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Here is a random sampling of the Hardcore server as of 8/30 - evening
pure class popularity for hardcore only - I did not count splash builds - there are a ton of splash builds.
The winner? Artificer! by a long shot - people love Arti for HCL and it's easy to understand why - good defense, good dps, trapping - artis can do it all.
Followed by Cleric! Domains seem to be the reason here - whether animal (hcl most popular) or some other - clerics are wildly popular. I've seen some very effecting turning builds work very well in hcl.
Least played is Monk - which is very surprising considering the new iconic is basically a monk - this goes to show just the bad place monks are in.
followed by Alchemist and Sorcerer - not a surprise, sorc is a glass cannon unless you make a warforged; and alchemist really is awful till lvl 12 - why are the heals so slow? legit? Why? Its dumb you cant quicken alchy heals.
Here are the actual numbers from the Hardcore Server who list this evening:
wizard - 12
warlock - 27
Sorcerer - 5
Rogue - 14
Ranger - 8
Paladin - 20
Monk - 3
fighter - 12
Favored Soul - 27
Druid - 20
Cleric - 32
Bard - 20
Barbarian - 15
Artificer - 40
Alchemist - 5