hates running pre-raid quests over and over and over again. People hate it a lot now. Running von 1-4 get old after a while. You dont get naything but crappy loot, even on elite all the chests are meh, and after a few runs your not getting any xp either.
It would be nice however if it wasnt a 'solve a puzzle to kill the invulnerable boss'. Enough raid puzzles. Make it a stand up fight. No gimmicks, no super annoying mechanics like air elementals that can knock you down at will just by getting close, no archers with red names on pillars that can hamstring you from 30 feet away, no lasers and shields or puzzle pots, no 'fall off you cant get back in stuff' - just a big nasty fight.
That would be a lot of fun.