I'm at a turning point with my Lawful Good Cleric 6/Pal 1 (first toon since started). Initially i was looking for weapons with highest attack bonus (plain) since it seemed these were the only type of weapons i was getting from loot. At lower levels seemed like magical weapons with only +1 bonus would not help me hit mobs (remember I dont have the BAB progression of a fighter).
Now that I can buff myself with BULL STRENGHT/BLESS/DIVINE FAVOR and other stuff (for the level I'm at) I hit quit often (very good hitting rate) but it seems i am not dealing enough damage now. Also, most of HIGH DAMAGE weapons (bane weapon etc.) I have seen for sale have a lower hit bonus than what you get with plain weapons (+1 or +2, never seen +4 or +5) and those the weapons are usually accessible to higher level players only.
So when is the turning point when you need to let go hit bonus for damage. What type of magical weapons should i look for (remember my background).
I know i am asking a lot but I have about 90 k plat and don't want to waste it on a weapon that is rarely usefull.
Thanks in avance for your advice