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  1. #21
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    i have no plans on leaving my server, i was speaking for everyone else that was or thinking about it !!
    Using Trackless Step,

  2. #22
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Yay for bonus xp. Yay for live events.
    Boo for +1 loot. Unless you can somehow apply it to all the low- and mid-range stuff, while excluding the high end.
    Both for the reason FlyinS stated and the fact that vorpals and everything seem "required" by pugs. I mostly pug (even though I have a great guild) and don't want to have to deal with that.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  3. #23
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    Isn't this the third time this has happened and not the "II"???
    Could be wrong...

  4. #24
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercwrought View Post
    I have a question will the +50% exp apply to the open area objectives or just the npc missions?
    It will effect everything inside a quest as its applied to the level xp modifier before any other bonuses. So optionals will be worth allot more too.

    Old adventure areas have a secret base XP, so they also go up, it just doesnt show it. New adventure areas seems to be a set non-scaleable XP, thus will probably not be effected.

  5. #25
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper View Post
    Isn't this the third time this has happened and not the "II"???
    Could be wrong...
    It's the third time they give +1 loot and +50% xp but it's the second welcome back event, the other was the 1 year anniversary event.
    Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
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  6. #26
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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  7. #27
    Community Member DNDJESS's Avatar
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    Anybody else find it more than a bit disturbing that this MMORPG is a little over 1 year old, and we've already needed to bribe old players to come back twice?
    Dear Posters;
    Reality sucks. Fantasy games are a great way to escape reality. So please stop forcing reality into our fantasy discussions. We certainly don't need the reminder.
    Thanks for your understanding

  8. #28
    Founder Whetstone's Avatar
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    more leet l00tz for me!!!!!111!!!111!one.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Whetstone View Post
    more leet l00tz for me!!!!!111!!!111!one.

    Sadface indeed my friend. Sadface indeed.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Default Btw..

    If anyone happens to find my +3 cursespewing maul of disruption on the way back to Stormreach, please reach me on Baalzaru on the Mabar server. I seem to have misplaced it on my way back from Havana!

    /Rant Over

  11. #31
    Community Member Bluediemond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brianius View Post
    =/ so no one is exited about the live events? all complaints but no love. wheres the love?WHERES THE LOVE!?!?
    Because the last couple were flops? Sorry, not looking forward to a 2+ hour event where maybe 10 people get called on to win a potion.

    It's painfully obvious Turbine is grasping at straws now. Another weekend of massive lag, poorly run events, and uber loot to make more millionaires. Plat is practically useless as it is...ask all the plat farmers who keep sending me tells.

  12. #32
    Community Member Shecky's Avatar
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    Good god, if the sky started raining $1000 bills, you people would complain that your lawn was getting cluttered! SHEESH. People keep saying, "Why doesn't Turbine listen to its players and do something other than opiates for the masses?" but they FORGET just how many threads and posts have ASKED for another loot/xp weekend. Apparently, "Turbine doesn't listen to its players" REALLY means "Turbine doesn't listen to ME SPECIFICALLY".

    Get over it, people. Maybe some of us DON'T already have a complete set of all the best loot in the game yet.

  13. #33
    Community Member Elliott777's Avatar
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    Well put Shecky!!! I for one like the fact that they gave lots of notice that this would be happening and I am excited to see some SWEET loot. For all you people that are complaining about this you really need to get over yourselves and all your famed Uber Loot. I hear complaints about where all the players are going but you are so short sighted that you can't see that this is the type of thing that brings in new people as well. How much do you want to bet that all of the nay sayers will be looting till sunrise Monday morning?

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliott777 View Post
    How much do you want to bet that all of the nay sayers will be looting till sunrise Monday morning?
    Oh, you know they will. Just keep an eye on the srever forums, i bet you see alot of familar names wanting to trade their uber loot for other uber loot.

  15. #35
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Actually, not surprised at all. The 2nd year should be much harder than the 1st; unless you are WoW that is.

    I think Turbine needs to push adds for new modules harder, sell T-Shirts and buttons on-line, etc. to draw new blood in. They seem to have decided that their market for DDO is limited to the hardcore gamers, and they're busy making that self-fulfilling.

    IMHO, the people who quit over this or that since I've started playing were goners anyway*. It's human nature to be unhappy.

    * for contrast: Star Wars Galaxies is an example of a real game ending nerf.

    Quote Originally Posted by DNDJESS View Post
    Anybody else find it more than a bit disturbing that this MMORPG is a little over 1 year old, and we've already needed to bribe old players to come back twice?
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  16. #36
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    Just something I thought I'd pass along from the late Endaria (for those who don't know, Varro's 'late wife' because my hubby left the game lol)... a conversation we had the other night:

    Spouse: "I'm having the guys over for Magic on Monday so they can stay out of your hair for your thing"
    Me: "Thanks. Not trying to ignore you but when you dont have something to do... you're in here leering over my shoulder."
    Spouse: "I just get bored"
    Me: "Yeah but you don't see me in there trying to get your attention when you're watching Smallville. Why don't you start playing Vangard again?"
    Spouse: "Because it sucks."
    Me: "What??? After you dogged on MY game and we had to buy upgrades just so you could play the stupid thing, now it 'sucks'???"
    Spouse: "Remember when we tried LOTRO? Seeing how that game looked WITHOUT eating all my system resources was the end for me. I have the settings turned all the way down, and I still lag out and die in VG."
    Me: "Told you."
    Spouse: "I don't think I'm gonna play any MMO for a while. Just save money."
    Me: "I think you should play something. Counterstrike or SOMETHING. You need something to have for a hobby...not saying to play DDO with me or anything. Actually... DONT play it with me. We about strangled each other when we did try to play together."
    Spouse: *laughs* "Oh I see, don't wanna share?"
    Me: "No, I just know how we are. We do better playing single player games together than multi together. We just yell at each other 'you're not doing this right or that' ... too critical of each other."
    Spouse: "I guess. I heard they're having a +1 loot weekend again."
    Me: "Yeah. I don't have any events planned that weekend for a change. Maybe I can get some XP for a change."
    Spouse: "You know... DDO looks a LOT more fun than when I stopped playing."
    Me: "Well if you do come back, just do me a favor and play on a different server than me..."

    Thought that might brighten some of the Devs day
    Thank you all!
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  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Shecky View Post
    Good god, if the sky started raining $1000 bills, you people would complain that your lawn was getting cluttered! SHEESH.
    I wouldn't be complaining about my lawn, but I would be upset about something.
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  18. #38
    Community Member Kisaragi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    As many of you have already noticed in the newsletter, we've announced plans for another weekend of looting and debauchery when all loot gains another level and you can earn 50% more XP! Our second Return to DDO Weekend invites all former players to return and experience the new challenges and adventures that they've missed! In addition, all players will receive:

    * +50% bonus to earned XP
    * +1 loot level on chests

    And, as a special treat, live events will occur throughout the weekend!

    The bonuses will be in effect from Friday morning June 15th through Monday morning, so plan for the adventure of your life!
    In other words, prison of the planes loot will be -2 loot from what it used to be, instead of -3.
    On Thelanis (formerly Xoriat) (All Characters) Poison Squirrels from Hell
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    37 Int on my Wizard and climbing.

  19. #39
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisaragi View Post
    In other words, prison of the planes loot will be -2 loot from what it used to be, instead of -3.
    What? Where do you get that idea?

    Why, just two nights ago, I pulled a +5 Lesser Ice Guard Mithral Breastplate of Axeblock. Min Level 12, RR Dwarf.
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
    Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!

  20. #40
    Community Member Bladededge123's Avatar
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    You know, the people who are using this as a platform to complain about other problems they have with the game should go start another topic on it and keep it out of here. If this doesn't appeal to you then fine, don't ruin it for the rest of us.

    Personally I'm overjoyed to hear I came back just in time to enjoy such an event. I've never been active when they ran them in the past. My highest level pc is also only lvl 9. I'd love to run and play in some of the new higher level stuff and maybe this way I'll be able to get up to a high enough level to have that chance! (I've never done the dragon run, or the titan, and those are I'm sure old news and I've not even heard of the other cooler runs that I've yet to do!.)

    Things like this are meant to appeal to a certain type of player, and for those of us that fit that it certainly does! If you don't happen to be such, don't use this as a place to complain there are plenty of places for that. A thread announcing something cool like this is -not- one of them.

    -complaints about bad loot tables are an exception to this, we can never have enough of those :P

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