just a friendly competition, we ran in 24 mins to completion Time completed
Proof of elite difficulty
just a friendly competition, we ran in 24 mins to completion Time completed
Proof of elite difficulty
this is with a pick up group, no banishers and no vorpals (just thought i'd add that in)
not that being fast means anything, but it is fun to try to break your own records /shrug
First loot days a guild group wanted to see how fast we could do it and we completed it in 10 mins flat. I dont have a screenshot or anything /shrug. Im sure it could be done faster...you just have to split up and do the wings all at once.
Think the fastest run this weekend was 16 minutes, no splitting up etc.
Bobbiejo Trailertrash
12 Bard / 2 Rogue, Khyber Server
Disco Bandit of Organized Confusion
Kungpao Drow
9 FTR/3 PAL/2 ROG, Khyber Server
Kungpao! Now with extra Drow! Tasty fighter of Organized Confusion
Bettiejo Trailertrash
Future 11RNG/2PAL/1ROG, Khyber Server
Bow-Hating Ranger of Organized Confusion
yeah we capped in the 20-25 min range, without splitting up
hell i give u all props...screenshot or not...i have yet to get (with/without a PUG) under 30 mins...best i've had was 32 mins (not splitting up)...but then the character i use on it is my cleric...if i could bring my dwarf melee...and be effective on elite...(he's only lvl 9 atm) then i'm hoping i could finish in the 25-30 min department...with my guild...i would still be making a mad dashto finish the quest in 20-25...
Big Grats guyz...by the way in regards to quests...i've done the from beyond the grave trio'd...in under 3 mins (timed it in real life) but after 2mins 30 seconds it automatically jumps to 3 mins...it was somewhere around 2mins 40seconds...
I'll be running it this weekend again...same trio group...and i'll pull up a screenshot...(3 mins is easy for beyond the grave...2 mins i'm not sure if its possible)...But i'd love to see it from one of you uber zerger guyz![]()
No screenshot, but our quickest was 9 minutes.
But I consider it a cheater 9 minutes, as it was 9 minutes from entering the dungeon till the king was dead. We still had to do the CLEANUP ON ISLE 4 with all the blackguards if we wanted to get the side chest.
We didn't split up, but did enjoy the power of fascinate. One person grabs agro, another person fascinates, kill the bosses, dd, continue.
Side note: While perfecting the method, we had runs over 30 minutes due to wipes![]()
best ive done was 16 minutes but there was 2 vorpals used and 1 banisher(banisher wasnt working well so that dont count...) this was a pug for me only bcuz wasnt my guild but i knew all the players in it and was a bones combat brigade group
err also we didnt split up
Last edited by reziel deadshot; 04-01-2007 at 02:55 PM. Reason: no split
Did this in 12 minutes w/o Splitting up. Imagine if we split up it would be under 10. Will try to post a SS this weekend![]()
11min, 2 bards, 2 clerics, 2 sorcs. Fascinate + haste + DB + resists = win ^_^
lol we killed everything in the quest and got all the chests (just didn't do ore) no banishers, no vorpals, no fascinates or CC just muscled our way through.
I don't have a screeny sorry, but I did it twice in a row with a really good PUG group and both times were 23 minutes. Although we did skip the ore, does that count? We only had one death, due to a slay living on a tank, and our cleric never ran out of mana. Was probably one of the better groups I've been in.
The New Adar Market
Minn Yuet-lvl 14 human cleric
Seraphella Seraphim-lvl 14 elf Ranger
Desra Seraphim-lvl 14 drow Bard
Miniminn The Angry-lvl 9 dwarf Fighter
My guild and I where able to get it down to 12 minutes without splitting up. The catch was we needed a bard. When the bard left and we replaced him with a sorcerer we could only get down to 18 minutes. I will try to get us together so I can post a screen shot for y'all
Draz in all forms of the Prophets of the New Republic and Lava Divers / Khyber Original / R.I.P. E. Gary Gygax 03/04/08 / Supporter of the AEA / Owner of 4 birthday cupcakesThank you Cupcake /Drazell Bergost leader of the Khyberian Ham Authority / Support your local Qwijymart!
that is hardly a pug group with 3 coming from A Team....
and right now u hardly need a banisher for anything.... most L14 casters will have finger of death and combined with pk (and banishment if you are a wiz), most extraplanar beings dun stand a chance
If you want to know why...