I am aware that there is a penalty to the reset cost and it decays over time. But i suspect that its either not decaying properly or its decaying too slow.
The last time i reset my reaper tree was at least a week ago.
The cost to reset my reaper tree for the last several days was stuck at 297k plat for 36 ap, or 8,250 plat per AP.
I logged in today and noticed that the cost to reset 36 AP had dropped to about 277k. After doing some raids, it has dropped to about 266k.
Again, it has been stuck at 297k plat for several days of playtime and it has not decayed at all during that time. My enhancement trees and ED reset costs have decayed properly however.
My friend who has TRed and not done any reaper resets only requires 72k to reset 29 AP, or roughly 2.5k plat per AP...which is a more realistic cost.
Something seems to be wrong with my reaper tree reset penalty? Its obviously not decaying properly. Unless the decay rate for the reaper tree is supposed to be extremely slow?