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  1. #1
    Community Member robinrochester's Avatar
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    Default Most Annoying Character

    Ever made that character that everyone just hated but you loved? Describe them here!

    I have 2. One was Veriza Lallial, Gnome Wizard. A drunk and an incorrigible liar. Not only was he usually to drunk to cast spells and really hlep, he caused numerous bar brawls with his rmablings, lies, and boasts. Ina ddition no one in the party ever really knew his true name. He only lived a few short levels (maybe 5) before liver failure forced him to retire, but dang was he fun.

    The other was actually a good character, but his build drove people nuts. Movari Sonari, Elven Ranger/Fighter. Specializing in the glaive and trips. By level 6 I had improved trip, combat expertise, weapon focus and a disarm with my Glaive of 20 somehting, before my roll. +4 form Improved disarm, +4 form a 2 handed weapon, plus my strength bonus and base attack and a +2 glaive there was nothing that carried a weapon I couldn't disarm. Problem was I could also killalmost anything. But instead of just whacking that orc with 5 hp's left I wold instead disarm him and prolong the fight that much longer. It kep the party alive but drove the dm nuts, along wiht some of the players at points. It basically got to the point that all humanoid bosses or big characters had locked gauntlets,a dnw e fought lots of natural attack type of creatures.

    The campaigns have come and gone but these characters still live on in our memories! Would love to be able to run them again, despite all the issue. Does that make me a bad person?
    Vulcanis Drave Dwarven Paladin (14)
    Filus 96 Warforged Rogue (11)/Ranger (3)
    Miscarand Shadewhisper Drow Bard (9)/Fighter (2)
    Vexeren Twelve Toes Drow Sorceror (13)
    Serenin of THe Order of Boldrei Cleric (9)
    Monk Initiate of the Scorpion God Drow "Monk" 10


    Bylsma 96 Warforged Rogue 3
    Artificer of Cannith East Wizard 3
    Krakatoa the Mad Slasher Dwarf Fighter 6

  2. #2
    Community Member Connavar's Avatar
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    I remember the very first character i rolled,it was a human wizard. however, i cannot remember his real name because everyone else called him by their name nick...which was Punching Bags. The First thing i done straight out of mage school was attack a police officer...bad idea, i ended up failing my magic missle roll and they just kind of mugged me and put me in the town jail, which wasent so bad. Next thing my party does is they decided to try to bribe one of the officers to let me out, instead the whole party gets in there, which was about twelve people.all i really remember from then on was they just continusly beat the **** out of my charater until he was unconsious and then made money off of me by letting the NPCs beat the hell out of me. However, im the ONLY thing in the whole campaign to half way kill our best tank, whos name was Booze Bag with a negative 2 charisma because he wore an imp suit.

  3. #3
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    Default rogue

    Back in the day when chaotic neutral was a mad alignment my rogue caused all kinds of trouble. Once to make a fellow member duck he threw a dagger at them. Never mind he had to make a to hit roll lol. His final act was when his group needed to to defeat a young dragon. There was a party of goblins acting as servents so my rogue drew them out in a long chase down the hallways. The rest of the party went in to battle the dragon. They had almost won the battle when my rogue being lost ran right back into the lair pulling along most of the goblins... not too pretty. Anyway he eneded up getting killed by being swallowed by the dragon (He would not let go of a sword from the loot because it was his and not the dragons).

  4. #4
    Community Member Kronik's Avatar
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    This brings to mind my Chaotic Evil Ranger/Fighter Dark Elf. Very hot headed and not very likeable (CHA 6). At level 5 he tried to kill his mount who had been giving him dirty looks all day. He never did like those darn do gooder light war horses, and after getting eyeballed all day, enough is enough. It was a suprisingly tough battle and after a few rounds the darn horse knocked him unconscious. Luckily our cleric was there to get ole' hothead back on his feet to finish the job. I loved playing him, but I guess my companions though differently. Maybe I should have just stayed in the wagon like they said
    Last edited by Kronik; 02-20-2007 at 07:23 PM.
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  5. #5
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    I played a Fighter/Mage split personality character for a while. I'd roll randomly every so often (and eventually developed "triggers" that I didn't control) to see which he was. Sometimes mid combat he'd stop, look around, and wonder where he got the sword in his hands and why the heck he was wearing armor or the other way around. I had 2 sets of "mental" stats (Int, Wis, Cha) and the same set of physical stats for both. Made for interesting games.

  6. #6
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    This was not my character, but a mid-campaign addition of a friend of friends. Our party was comprised of mostly neutral treasure-hungry rouge types. This guy chose to play as his old Chaotic Good Ranger (which he played as Lawful Good).
    At every opportunity this guy grated on me (my character being the most chaotically inclined) telling me that we shouldn't do this or I should try to find a way other than violence. Normally this is not a good idea when faced with a Chaotc Neutral pyromaniac Fighter/Rogue 4 levels higher than you.
    In character, I told him several times to back off, he was only still alive because he was an old friend of our leader. It finally came to a head when we were in a town that was ruled by a Vampire lord. The people were obviously evil (sacrificial altar in the town square with human skulls around). The towns folk decided to take us to thier leader. My character punched an old lady in the face and Ranger boy took it personally. Going on and on about how its our duty to protect innocents, etc, etc...
    The big fight started shortly afterwards, once we took down the heavy hitters, my next announced action was "I backstab the Ranger". This was back when backstabs were multiplied damage instead of extra dice. I Critical hit for max: 4x damage. One dead ranger.
    This, of course, distraught the player who protested that he was only roleplaying his alignment. The rest of the party agreed that unless he wanted to permanently change his descriptor to "Chaotic Stupid" his actions were decitedly out of alignment. He declined and did not re-roll.

    Since then we have always allowed the alignment description of "Stupid" to replace any one of the traditional descriptors.

  7. #7
    Community Member zipster's Avatar
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    I had two incredibly annoying characters too, back in the day.
    One was a satyr rogue from 2nd Ed. with Skills and Powers and Combat & Tactics, he had an unarmored AC of -2 at first level :-D. The dungeon master hated him. Also the other players hated him because he was a horny bastard, and caused tons of trouble with every female NPC we came across.

    The second, possibly my favorite character ever, was Jimly Withershins, a chaotic neutral rogue halfling (my main Zipster is based on him). He was 18 inches tall, weilded a 4 ft. war club, and rode a Mastiff war dog. He had excellent jumping/tumbling skills... Probably my favorite moment with him was when the party faced a giant chasm.. Jimly jumped across without effort, and tied a tightrope to the other end for the rest of the party to cross... Then as the first person made his was across, Jimly started shaking the rope wildly for fun. The poor fighter made his saving throw by a couple points

  8. #8
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    The best character I can think of is not one I played but one I DMed for. One of my players decided to play a halfling fighter/monk multiclass with amnesia due to severe trauma and repressed memories.

    This halfling was fantastic to DM because he really kept me on my toes by doing things I never would have planned for. He would wander off from or ignore fights if he hadn't personally been attacked because he didn't think they concerned him, unless the gnome had been attacked because he had been bluffed into beliefing the gnome was one of his halfling kinsmen. The game started with the party witnessing a midnight robbery/attempted murder; instead of helping to tend to the victim or chase down the criminal, he spent the next five minutes gathering up all the shards of a broken window and putting them on the house's front porch so they wouldn't get lost. Later on, he completely derailed a side-plot by buying the begging bowl from a begger they were supposed to get information from, entirely because he thought it might be useful to have a bowl. At one point he actually out-argued a senile guardian NPC by confusing him enough that he hid in his room and let them pass.

    The rest of the party had no clue about his history or why this guy acted so randomly, and they never really bothered to find out. They just got good at managing him. Eventually they got tired of listening to him talk, so one of them cast silence on a crowbar and gave it to the halfling. The halfling them spent the entire spell duration beating on everything in sight with his "Crowbar of Silence", which became his most treasured item. The party was then stuck prepping lots of silence spells because they'd made the mistake of inventing a new game for the halfling. It did come in useful when they wanted a wagon trashed, though.

    The rest of the party may be less than thrilled with bizarre character concepts, but as a DM I generally love the challenge of keeping up with them.

  9. #9
    Community Member robinrochester's Avatar
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    I agree completely with it being fun to DM a "challenging" character... but only, if like the halfling they have a sound reason and good story. I personally hate running with anyone who plays the " I do it because I'm chaotic" card all the time. I was running an Ebrron version of the Age of Worms from Dungeon magazine for a ocuple months then one day our cg cleric got boed with it and so pretty much did everything he could do sabatouge it so he could move on to somehting he found interesting. Chaotic characters can be fun to play, but personally if it starts to grate on others i alway end up having them "randomly wnader" out of the story.

    I also briefly had a necromancer character. Only got to level 4 or 5 before he just confilcted too much with the rest of the party. I would have lvoed to see what he could do, but it just slowed everything down. I would never again play an evil character.

    By the way the dragon and goblin story sounds totally like a bad pull in DDO! we've all seen that happen too much! lol
    Vulcanis Drave Dwarven Paladin (14)
    Filus 96 Warforged Rogue (11)/Ranger (3)
    Miscarand Shadewhisper Drow Bard (9)/Fighter (2)
    Vexeren Twelve Toes Drow Sorceror (13)
    Serenin of THe Order of Boldrei Cleric (9)
    Monk Initiate of the Scorpion God Drow "Monk" 10


    Bylsma 96 Warforged Rogue 3
    Artificer of Cannith East Wizard 3
    Krakatoa the Mad Slasher Dwarf Fighter 6

  10. #10
    Community Member dmitri's Avatar
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    2 characters, 1 I DM for, and 1 I use myself...

    Lint Dryer, the human rogue, is simply hysterical. Buddy of mine plays him in my 3.5 Ravenloft campaign, and so far he has killed NOTHING but been the funniest guy in the group. When the largely neutral group wanted to interrogate someone who was dead, they needed a way to get the dead guys daughter away from the corpse so they could use "speak with dead" on him. So Lint announces that he will make a grapple check with the daughter, and try to kiss her... what he didn't realize is that she has class levels in fighter... she ended up chasing him through the house, till he made a great roll on a trip attempt, then grappled her, pinned her, and kissed her. After struggling a bit she ended up on top of him, with him pinned, and proceeded to, well, ya know... let's just say they were occuppied long enough for the cleric to speak with dead.

    My character is a trip machine monk/kensai. My DM has basically stopped throwing humanoid monsters at me, because my first tactic is always "I trip them", followed by "I grapple them". Especially spell casters.

  11. #11
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robinrochester View Post
    I personally hate running with anyone who plays the " I do it because I'm chaotic" card all the time.

  12. #12


    Back in the early 90's I Dmed for a group of college buddies that ran an CN mixed race group. We had a wizard who developed a spell to turn things Black...Just because he liked the color. Had a Minotaur fighter who thought he was the party leader but the wizard really was. Had a half-ogre shaman/barbarian who always played stupid and no one knew about the shaman part of his life. Had a half-orc thief that ended up being nick named Bunglar because he was so inept and he would always make cow references to the Minotaur, which often got ugly.

    You want to talk about a fun group to DM... I never knew what to expect from them. AH the memories.
    Yes, of course! The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch! 'Tis one of the sacred relics Brother Maynard carries with him. Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!

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  13. #13
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    Talking Tordek

    Ok, this guy has not even started playing yet, but it took 5 weeks with my help to design the character!

    Zar: This guy was supposedly "Lawful Good", but he caused 3 party wipes before he met his end before my Jelly Golem!
    Party wipe #1: Kicked the KOed halfling rouge away the die (and hit the monster) then walked in to the trapped up the *beep* room with the ranger (he survived, but then was wiped with the cleric by the monster)
    Party wipe #2: picked up a possed greatsword, failed 3 will saves, then killed the entire party, then procedded to fail !6! will saves and had his soul devoured by the greatsword (then brought back by the deity boblesmocke)
    Party wipe #3: Ran out of the Jelly golem room with the goblin survants (like dragon and goblin story I think was on this thread) Then, like the dragon/goblin story, wandered back in to wipe the party out with 10 goblins, then procceded to get pummeled to oblivion by my golem.

  14. #14
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Default Hazelwood Bandicoot

    Back in (get ready for this) The late 1980's
    88 to 91 I believe we where deep into the Dragonlance World.

    I ran a Kender rogue with the above name of Hazel.
    He was awesome! He had Mad lock picking Skills
    and could just about talk his way out of anything.
    His only problem is that his insatiable curiosity got the party
    into just about as much trouble as he got them OUT OF!!!
    He drove them so nuts, that in the end when he got Swallowed by
    a Man eating plant the party actually left him to Die... I hated to lose the Character but
    I had so much fun playing him that i had him give them a PLAY by PLAY
    of the action from inside the giant Venus Fly trap!!!
    Last edited by Bekki; 11-21-2007 at 02:47 PM.
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