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  1. #1
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    Thumbs down I can no longer recall or finish out of quests. Can't get any help from support

    I have wasted at least 2 and half hours trying to get somebody to help me at Turbine. Ever since the last release I haven't been able to recall or finish out of quests. I play with a screen resolution of 2560x1600 and when I go to click on the Recall or Finish button at the end of a quest, the pop up that says, "Are you sure you want to recall/finish? Yes or No" pops up in the bottom right hand corner of my screen. Actually off the screen, but you can see a small piece of the menu, so I know its there. If I click ESC, it goes away and I can click on it again and see it appear. Hitting Y or N on keyboard also has no effect, so my only option is to Logout of the game or Quit out of the game since both of those seem to work if I double click on them.

    I have opened at least 3 in game tickets and sent in one through the support site at

    Here is one hour of my life spent trying to get help from the live technical support at somebody stop the madness....

    Michelle: Thank you for contacting Turbine Technical Support. Which game can I help you with today?

    Lornesta: DDO

    Michelle: Hello Lornesta, how may I assist you?

    Lornesta: Ever since the latest patch to the game, I can no longer recall or finish out of quests.

    Lornesta: The pop up menu that asks me yes or no comes up off of the visible screen

    Lornesta: I'm playing with a resolution of 2560x1600

    Michelle: Please tell me the exact error massage which appears on your screen, if any?

    Lornesta: no error message

    Michelle: Please set it to 1024*768.

    Lornesta: I have a 30" monitor

    Lornesta: 1024*768 looks like garbage

    Michelle: Okay.

    Michelle: Okay Lornesta.

    Lornesta: Also it has worked since the game has been out up until the latest patch

    Lornesta: I can see the pop up menu appear, it just doesn't come up in the center of the screen like it used to

    Lornesta: I opened a ticket about this two or three days ago with no response

    Lornesta: Ticket #11992

    Michelle: One moment please, while I look in to this for you. Thank you.

    Lornesta: ok. Thanks.

    Michelle: Please ensure that your firewall has dndclient.exe and dndlauncher.exe listed as exceptions, and enabled to access the internet from your computer. If they already are, you may need to refresh the firewall settings. Do this by removing both files from the exceptions list, rebooting the computer, and re-adding both files to the exceptions list.

    Lornesta: This is not a firewll issue

    Michelle: Lornesta, I would like to inform you that you ned to refresh your firewall setting after every Patch.

    Lornesta: The firewall would prompt me if there was a problem. If it was a firewall issue, I wouldn't even be able to access the game.

    Lornesta: I'm a computer security engineer by trade. I can assure you this is not a firewall problem.

    Michelle: Please let me know , if you are facing this issue with a specific character.

    Lornesta: I only use one character. Lornesta on the Lhazaar server.

    Michelle: I would request you to try log-in with another character, if you are able to play the game then contact to your in-game GM to resolve this issue.

    Lornesta: Is there anyone else there that can assist. I don't think you are grasping the problem. I have opened three in game tickets already and was sent here. In addition I have already opened a ticket and added additional comments over the past day to your online ticket system with no response.

    Lornesta: Please escalate this case to another engineer.

    Michelle: One moment please, while I see if theSenior Technical representative is available. Thank you.

    Lornesta: Thank you.

    Michelle: I'm sorry, but the the Senior Technical representative is unavailable at the moment. However, I would suggest you to send an email at with the maximum information about the issue. Our Technical representative will answer you as soon as possible.

    Lornesta: This is terrible customer service

    Lornesta: Is there only one Senior Technical Representative?

    Lornesta: You must be kidding....

    Michelle: No Lornesta, There is not only one Senior Technical Representative but at this moment we are unable to connect you.

    Lornesta: Why not?

    Michelle: I know that you face a lot of problems but I am trying to resolve your my level best.

    Lornesta: I appreciate your help, however I have been dealing with this issue for about a week now with no response from anybody at turbine. I have already done all of the steps you have suggested and I'm no further then when I started. I can't believe that there is nobody else available that might be able to assist.

    Michelle: It seems that your issue is in-game issue. That is why I asked you to check and login with different character.

    Lornesta: It is indeed an ingame issue, however the problem does not reside with my character, but rather with the patch that was just pushed out. Everything works fine if I reduce the resolution, it just looks like garbage. The problem is in the method in which DDO displays 2560x1600.

    Lornesta: The pop up menu that says "Are you sure you want to recall, yes or no?" comes up off the screen, so I can never click on either yes or no.

    Lornesta: In addition if I reduce the resolution, I can no longer go back to the higher one unless I manually alter the settings in the userpreferences.ini file.

    Michelle: Give me a moment. I am looking at all the possible causes of the issues. I will be right back with a answer.

    Michelle: Please Click on START>RUN and in the blank field type DXDIAG and click OK. That will bring up your Direct X Diagnostic Tool. Please respond with the following information listed on the SYSTEM TAB.
    1. Operating System
    2. Processor
    3. Memory
    4. Page file
    5. DirectX Version

    Michelle: I am waitng for you to respond.

    Lornesta: 1. Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
    2. AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs)
    3. 2046MB RAM
    4. 412MB Used, 3526MB Available
    5. DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

    Michelle: I would like to help you with this issue, but unfortunately this issue lies beyond my abilities. I will need to refer you to a senior support representative so you can be assisted further. One moment while I transfer you.

    Lornesta: thank you

    Transfering request, please wait...

    40 Minutes into the support request........
    A pop up appeared that said, "The representative has left the session. Thanks for chatting!"

    Wow...what stellar customer support. I said it in my last ticket. Ridiculous! Seriously.

    Round 2

    Vinny: Thank you for contacting Turbine Technical Support. Which game can I help you with today?

    Lornesta: DDO

    Lornesta: Vinny, I was just talking with "Michelle" for the past 40 minutes. She said she was transferring me to a senior technical representative, but I was just disconnected.

    Vinny: Hello,Lornesta could you please let us know the issue you are facing?

    Lornesta: Can you connect me?

    Vinny: Sure,Please wait

    Transfering request, please wait...

    50 minutes into support request......

    Finally....after all of that waiting....I was taken to the following link.

    Third Try with online support......

    This time I could not even get another person online. I was just sent to the same link above of which I've already submitted a ticket through several days ago with no response. Ticket #11992.

    Overall time wasted. 1 hour. Thanks for nothing Turbine.

  2. #2
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    Go into Options > Key Mapping

    Scroll all the way to the bottom. Click the button Accept Choice and map a key or key combo to it (I mapped Ctrl+Enter).

    Press Recall, then press what you mapped to "Accept Choice". You should begin recalling.

  3. #3
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Did you ever actually try changing your screen resolution? Even for long enough to see if the window would pop up? You never indicated if you had in your post. It would help to determine if the resolution was causing the problem or not.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
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  4. #4
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    Thank you ChaosTheEternal! Your suggestion worked. I also set my accept choice up with Ctrl-Enter and now I can recall again.

    Freeman, I have changed resolutions and at every other resolution everything works just fine. It just doens't look as good on my monitor. Not only that, but once you change to the lower resolution, you can not switch back to the higher resolution unless you manually change the userpreferences.ini file. The same problem occurs. When I set it back to 2560x1600, it says click yes or no to accept your choice, but it doesn't let me click on either one. Strangely enough, the buttons are fully visible when trying to swich resolutions. Its only with recalling, finishing, logging off, or quitting that it appears off the screen.

    In either case. ChaosTheEternal's suggestion works! Thanks again Chaos!

  5. #5
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    Good programs leave ways to do everything with just a keyboard. Even nowadays.

    I commend the Turbine developers and UI designers for that much.

  6. #6
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    I agree with you. Now if only that information would make its way over to the support folks....

  7. #7
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    By and large the GMs and support people they use are clueless and useless. A dangerous combination.

    I honestly believe that the Devs are trying their hardest to make a good product, but whomever has their leashes is strangling them.

    Support is THE biggest complaint I have with this game. Nothing gets my goat more than representatives that either don't seem to understand basic statements, or give me canned-form responses and "we can't do anything about that" on problems I have seen fixed by other GMs before.

    So frustrating.

    I think the only time I have recently actually been helped by a GM was when the Shadow Crypt wasn't spawning chests for the gears in the right place. Other than that, it was like pulling finger nails with plyers.

    Do any other games have better support, or is this par for the course?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spookydodger View Post
    Do any other games have better support, or is this par for the course?
    Seems to be pretty much par for the course, from what i've seen. Although almost everyone making a complaint about customer service in a specific game seem to say that every other game ever has better service!
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  9. #9
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lornesta View Post
    Thank you ChaosTheEternal! Your suggestion worked. I also set my accept choice up with Ctrl-Enter and now I can recall again.

    Freeman, I have changed resolutions and at every other resolution everything works just fine. It just doens't look as good on my monitor. Not only that, but once you change to the lower resolution, you can not switch back to the higher resolution unless you manually change the userpreferences.ini file. The same problem occurs. When I set it back to 2560x1600, it says click yes or no to accept your choice, but it doesn't let me click on either one. Strangely enough, the buttons are fully visible when trying to swich resolutions. Its only with recalling, finishing, logging off, or quitting that it appears off the screen.

    In either case. ChaosTheEternal's suggestion works! Thanks again Chaos!
    im glad you got something to work, however dont you think the fact that you had to change the settings in your userpreferences.ini should clue you in that its not really turbines fault they couldnt help you, they no longer(if they did) support the resolution you are using.
    R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watching
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  10. #10
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    Make sure you bug report it too, as it shouldn't be too hard to fix, even if they don't want to officially support that resolution.

  11. #11
    Community Member Sokar's Avatar
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    Yeah this is an error with Mod 4.0. What is happening is: if you are running a widescreen resolution any confirmation popup windows open to the very far right side of the screen. So far as to be almost completely off the right side of the screen preventing you from dragging it back into view. On my screen I can see a very small sliver of the small window. There are other threads about this issue. I have also submitted bug reports about this issue. I really hope they fix this soon.


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  12. #12
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    It isn't a widescreen issue completely, since I run on widescreen with no problems. It is apparently the size of the screen, not the aspect ratio, that is causing the problem.
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    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  13. #13


    Freeman, honestly you are expecting way to much.

    It is a code bug of some kind. You sent a bug, someone has to read through it, log it into the tracking system, prioratize it, verify it, then send it to the developers for fixing, where again it gets prioratized, assigned, fixed, then back to testing to test the fix. It doesn't take days, it takes weeks.

    A tech support person can't help you fix it. They can't just crank you out a new executable, they arn't even programers, they are CS workers who have a database of problems and possible solutions/responses. If it isn't in their database they can't help. They offered the one solution they probably know about, change your resolution. You didn't like it... not something they can do anything about.

    What exactly were you expecting to have happen?
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  14. #14
    Community Member Tulmeel's Avatar
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    Default No problem for me.

    I have a similar set up to the OP. I've had no problems at any time. If anything mod 4 seems to perform slightly better than the other editions.

    I wonder if there is something in the graphics board? I'm using Nvidia.

  15. #15
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tulmeel View Post
    I have a similar set up to the OP. I've had no problems at any time. If anything mod 4 seems to perform slightly better than the other editions.

    I wonder if there is something in the graphics board? I'm using Nvidia.
    what resolution are you playing at?
    R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watching
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  16. #16
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    Freeman, honestly you are expecting way to much.
    Um, I think you are addressing the wrong person. Did you mean to reply to the OP?
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  17. #17
    Community Member Tulmeel's Avatar
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    Default Resolution,

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    what resolution are you playing at?
    I'm playing at the max supported for my lcd screen.

  18. #18
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tulmeel View Post
    I'm playing at the max supported for my lcd screen.
    you used the drop down menu to select it right?
    R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watching
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  19. #19
    Community Member cappuccino's Avatar
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    Default Much ado about nothing and help desks

    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    Freeman, honestly you are expecting way to much.

    It is a code bug of some kind. You sent a bug, someone has to read through it, log it into the tracking system, prioratize it, verify it, then send it to the developers for fixing, where again it gets prioratized, assigned, fixed, then back to testing to test the fix. It doesn't take days, it takes weeks.

    A tech support person can't help you fix it. They can't just crank you out a new executable, they arn't even programers, they are CS workers who have a database of problems and possible solutions/responses. If it isn't in their database they can't help. They offered the one solution they probably know about, change your resolution. You didn't like it... not something they can do anything about.

    What exactly were you expecting to have happen?

    /nod to sigtrent

    Remember the CS staff are a "help desk"

    Try calling a help desk/customer service at any software company or even your local cable/cell phone/utilites and see if you can get serious technical service or answers from the front line operators. Depending on time of day, Senior techs may not be working (i.e. after midnight/early AM) or more likely not as many Senior Techs working and are busy with other situations (remember this is a first come first serve system). Unfortunatly in my experance working as front line "help desk" I did not get the visibility to see how many calls are into the Senior tech once it has hit capacity. the only message that comes back to them is "unavailable". WIth that as the only answer I have as a CS or front line person, what kind of answer can I give?

    Now looking back at what the OP went through, yes there is a breakdown in Customer Service. Perhaps what is needed is a method to report CS breakdowns that is logged with Turbine and then reported back to as resolution of complaint. Hmmm this screams of "Total Quality Service" business models for Service providors. perhaps food for thought.
    Last edited by cappuccino; 04-20-2007 at 04:48 PM. Reason: correctly site proper person
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  20. #20
    Community Member Tulmeel's Avatar
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    Default I guess so

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    you used the drop down menu to select it right?
    I guess so. I installed the trial in November. The res in game is the same as the res I have in photo shop.

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