Use this thread to discuss feedback on the new U57 quest "Three Paths to Battle". This quest is meant for levels 16/33.
Use this thread to discuss feedback on the new U57 quest "Three Paths to Battle". This quest is meant for levels 16/33.
My favorite of the new quests. Only thing I would change though, is swapping the red named orthon for a pit fiend. Orthons are generally shock troopers, while horned devils and pit fiends lead legions, so I thought it was a little lame that both the orange name and red name devil bosses were orthons. Could have used a little boss variety there
Orien: ][Vladtepes][Gelatinous][Lelitha]
This too was probably my Favorite of all 5 quests. The scenery was awesome.. I like how you can fall off the side and it ports you back up top. I did however find a few places where you can actually jump over to one of the island parts and fall off there but you don't fall, its like an invisible floor. Took some really nice screenshots of the scenery. The second thumbnail shows me kind up in the air just standing there.
Also 3 shortest quests give the most exp , compared to the two longer quests that give less exp. I wasnt running pots or anything but i think 3 out of 5 of these quests gave like 130k ish xp, while 2 gave around 100k .. the order in the court is a very long quest if you do all optionals, but gave the least xp.
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I enjoyed this one. I ran it on a lvl 20 fighter. Good use of old quest layout without feeling overly repetitive. I agree with the other poster about changing the end boss to a fiend of some type. The cloak that falls in here is pretty nice. I think you should consider something higher than heroism which is only +2 to skills (maybe improved or greater heroism for lvl 15 item). It has immunity to fear and healing amp which is great but I would at least bump the skill, attack, etc. bonus to +3. You have 2 level 3 items in game that give heroism (Skull of the Sea and Battleworn medal) ...a level 15 item deserves something a little better even if you have to rename the benefit.
Cannith! Too many alts to list. Lorrtusk, Lorrtank (my main), Lorrgar, Jimipage, Taurnish, etc.
I ran this quest on legendary r1 and had no difficulties completing it.
As people have written above, it would be great if the red named boss in celestial fortress wasn't an orthon but a higher ranked devil.
However, I had two issues with side passages in this quest:
In celestial fortress, just behind the shrine, there is a square part of the wall looking very much like a secret door (it is colored differently).
The map also shows some path behind it, seemingly leading to the gated path just to the right of entrance to this fortress.
I found no way to unlock either side of that path, including using secret door divining twig at the very obvious differently colored square on the wall.
I could tab to a lever behind the secret door, which might open it from inside, but no way to get there.
I doubt I've missed something obvious, so either this is an extremely well hidden secret or (more likely) a bug.
In devil fortress there is a side passage to the right just after the first locked door (opened with a lever), with nothing inside and a dead end, not sure if that is on purpose or not.