So it came to me this crazy thought to help remedy (or at least begin to remedy) some of the issues I've read about here such as:
1) Content
2) Getting more people playing
3) Getting Player involvement
4) Just Having Fun
The above in no way reflect my personal opinions just some things I've gathered from reading the forums.
So here is my idea:
We have this mysterious place named "The twelve" with no idea what it is or will be used for. Now the devs may have a long term goal to use this or not but here is how I suggest it be used:
The Twelve could represnt All characters over all levels ie kinda of like a council with all character types and levels represented with one exception levels 1 and 2 would be excluded. Here is how I envison it: One NPC councile member to represent each two block level ie 3-4, 5-6. 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14. This would leave room to add council members as the level cap increased.
Second each reprsentative would have a series of quests appropriate for the level they represent.
(This adds much new content over a whole range of levels)
As the level cap increaes a new council member is revealed with new quests
Now here is where the cool part comes:
The council members are chosen from among the characters of active players who are willing to let them be retired to become permanent pieces of Stormreach. This could be done any number of way: random selection among willing partcipants, vote by the active players based on in-game campaing by tose willing to partcipate, perhaps desing special dungeons and over a period of time those who complete the whole dungeon with all optionals in the fastest time (NO REPEATING ALLOWED) etc. There are a myriad of ways this could be done. I think the players should be given a few choices and vote on they way we want this conducted
Next the winners will actually get to give suggestion, ideas, themes for the quests they will represent. Perhaps help design.
Advertise the heck out of this thing.
Cool thing is this will not be a one time thing as a new council member will have to be chosen each time the level cap is raised.
What do you all think.