My purchase went through, and it's showing up in my bank, but it didn't give me anything in game...
Type: Posts; User: pezuwarrior; Keyword(s):
My purchase went through, and it's showing up in my bank, but it didn't give me anything in game...
Fork, we all know it's an excuse. DDO doesn't lag. Clients don't lag. All a major conspiracy to make the game look bad....
Wizard: Forking, unquestionably
FvS: Evoker>Klainmain Healer: Idk
Cleric: Forked
Sorcerer: Gyristroula
Ranger: Not sure
Monk: Xristoss/Shat
Rogue: Krim/Squid's rogue
Fighter: Stormszs...
I completely agree with fork, but I did run into this dilemma when I ran raids on pele's non caster lives. How I alleviated this problem was saying before we started the raid, "Hey, my final life is...
Peace and love.
First off, it is most definitely possible to build a toon that can reliably cc high road. Although not every player will do this, I put a ton of time into my sorcerer. He is currently able to hit...
YAY!!!!! No deaths for pele!
I lead with happiness and cheer!
Idk who you are...but those are the wrong times =0
We raid 530PM EST weekdays, and 4pm EST weekends.
Pro....I bet you Sky'd off that ledge right after.
The question is, was your party member kill count higher than the mob one?:P
OMG Shat, you killed a mob??? Screenie or it didnt happen.
Pele of Orien: 54 Cha completely unbuffed. (55 possible unbuffed)
Agreed. This is a horrible idea in my humble opinion.
I see no reason behind it.
We do require a level 25 geared toon. However, we run epics every day and help alt toons lvl/gear
Del got it on the 16th if this matters:)
Name the best guild on Orien!
It can't be your own, reason are cool!
Is this thread still being updated?
Woot double completionist!
~The Matrix~
We run 14 raids per week minimum and post crazy stuff on the lfm's:D
I have had so much fun playing with these people:D
I honestly don't think this is just an issue with children.
I happen to be a 'kid' myself and find that it's more of a human issue than an age issue.
But +1 from me!
I don't know if that is supposed to be in linear order, but if it is.....I got completionist two days before Flam.
Anyways, grats to all the new completionists here!
It's not about who is better mate, but if you happen to decline me in the future, please give me a reason and I will accept it.
I have no beef with you.