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  1. #21
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    How about a wish list?
    Add it as a tab on the character sheet. Let me click desired items, stats, prefixes, suffixes.
    Then either:
    a) Modify my drop rates to increase the chance of such an item dropping with variation on the level and rarity of the item (a +5 vorpal greatsword had a much lower chance of dropping then a +3 dex item), possibly reduce my drop rates of other items in exchange.
    or, even better

    b) Every day give a chance of generating a mail item that's from a sage. Visiting the sage and paying (money, or a certain item) will let you know which quest has a chance of having that item. Run the quest and you have an increased chance of finding that item. The increased chance is for that character only. Alternately, perhaps the sage wants you to run a quest for him before he gives you the information.
    "Word has it that you seek the scepter of resurrection, Gidden. I have heard that such a scepter has been seen in the hands of the evil cleric Joss. He has recently taken residence in the necropolis and may still have it with him, or perhaps with one of his superiors."

    In this case, running every quest in the necropolis may get this item for you, or possibly a slightly diluted version of it (sages aren't perfect you know). Certain weapon types may need to be eliminated from the list (ie vorpal).

    Just a thought, I'm kind of sick of pulling daggers and swords for my cleric and it would let me try to get items that will help him.

    (hey I can dream, can't I?)
    Last edited by Gidden; 06-24-2007 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #22
    Community Member LIMBUS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006



    Polearms, spears, any reach weapon. Katanas for rp (I can get a samurai helm), broadswords. Two headed weapons, flails, javelins.

    Bucklers that work right (dual weilding with a buckler).

    Oh and animal companions worth their weight in salt. Whats gonna happen when the druids come out with these pathetic animal companions?
    Last edited by LIMBUS; 06-25-2007 at 10:24 AM.

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