We have temporarily disabled the ability of players to engage in direct player-to-player PvP challenges in addition to the PvP Arenas accessible through the NPC Jackson Laws due to a bug. We will let you know when these features reopen.
We have temporarily disabled the ability of players to engage in direct player-to-player PvP challenges in addition to the PvP Arenas accessible through the NPC Jackson Laws due to a bug. We will let you know when these features reopen.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Is this related to a server side issue? Ex: Creating the arenas causes lag server wide for an unknown reason?
or is it people complaining about abilities not working right in the arenas?
If it's the former, is there any chance the arenas will be off forever?
If it's the latter, you could just turn it on and ignore those things?
A group on argonesson just started a PVP tradition which I'm guessing is exactly what drew your attention to whatever bug this is.
The direct challenge was returned yesterday and they put it back without telling us but somehow when the match is finished the game lost its connection the server and crashed. Now today the direct pvp challenge is gone again. I guess they took it out to fix the bug cause the game lost connection
PvP arenas and direct player challenges have returned as of Update 55.2 today. Have fun!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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