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About Simulacrum_FRG

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About Simulacrum_FRG
Hello, my name is Andrè. On date of writing this I was a 42 year old German Skinhead. I've been a hobby-author & occult-dabbler for some decades by now. I have always been an outsider or pariah in my own way. Technically my prosaic way makes nearly all people (on occasion even my wife-to-be & myself) underestimate how much of a pro I tend to be for real. If I do something as an author or artist, then there is a 99% chance that it is part of some 'labeled-proper' way for authors and artists.

To clarify something certain people need: I am not a racist, and only AntiSemite as far, as all Germans tend to be so (historical guilt or what). Plus I grew up with pretty many people from very different cultures and religions. Being a decently educated German of my age though I had family and neighbors who worshiped & served Adolf Hitler, when the original Nazi were still alive. I have streaks from both sides, and I wouldn't be honest, if i state too much enthusiasm for democracy as I had to endure it so far.

I have been a passionate Fantasy-Roleplayer for the most crucial years of my passed life. The state of being an Ex-Roleplayer now belongs to that in an abstract way - at least, if one asks me about it.

New Years Eve 2014 to 2015 I had become a bum (urban homeless), spending my Winter sleeping outside in the urban city-center. I recovered and rent myself a new room in late April 2015, but that was overshadowed by one of the few loyal friends I had dying, and the second suffering a stroke brutally knocking her down.

I have been a small-scale criminal for at least two decades of my life, and I was really never arrested, nor sentenced in any §-form. Sometimes that makes a twisted arrogance shine through, especially in social surroundings where I feel unwelcome or which I am only pretending to respect.

By now I can be both, a decently good man of the world who has lived thru much and achieved some wisdom & a fierce, unforgiving, and violent-prone ****, when i am ****ed-off. Both is me, and always has been.

On TV I liked: Dexter, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Those who kill (both versions), and Supernatural (early seasons). Books I read plenty, but outside of Satanism I noticed that I dislike indulging small-talk about them.

I am a gluttonous person, bounce between workaholic and utterly lazy, and I never had it too easy with women, so some know me as the boring loser to ignore, others as quite a sexist macho. I like plenty of animals, and I am able enough to socialize, if I decide to try.

In January 2015 I had decided to accept my Stalker's triumph and start a completely new chapter of my life. Continuing what & whom I cared about is part of this. I sympathize with free quick-helpers like: &


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