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Thread: Ideas For DDO

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Post Ideas For DDO

    The Auction house could Be bumped up a little. They need to put advance search in there so we can just type what we want, Also Im glad profesions are coming in from what I hear. That is great We could use Leather working, First AId Skills... and so on. The User interfaces could use some work too. I will come back with some Ideas For that

  2. #2
    Community Member LOUDRampart's Avatar
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    All servers total wipe. Get rid of Monty Hall. Decrease Mob hps, get rid of the 20 hp bump PC's get. Adjust spell times back the way they should be. Get rid of all vendors selling potions, wands, scrolls (allow for a wizard trainer where wizards can buy the "inscribed spell"). Give us the same auction house as LOTRO.

    And if the devs aren't willing to do all that, continue improving the game... I'm still having fun.

  3. #3
    Community Member Spill's Avatar
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    Return to the table...

    PnP D&D please... It was the dream... D&D on the PC as group game.

    The way has been lost.
    Last edited by Spill; 06-22-2007 at 09:52 AM.

  4. #4
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    Default More Ideas

    I was wondering if any one was going to put more ideas on here. Well I think DDO is way better the WOW. I have a rouge on there and I am 41. Grouping on there is real Bad it takes hours to find a group. On DDO it only takes like 10 min 15 max. Now this is what i call a MMO DDO is the best so far i have played.

  5. #5
    Community Member OKCRandy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webbing2006 View Post
    I was wondering if any one was going to put more ideas on here. Well I think DDO is way better the WOW. I have a rouge on there and I am 41. Grouping on there is real Bad it takes hours to find a group. On DDO it only takes like 10 min 15 max. Now this is what i call a MMO DDO is the best so far i have played.
    A number of threads on this, I've got my own running wish list, not necessarily in order of preference:

    (1) A paid expansion. Something new on the shelves, new internet press. Make it worth the money.
    (2) Please advertise. I never saw a single DDO advertisement.
    (3) Give the guilds some love. Need new features, guild bank, exclusive guild taverns (guild house?), guild crests.
    (4) New races, new classes.
    (5) More variety for customizing character appearance, particularly size of character. Why can’t we make our toons just a little thinner, fatter, taller, and shorter with more variety in the facial additions? Three scars on the face, a little lame! Capes, boots, and other apparel.
    (6) A new non-instanced area off the market place, maybe open that twelve area, a new house, another marketplace or suburb (may have level requirement or quest to enter like WW prereq to marketplace).
    (7) Crafting. Never seen it, but apparently very popular. Someone mentioned making those gems worthwhile to collect. Add them to weapons and such, perhaps make new collectibles. Dragon scales, tokens, adamantium are all very cool collectibles, although I don’t so much like one quest only to collect them, should be spread out more. If we have to quest farm, should have more quests to farm the collectible for variety.
    (8) More baddies. I love seeing a new monster. Not just high level, but new low level and mid-level monsters.
    (9) Make Necropolis fun. A lot of content that few people enjoy. Back to the workshop, overhaul completely. Change XP, Loot, and throw in some living, create explorer area, add banker and AH.
    (10) Water fighting, water based baddies.
    (11) Wands stack like scrolls and gems. Create a system for storing arrows better, ability to buy or gain through favor a uber arrow storage quiver.
    (12) Keep adding and revamping the old wilderness areas, excellent concept.
    (13) Better equipment for spell casters. My melee seems to have a lot of cool names and random items to hope for, not so much with my cleric.
    (14) More mini-quests, 5 minute runs like the giant caves and those found in the explorer areas. They've got a good start, but nothing really matches those quick 5 minute giant runs anywhere else,I wish they'd add something like that in GH and the Desert.
    Home Town Stormreach, Sarlona
    Guild - The Misfits.

    Kahil - lvl 12 Paladin/2 Fighter (Main)
    Alamitra - lvl 11 Paladin (Just Call him the Big Gimper)
    Vitiate - lvl 12 32pt Cleric
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    Coming soon an Arcane Spellcaster or another Paladin.

  6. #6
    Community Member Klattuu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRandy1 View Post
    (1) A paid expansion. Something new on the shelves, new internet press. Make it worth the money.
    (2) Please advertise. I never saw a single DDO advertisement.
    I see this comming soon. During Summer months in North America, the bang for the MMO advertising buck is pretty low. Come September, when more people are sitting in front of their computers and Mod 5 is slated for release, advertising will be more beneficial. Right now though, DDO is going through a lot of restructuring preparing for the next couple of year's development. As a marketing strategy, this is not a good time to invite tons of new players into the game. Mod 5 is the goal.
    And yes, it has been quite some time since a DDO advertisement has been seen but they were there.

    (3) Give the guilds some love. Need new features, guild bank, exclusive guild taverns (guild house?), guild crests.
    (4) New races, new classes.
    (6) A new non-instanced area off the market place, maybe open that twelve area, a new house, another marketplace or suburb (may have level requirement or quest to enter like WW prereq to marketplace).
    (7) Crafting. Never seen it, but apparently very popular. Someone mentioned making those gems worthwhile to collect. Add them to weapons and such, perhaps make new collectibles. Dragon scales, tokens, adamantium are all very cool collectibles, although I don’t so much like one quest only to collect them, should be spread out more. If we have to quest farm, should have more quests to farm the collectible for variety.
    (8) More baddies. I love seeing a new monster. Not just high level, but new low level and mid-level monsters.
    (9) Make Necropolis fun. A lot of content that few people enjoy. Back to the workshop, overhaul completely. Change XP, Loot, and throw in some living, create explorer area, add banker and AH.
    (10) Water fighting, water based baddies.
    (12) Keep adding and revamping the old wilderness areas, excellent concept.
    (13) Better equipment for spell casters. My melee seems to have a lot of cool names and random items to hope for, not so much with my cleric.
    (14) More mini-quests, 5 minute runs like the giant caves and those found in the explorer areas. They've got a good start, but nothing really matches those quick 5 minute giant runs anywhere else,I wish they'd add something like that in GH and the Desert.

    All of these things have been discussed and are reportedly somewhere in the pipline

    (5) More variety for customizing character appearance, particularly size of character. Why can’t we make our toons just a little thinner, fatter, taller, and shorter with more variety in the facial additions? Three scars on the face, a little lame! Capes, boots, and other apparel.

    I would like to see more of this as well. It seems they are experimenting with it a bit, such as swinging ponytails and dragonmarking, but such features are not high on the list of things to do. For me, I want more realistic character movement. Turbine did an amazing job of this in AC2 and I was disappointed when DDO characters spun on axis when turning and didn't bother to turn their head at look at an items when it was focused on. Show me the character moving to put on a new robe or armor. Animate me changing boots and hats. Such things though take and people to produce and there are much higher priority items coming.

    (11) Wands stack like scrolls and gems. Create a system for storing arrows better, ability to buy or gain through favor a uber arrow storage quiver.

    I don't see this happening. All unique items, such as wands, don't stack because when you put them together it is difficult to separate them out again. It is when items are exactly alike and have no ability to differentiate, such as arrows, potions, scrolls, that they are allowed to stack.

    The crux of the situation is the amount of packspace available is a limiting factor. This is the way it is supposed to be. To be fair though, DDO characters have access to probably 100x more resources during and adventure than their PnP counterparts. Carrying 1000 arrows in PnP is a rediculous notion - carrying less than a 1000 arrows in DDO is considered unprepared.
    Quote Originally Posted by LOUDRampart View Post
    All servers total wipe. Get rid of Monty Hall. Decrease Mob hps, get rid of the 20 hp bump PC's get. Adjust spell times back the way they should be. Get rid of all vendors selling potions, wands, scrolls (allow for a wizard trainer where wizards can buy the "inscribed spell").

    Many of these factors were done to inject believability and realism into the actions of the characters - pure D&D does not do this well when set in real-time for which it is not designed.
    As far as the Monty Hall syndrome, remember that the game is only 70% complete as far as getting to level 20. Many have started to notice that while characters are rising in power, item are not rising as fast. What this means is items will help you be successful in rising through the mid-levels but become less of a factor as you approach 20.
    Responses in Red
    Last edited by Klattuu; 07-06-2007 at 02:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member AEschyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spill View Post
    Return to the table...

    PnP D&D please... It was the dream... D&D on the PC as group game.

    The way has been lost.
    no... ddo was never meant to be pnp on the pc... if you want that go play NWN or dig up a dusty copy of Baldur's Gate 2...

    ddo was meant to be what it is, an mmo BASED on d&d
    Aesch - Ranger 13|Paladin 3 ~ Aeschill - Sorceror 16
    You Cant Shake The Devil's Hand and Say You're Only Kidding.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by AEschyl View Post
    no... ddo was never meant to be pnp on the pc... if you want that go play NWN or dig up a dusty copy of Baldur's Gate 2...
    Even those are pale shadows of real D&D with a good DM. There are some things I like better about D&D on a computer. The story moves much faster, you get to level up more characters in a shorter time frame. Basicaly the "game" part of D&D is often better on a computer. But the "story" part will simply never compare to the live interaction of creative players and a creative DM. The only things NWN and BG offer that DDO doesn't are the more involved plots and NPCs. But you just can't do that in an MMO where the world must remain fairly static so each player can experience all the stories. Also, thos games can simply stop the action to tel you story, in an multi player hame you can't do that. I've played NWN multi player and its basicaly a slower paced version of DDO, you loose some of the sense of story when you are not involved in every dialog and interaction in an adventure.

    I think DDO excels for the simple fact of having built in VOIP. The way in which DDO most captures the D&D feel is the table talk of the group members. If you play with people that don't chat on the mike about movies or life or thier characters or what have you.. you are missing out on the best part of this game in many ways.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by AEschyl View Post
    no... ddo was never meant to be pnp on the pc... if you want that go play NWN or dig up a dusty copy of Baldur's Gate 2...

    ddo was meant to be what it is, an mmo BASED on d&d
    The truth has been spoken.
    Khyber (Formerly of Aundair)
    Keepers of the Arcane

    Kendon Dorak - Level 5 Elven Rogue / Level 3 Fighter / Level 2 Ranger
    Aguila Rohan - Level 11 Human Paladin
    Senshi Silverbane - Level 5 Human Cleric / Level 1 Fighter
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    Ignacio Wolfbane - Level 5 Dwarven Fighter

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOUDRampart View Post
    All servers total wipe. Get rid of Monty Hall. Decrease Mob hps, get rid of the 20 hp bump PC's get. Adjust spell times back the way they should be. Get rid of all vendors selling potions, wands, scrolls (allow for a wizard trainer where wizards can buy the "inscribed spell"). Give us the same auction house as LOTRO.

    And if the devs aren't willing to do all that, continue improving the game... I'm still having fun.
    Almost perfect.. dont forget to make noobie harbor back to normal difficulty. Most players today glide up until they try the hardest quest on elite and cry. Make them learn how we learned and stop kissing butt..

  11. #11
    Community Member FlyinS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOUDRampart View Post
    All servers total wipe. Get rid of Monty Hall. Decrease Mob hps, get rid of the 20 hp bump PC's get. Adjust spell times back the way they should be. Get rid of all vendors selling potions, wands, scrolls (allow for a wizard trainer where wizards can buy the "inscribed spell"). Give us the same auction house as LOTRO.
    One can only wish
    Sarlona - Brotherhood of Redemption Officer
    Nimlok, Cindraa, Kolnim, Grimnarr, Zenz
    Quote Originally Posted by Porkchop View Post
    If you believe in yourself, drink your school, stay in drugs, and don't do milk - you can get uber loot!

  12. #12
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOUDRampart View Post
    All servers total wipe. Get rid of Monty Hall. Decrease Mob hps, get rid of the 20 hp bump PC's get. Adjust spell times back the way they should be. Get rid of all vendors selling potions, wands, scrolls (allow for a wizard trainer where wizards can buy the "inscribed spell"). Give us the same auction house as LOTRO.

    And if the devs aren't willing to do all that, continue improving the game... I'm still having fun.
    Only if they fix melee combat to be like P&P also. You know like decreasing BAB instead of increased and number of attacks fixed to proper levels, oh and 6 second melee rounds instead of 2 seconds.
    Clerics of Fernia
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    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  13. #13
    Community Member AEschyl's Avatar
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    omg, they should totally make quest-based time-freezes that forced the combat into turn-based action!

    every 6 seconds the instance freezes, you have that time to input your next plan of action. once those 6 seconds are over you see that round get enacted - then it freezes again, rinse and repeat...

    d00d that would rock!

    Aesch - Ranger 13|Paladin 3 ~ Aeschill - Sorceror 16
    You Cant Shake The Devil's Hand and Say You're Only Kidding.

  14. #14
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AEschyl View Post
    omg, they should totally make quest-based time-freezes that forced the combat into turn-based action!

    every 6 seconds the instance freezes, you have that time to input your next plan of action. once those 6 seconds are over you see that round get enacted - then it freezes again, rinse and repeat...

    d00d that would rock!

    you wouldnt need to freeze or anything, hey it would bring melee into what casting is now... instead of real time combat and turn based casting.
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  15. #15
    Community Member AzureSun's Avatar
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    Since there is no levitation spell, has there been any thought to implementing climbing along with ropes and hooks? There could be certain places they can be used and an icon would appear if the character could spot the place they can be used. It would help get to hard to reach places and out of areas where the only solutions are to use a dimension door or recall out. I have always thought that the game should offer multiple solutions to puzzles and in some cases it does. The climbing skill would add a whole new dimension to the game.

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