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  1. #41
    Community Member Shecky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    I wouldn't be complaining about my lawn, but I would be upset about something.
    Oh, you are so getting an e-wedgie.

  2. #42
    Founder justjeff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyinS View Post
    The game is flooded with overly-powerful items as it is. The more that are out there the more they mobs have to be inflated to match that. Creature inflation is already a problem.
    I couldn't agree more!!

    I personally will make plans outside of this game for that weekend. The loot weekends bring out the worst in gamers. Everyone gets greedy, demanding, overly focused on performance of party members so that the instances are run as quickly and efficiently as possible. All so that people might get 3 more runs in before their eyes actually start to bleed and their butt cheeks fuse with the computer chair.

    I've already stopped running Giant Hole (yes, that was intentional) quests a week after the instance was added. Everyone and their brother already has a paralyzer, banisher, smiter, etc. So what, now I can replace my +1 paralyzer with a +2 or +3? I think a true milestone will be set when the first +10 stat item drops...won't be this coming loot weekend, but it doesn't seem so far away.

    50% xp?? isn't it already easy enough to get to 14? I come on around midnightish to play a bit before bed and it's nothing but LFM's for high lvl loot runs. All the groups are gonna be hitting Giant Hole for whatever quests are dropping the hot loot.

    I'll disappear for that weekend and when I come back it will be like a grandparent listening to a grandchild rattle of the gifts which Santa had brung.

  3. #43
    Community Member Sarge's Avatar
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    Please rollback the changes in 4.1 to enhance player's returns. I would love to keep the mana but too many crowd control spells were nuked. Point of Order, the web casting was going to be fixed pronto as promised by one of the developers. Just maybe have that and firewall casting time fixed!

    It just might help many of the dedicated casters come back. Then again, fool me once and shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! When you take someone's fun out of playing the game, I sometimes wonder if the developers actually play the game. Why needless nerfs rather than new content. Hoohrah for the dragonmark as I yawningly say it.

    On the forums, people got attacked for saying and thinking what they felt after they tested the new changes. Most of the people did not even take the time to test the changes. Yet, they would attack anyone who had tested them. They called everyone a crybaby and whiner rather than refute the arguements. Is it any wonder why the Company has to offer this type of inducement after the PR hit of nerf 4.1 errghh update 4.1.

    Example of extreme nerfing was human versatility and evasion. There was no real reason given for making human versatity into a 20 second activated feat. That's an extreme nerf to a whole race. Now, how did that affect all the players. Next, evasion was taken away. I understand the reasons given. I would have been on the forums annoucing at least 2 months in advance the change to the game. I believe these 2 nerfs occurred back to back updates as a way to kill the batman builds. One, it would have given time for players to adjust and build the players accordingly. Two, it would have eliminated alot of player aggrevation.

    I see no clear vision for DDO. It's had 3 developers in about a year of operation. Use 1 system and stick to it and offer more content rather than nerfs. Turbine wins the MMO of the year and it's already hurting for people.

    Alot of the casters hate to be pigeoned into haste and buff bot with an occassional fod or pk. On the game, I find it harder to get people to run a quest as a caster in a pug group. Normally, at nite that's not a problem for the guild but it is during the day.

    I am neither a Turbine supporter nor defender. I would like to see the game succeed. Ultimately, I am an older player that has enjoyed the friends that I have made playing the game.
    Last edited by Sarge; 06-03-2007 at 06:51 AM.
    On Khyber: Sargee 13/1 W/R, Sargel 14F

  4. #44
    Community Member SaberMonkey's Avatar
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    Events? Yeah ok, decent idea. +50% Exp? Sure, not a bad idea, might get you through the 7-10 leveling quagmire. +1 loot? Bah!! We are already overpowered as it is. Sorry I can't support that. The last one about made me want to puke.

  5. #45
    Community Member Kerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladededge123 View Post
    You know, the people who are using this as a platform to complain about other problems they have with the game should go start another topic on it and keep it out of here. If this doesn't appeal to you then fine, don't ruin it for the rest of us.
    Probably because this is indicative of the other problems? That this has to be done to placate the player base or try to draw them back after quitting is a sad testament to the direction the game is going. How long before they just do "Welcome Back Weekend XXI - Free Vorpals to Everyone Who Shows Up!"? The developers are breaking this game because this is the only way they know how to try to 'improve' the game. It may already be too late, but if not this isn't helping things.
    Kerron Avon, Human Tempest-Ranger 16 *32 Pt/2200 Favor* Brottor Uthlord, Dwarven Cleric 14/Fighter 1 *1755 Favor* Trellain Silverwood, Elven Archmage 15 *2100 Favor* Gorman Uthgar, Dwarven Tactics Fighter 11 *32 Pt* Wogan, Halfing Cleric 7 *32 Pt/DragonMarked* Sign Gary's Monument Petition:

  6. #46
    Community Member Elliott777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerr View Post
    Probably because this is indicative of the other problems? That this has to be done to placate the player base or try to draw them back after quitting is a sad testament to the direction the game is going. How long before they just do "Welcome Back Weekend XXI - Free Vorpals to Everyone Who Shows Up!"? The developers are breaking this game because this is the only way they know how to try to 'improve' the game. It may already be too late, but if not this isn't helping things.
    Well here is another fine example of trying to bring people down. Look at all the characters you have man! Its no wonder that you are not excited about this as the people who are actually fairly new to the game. I am sure you have all the 5 major items for each and every one of your characters but I mean honestly if you can not see the positive impact this can have for future up and coming DDOers than that is truly sad. Seems to me that all the people that have all the big items would rather brag about having them then see anyone else get them. Now these are things that a detrimental to the game, and in my eyes the 50% XP bonus is the bigger factor for all those people that are stuck at levels 9 & 10 and trying to get over the hump.

    It's really too bad that alot of people will find a way to knock down everything that Turbine does. A huge portion of the community has been requesting this exact event and I for one am glad to see it come.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Elliott777 View Post
    I mean honestly if you can not see the positive impact this can have for future up and coming DDOers than that is truly sad.
    Meanwhile, I believe if you can't see past your own "I want more stuff!" attitude to the damage "+1 loot" does to the game infrastructure, that that's what's truly sad.

    And no, I don't have big fancy items. The best thing I've ever received is +6 strength gloves. (And that was on Risia! >.<)
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  8. #48
    Community Member Kerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliott777 View Post
    Well here is another fine example of trying to bring people down. Look at all the characters you have man! I am sure you have all the 5 major items for each and every one of your characters but I mean honestly if you can not see the positive impact this can have for future up and coming DDOers than that is truly sad.
    I have exactly 2 disruptors, one of which none of my characters can use, 3 paralyzers only two of my characters can use, and 2 smiters. I have never looted a banisher or a vorpal and have none. I have never looted an item with a +6 attribute on it. I have one piece of raid loot that I got because no one else wanted it, and my Cleric was the only one who could really benefit for it (the dragon Concord Ring).

    The difference between you and me is not that I've got a few pieces of loot, but that I see the greed in your post. It doesn't matter what damage these weekends does to the game, as long as you get the loot, right? Well there will come a time when the gold loses it's luster, the gems their sparkle, and the loot you wield it's power. If you could look past your own greed for the loot for just a moment and take a step back and look at the direction the game is going in, you'd know just as I do that the direction is self destruction Monty Haul and over inflation of mobs to the point that this is just WoW-lite.

    And then I hope you'll be happy with your loot.
    Kerron Avon, Human Tempest-Ranger 16 *32 Pt/2200 Favor* Brottor Uthlord, Dwarven Cleric 14/Fighter 1 *1755 Favor* Trellain Silverwood, Elven Archmage 15 *2100 Favor* Gorman Uthgar, Dwarven Tactics Fighter 11 *32 Pt* Wogan, Halfing Cleric 7 *32 Pt/DragonMarked* Sign Gary's Monument Petition:

  9. #49
    Community Member Muravi's Avatar
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    Default really? again?

    I just don't find this to be a great idea. could the devs maybe just show some love to te loyal fans who have stuck around? Six month reward, 1 year, etc... I'm not talking about a vorpal or +5 mith FP. But a little something to single out those who hang through things like update 4.1 would be considerate.
    "What in the nine hells ever made you think I would fight fair?"--The Big D

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  10. #50
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    Default Oh dear god..... :mad:


    Ok, no complaints about the 50% xp, and no complaints here about the +1 loot. In fact, I have a lvl 14.4 fighter and to be quite honest the best weapon he's ever pulled is a +3 True Law Dwarven Axe of Vertigo +8. Anyways that's not what I'm upset about.

    For godsake, please give us at least 1 respec....

    There are 2 things you can do to make old players come back to enjoy the game more:

    1. Add new content that's worth a ****.
    2. Give them a free respec.

    First, Gianthold and the exploratory areas are awesome ideas, kudos to the devs for those implementations, but you just aren't kicking out material fast enough. And not only that, but in order to run the Stormreaver raid, I have to run PoP or some other quest that gets extremely boring after running it 60 times just to get the required relics. I'm not saying make the game uber easy, just provide us with alternatives for getting required items. PoP gives out insane loot/xp compared to many of the other quests in Gianthold and is quite honestly one of the easier quests in the area. So why would I want to run any of the other harder and less rewarding quests when I have to run one just to get the relics anyway?

    Second, there have been several massively sweeping changes made to this game that I have been a loyal customer through. I was here when the Goodblade quests were nearly impossible to run solo, and when a vorpal was a mystical item that perhaps maybe one player on the entire server was able to loot. I stuck with you guys through the multiple nerfs to melees in the beginning and the recent nerfs to casters as well as the enhancement system changes. I even held back from leaving when I heard the auction house was being introduced....(this was like saying "welcome all spammers and plat farmers/sellers!! we no longer have integrity for our money system") I had come to rely on certain elements of the game being there when I built my fighter character and as the changes took place, I ended up having to reroll him 3 times over the last year and a half to get the fighter build that I wanted.

    Now with the most recent enhancement system change, I no longer have HV, or my AC boost which were so nice, and I can no longer use certain items that I have grown accustomed to since my UMD is no longer high enough. I've lost about 15 HP, 1 point of strength, 4 points of AC, and several points on certain skills.


    Please, keep your xp and loot weekends and give your dedicated player base something they deserve, a free respec, I can guarantee you this will also serve to bring back many of the players you've lost due to the disinterest in the game or dissatisfaction with the way it's been managed.

  11. #51
    Community Member Elliott777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerr View Post
    I have exactly 2 disruptors, one of which none of my characters can use, 3 paralyzers only two of my characters can use, and 2 smiters. I have never looted a banisher or a vorpal and have none. I have never looted an item with a +6 attribute on it. I have one piece of raid loot that I got because no one else wanted it, and my Cleric was the only one who could really benefit for it (the dragon Concord Ring).

    The difference between you and me is not that I've got a few pieces of loot, but that I see the greed in your post. It doesn't matter what damage these weekends does to the game, as long as you get the loot, right? Well there will come a time when the gold loses it's luster, the gems their sparkle, and the loot you wield it's power. If you could look past your own greed for the loot for just a moment and take a step back and look at the direction the game is going in, you'd know just as I do that the direction is self destruction Monty Haul and over inflation of mobs to the point that this is just WoW-lite.

    And then I hope you'll be happy with your loot.
    Where do you get off calling me greedy first of all? The only thing I have said that I think the 50% XP is more beneficial than the loot is. Don't make me out to be the "Greedy" bad guy when you are the one that is bashing this whole thing. Nice try on the turnaround though!

  12. #52
    Community Member Pheanre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    we've announced plans for another weekend of looting and debauchery
    See I think people are really missing the real picture here Turbine an authoritative figure is PROMOTING LOOTING on their grounds not to mention the debauchery that always follows the looting. I wonder if they will mind pillaging and plundering to go along with the looting.

    I know that there are several well adjusted hobgoblins homes that I have to break into kill the owners there guards but I will leave the women and children cause if I kill them then who is going to swear a blood oath to hunt me down and kill me for killing there fathers and i cant destory some ones chance at revenge call me old fashioned.

    And why stop with just hobgoblins I know of several dwarves that are hording lots of valuables. Not to mention some dragons or two I know of.

    Anyway I really look forward to the pillaging and plundering I hope the 12 dont take mind to it wish I knew who they where they sound in need of some help in offloading some extra baggage.
    "Ultimatly DDO is the super blockbuster movie of the summer and PnP is the book it is loosly based off" - Suppoko

  13. #53
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default +50% xp is good for getting to level 10

    i do fine with loot, i simply looking forward to the xp bonus so i can get my latest characters up to level 10

  14. #54
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    i do fine with loot, i simply looking forward to the xp bonus so i can get my latest characters up to level 10
    amen. +1 chests arent all that important to me, but I would love to use all the lvl 10 required junk in my alts banks!

  15. #55
    Community Member FlyinS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shecky View Post

    Get over it, people. Maybe some of us DON'T already have a complete set of all the best loot in the game yet.
    I don't have anything approaching a complete set. I have 0 vorpals, banishers, smiters, disruptors, etc. I have 1 greater bane weapon. One.

    I'm still fully against another +1 loot weekend and still feel it's the opiate of the masses.
    Last edited by FlyinS; 06-04-2007 at 12:12 PM.
    Sarlona - Brotherhood of Redemption Officer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Porkchop View Post
    If you believe in yourself, drink your school, stay in drugs, and don't do milk - you can get uber loot!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliott777 View Post
    Well here is another fine example of trying to bring people down. Look at all the characters you have man! Its no wonder that you are not excited about this as the people who are actually fairly new to the game. I am sure you have all the 5 major items for each and every one of your characters but I mean honestly if you can not see the positive impact this can have for future up and coming DDOers than that is truly sad. Seems to me that all the people that have all the big items would rather brag about having them then see anyone else get them. Now these are things that a detrimental to the game, and in my eyes the 50% XP bonus is the bigger factor for all those people that are stuck at levels 9 & 10 and trying to get over the hump.

    It's really too bad that alot of people will find a way to knock down everything that Turbine does. A huge portion of the community has been requesting this exact event and I for one am glad to see it come.
    Where is this huge portion that was requesting this event? I dont recall seeing an outcrying for it anywhere. As a matter of fact what i do remember is people making a joke about us getting one after the last update was so well received. Low and behold as predicted we got one.

  17. #57
    Community Member Santovious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shecky View Post
    Good god, if the sky started raining $1000 bills, you people would complain that your lawn was getting cluttered! SHEESH. People keep saying, "Why doesn't Turbine listen to its players and do something other than opiates for the masses?" but they FORGET just how many threads and posts have ASKED for another loot/xp weekend. Apparently, "Turbine doesn't listen to its players" REALLY means "Turbine doesn't listen to ME SPECIFICALLY".

    Get over it, people. Maybe some of us DON'T already have a complete set of all the best loot in the game yet.
    well that is a good point for the newer players. It's kinda sad to see a game like this that i anticipated for years get beat up by it's players. We have great character building posibilities, the lag is no where near things like GFay on another game. We acually don't have to run for 30 mins. to get some where and just look at the great gafix for our sky water characters. You get to fight dragons before lvl 9,000,000 after 6 months camping the same frikin' spot and fighting other players for space it nthe quest.
    Why dose the rogue go first?

  18. #58
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Default Don't Poo-Poo, ...

    one of my only opportunities to find some better gear, to me the game is still incredibly difficult. I have none of the ultra-cool items, that people refer too. But, in order for me to progress past level 4 quests, alot of solo'ing because PuG's are dicey at best, I need to find better gear. I do have a couple of nice multi-attribute weapons, and this will be one of the few chances I have. My +3 longsword is getting alot of perm. wear. Which I found on the last weekend. I realize some will say that's my fault, 'cause I don't go vendor browsing, or utlize the AH. But, personally I don't want to waste my time. I want to get my two quarters worth each day. I will have to say that once I realized the ease of SC, I shamelessly farmed that for the little bit of gear I do now have, which is spread amongst all my alt's, until they fixed it.
    Some(most) of the content is still new to me, I have yet to even run maybe 2/3 of the available content. I don't want to rush to the top, nor could I, I could however power-level myself by running the quests in a 'correct' order. It would almost be impossible to avoid leveling up quickly, by having the quests work on three difficulty settings(esen. 4 /w solo.). And, I am now in the process of trying to go in order with my newest alt's after this occured to me. I held off leveling Chunkss to 8th, to get the quests that I had not done through elite, in order to leave no xp point behind. By that time I was rank 3 8th, and could have had more if I could have gotten through Cata. pt 5 I think on hard/solo. I tell ya', to me, one of the MOST important things I can work for is my doggie staff, I try to get the Totemic Staff as soon as possible(pre-Hauler). Now, with the newest alt's I want to follow the quest level.
    So, my vote is for continuing the bonus weekend's, since as of yesterday, Chunkss, recieved the message in the SC xp dialogue *Excessive Rep.* -90% xp(base for elite 524xp, but I will still do it for the gear, 'cause I just pulled a +1(i think) Axiomatic khopesh of tendon slice, I'll probably never use it, but it's worth 32k gp. That's a rare find for me, but the +1 studded leather with 3/day MM will definately be used alot I'm sure! I still only have about 20k pp, if I pooled it all. And wands ain't cheap...nevermind trying to buy a good weapon or armor, if i pooled it all I could buy maybe 1 or 2 things, and be completely broke across the spectrum.

    Could we up the time-out timer in the forum's? It always cuts me off, the countdown is way to quick for folks like me who actually take time to type. Never fails, write(type), write(type), write(type), ooops sorry we dumped you're entire statement into the ether. It has made me want to cry on at least 3 or 4 occasions.
    Last edited by iamsamoth0; 06-06-2007 at 01:58 AM. Reason: To avoid timing out, and losing all I typed.
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
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  19. #59
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Angry Warning

    [Rant on]
    WHAA WHAA WHAA! Turbne is giving something for its old AND current players, and all I can do is complain! WHAA WHAA WHAA!

    I made a Vent thread on General here:

    Go comlpain there and leave the fun sayers here.
    [Rant off]

    Looking forward to the weekend, thank you!

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
    I AM, -- the truthseeker

  20. #60
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Default Hmmm, is

    naked dancing allowed under debauchery!

    Calling the Fellowship of the Golden Night Knights!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pheanre View Post
    See I think people are really missing the real picture here Turbine an authoritative figure is PROMOTING LOOTING on their grounds not to mention the debauchery that always follows the looting. I wonder if they will mind pillaging and plundering to go along with the looting.

    I know that there are several well adjusted hobgoblins homes that I have to break into kill the owners there guards but I will leave the women and children cause if I kill them then who is going to swear a blood oath to hunt me down and kill me for killing there fathers and i cant destory some ones chance at revenge call me old fashioned.

    And why stop with just hobgoblins I know of several dwarves that are hording lots of valuables. Not to mention some dragons or two I know of.

    Anyway I really look forward to the pillaging and plundering I hope the 12 dont take mind to it wish I knew who they where they sound in need of some help in offloading some extra baggage.
    Last edited by query; 06-11-2007 at 05:52 AM.

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
    I AM, -- the truthseeker

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