About Connman
- Biography:
- Hey all,
So about me. I am 37 years old, live with my wife in the house we built ourselves and I love to play DDO. I started in 2009 with F2P. I went the ala carte route and over the years have acquired all content and intend to do so even when i know its bad lol.
I am a Zerger, but not always. I am a flower sniffer, but not always. I am a solo player, but not always. I like to group. but not always. So I am probably a lot like you. I have moods.
First and foremost though, I play DDO for the fast paced action combat. I play for the rush. Most of the time this means the hardest content on the highest difficulty. Yeah I do Elite bravery bonus, but that is usually just a side effect of getting the rush.
For example, I was in the zone doing Co6 getting that rush solo blasting my way through elite, then it happened, I had to recall out and go take a level before the door would let me in. That is what I am talking about, highest level, hardest difficulty, fast paced edge of the seat action.
Or, we can talk about how my wife and I picked up Haunted halls and spent hours in there exploring every nook and cranny of our new content until we had to just log and crash out too tired to go any further.
Sometimes I will just do explorers by myself for days because I am feeling anti social, i actually went from 13 to cap just on slayers one life because of it.
And sometime I click every LFM I see, just to be with other people.
I am not an elitist, I have on many occasions gone well out of my way to help new people because the warm fuzzy feeling i get in doing so makes me feel, well warm and fuzzy.
I am however an elite player, yeah yeah don't flame me, not the best of course. I have been playing for over 5 years, and I mean like an addict. So I have intimate knowledge of most quests, explorer areas, tactics and DDO in general that I provide a solid addition to any group doing any quest.
I am not an idiot. I am smart enough to know that I do not know every thing about every aspect of the game. Half of what I learned I learned from other players and half I figured out on my own. If you are reading this there is a good chance that you know many things that I do not and I would love to have a chance to get together with you so we can both be even more knowledgeable.
So I guess I am a lot like Shrek, big and scary looking on the outside, soft and squishy on the inside, and I don't like donkeys, but I guess I can put up with them for awhile if we need them for the quest.
My toons are:
Phineur Platus, Main TR project.
Kodachrome, 18/2 Wiz rog Crowd Control / Trapper
Connman, 20 rog Haggle toon
Ahrimanes, 24 Monkcher
Stabbot, Just tr'd so I don't know yet

Originally Posted by
Now you aren't a cookie cuttter, you are a character with unique gear and layouts and not everyone has the same mass produced epic ethereal bracers from the ghostly beholder factory.
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General Information
- Last Activity
- 09-19-2019 03:35 AM
- Join Date
- 09-17-2009
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