Time to give out more rewards for higher Favor... like maybe 2200 = free feat...???
Time to give out more rewards for higher Favor... like maybe 2200 = free feat...???
The whole game is theirs ie turbines theres a clue that maybe we get something later but not for now and we should never get an extra feat for just having favor goes against the core game. Sorry about the lesson on english but just left comp II class and heard the prof. lecture someone on the diff between there and their.
Last edited by Uska d'Orien; 06-22-2007 at 12:15 AM.
Beware the Sleepeater
They have Already given a Free feat for Favor... With the Second level of Agents of Argonnessen you get a feat that gives you 10 Hit Points.
Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
A preset feat like that isnt so bad as its not really a feat. but a general feat to spend like want is very bad I would prefer they drop both the hp feats then the enhancement system and then deflate the mobs. besides 2200 favor is to low a level to set for the next boost of anything first set was really 400 then 1750 so next should be 5000 as marker is showing at a minium.
Beware the Sleepeater
Total favor rewards are supposed to be for upgrades to the account (the +2 tome reward was an afterthought to lessen the sting of 28 point characters being outmoded by the new 32 point cousins).
I can imagine the next rewards being unlocking new character slots - an apt reward for time spent.
I prefer to look at the levels that I reached the 400 and 1750 markers. I hit my first 400 around the time I was level 6. Running all the stuff for favor, and nothing else repeated, would net you around level 12-3. If you take this idea a step further it means that he next reward would be normally achieved around level 18, so my guess is we'll get something to "work towards" when the level cap gets another bump to 16. As for what it would be? No idea, but I can think of a few things I'd like to see.![]()
1) Free complete respec on all of the account's chars on that server. Once per char earned. So three char's with the favor would mean 3 full respec's per char.
2) Restyle of hair choice at the Stormreach barber 1 per 3 days.
3) A shared bank for that account on the server that has the earned favor. Any char on that server owned by that account can access it.
4) Extra ring/trinket slots for that char.
5) Permanant resistance gained to one type of damage. Like permanat 10 acid resist that would stack with spells/items, or -5 slash (perma axeblock) that would stack w/ DR. Players choice for the favor earning char.
There are a few fun ones for you to mull over. Heck you could even add a couple at different intervals too. Like 1200 favor gets you to the barber, 2500 gets you the free resistance, and 3500 grants you the bank or respec.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
You know what I would like to see as a reward for the next favor lvl.
## Char Reward## Each char that unlocks gets a full respec AND.....
## Account Reward## A house when the 1st char unlocks the favor that ALL chars on account/server can use with about 500 storage slots.
One very nice reward for account with a decent reward for each char.
Member of Archangels (Thelanis)
1750 Favor 11/29/06 {RIP Gary Gygax 3/4/08}
Id just like for my 15 month old characters to giant those 4 extra build points, cause like I pointed out time over again. I would not gain only one attribute point like was suggested. I would gain 4 con, 4 con, 4 con and ummm.... 4 con... no wiat the 4th would be 4 dex or 2 con and 2 dex. I only got 148, 186, 200, and 224 hps on my characters and its way pass the point where that is any good for level 14 front line characters. Getting one shotted isnt any fun...
Yes, but since Mod3, we've had what... <500 favor added? If the newly added quests/favor follow this trend of 500 favor every 6 months, we'll be seeing 5000 total favor in 3 years time. Even with higher level quests granting more favor, it's just too much/too long IMHO.
*Just my opinion, your views may vary.
Ohhhh...pretty!3) A shared bank for that account on the server that has the earned favor. Any char on that server owned by that account can access it.![]()
My thoughts exactly! I was thinking about this one too. I'd love to be able to sacrifice one bank tab from each character to have a 7 tab account-wide bank. It's the same number of tabs/slots, but just about everyone in the game would free up a bank/mule character for play.
Total favor rewards are supposed to be for upgrades to the account (the +2 tome reward was an afterthought to lessen the sting of 28 point characters being outmoded by the new 32 point cousins).
I can imagine the next rewards being unlocking new character slots - an apt reward for time spent.-Klattu
I still think it would only be right for the 28 pointers the receive the tome as standard, then when they reach 2200 be given the upgrade for their 28 to 32 points...
Logic is an enemy, and Truth is a menace.
Renigade Jaime Human TWF-14/2 Barb/ft
Renegade Jaime lv14/2 DPS/High Saves ft/pal
Guild Co-Founder "Dragonblood" Aundair
The reason this has not been done is the process is more complicated than it seems. Skills, feats, and subsequently enhancements all feed off of the attribute list. A simple retroactive upgrade of +4 build points, done properly, is basically the same as a complete character re-statting.
Well, maybe it could be done as an extra slot on the enhancements?... I dunno, I just hope they can work it out... I only play one character...
Even if there was a charge for doing it(to offset the expense for development), I would gladly pay...
Logic is an enemy, and Truth is a menace.
Renigade Jaime Human TWF-14/2 Barb/ft
Renegade Jaime lv14/2 DPS/High Saves ft/pal
Guild Co-Founder "Dragonblood" Aundair