I never see people not being able to distinguish anger and crying. Also, I don't see how your comment is relevant to anything, besides an attempt to insult one side of the conflict.
Type: Posts; User: ArtinesTheBold; Keyword(s):
I never see people not being able to distinguish anger and crying. Also, I don't see how your comment is relevant to anything, besides an attempt to insult one side of the conflict.
Please enlighten me, how are Wildmen “problematic”? What is the danger or peril to DDO? I am eager to hear it.
Wow... Where did my reply go? Amazing..
Please, don't try to shut us up. Especially when there is no profanity or racism. I just stated that we HAVE to express our opinion, regardless if devs are...
To devs.
Please don't touch them. Your reasoning is vague and absurd. Who and how can be offended by their existence, can you explain? We, the most loyal community in the world deserve an...
Off to bed. Frustrated. Annoyed. I am so disappointed right now.
(For all this suffering we have to deal with each week, you should at least give us free kobold race and no lag environment....
What I meant, is that my monthly subscription is wasted on this game, which I could play for free anyway.
Here goes my play for today. Another botched attempt at timely maintenance/patch.
Why are you not patching out of prime hours, as all other MMORPGs do?
I am so disappointed. I never wanted this...
I don't post much but...
I played tonns of mmorpg, never seen weekly maintenance that requires 6-8 hours. I am GMT +2. If you prolong it, it means I don't play today.
Lag is getting worse...
Thank you!
Sorry for noobish question, do you take THF feats for strikethrough only?
The reason for not making druids a playable class is simple- lasyness.
When was the last time they added anything new to the game? Beside the ships and guild EXP it was very long ago since they do...