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  1. #1
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    Default New update - Smooth transition from heroic to epic is epic lie by DDO developers

    So i did it,
    I TRed.

    Now I am sitting at lvl20.
    What are my options?
    Basicaly i would continue doing 18lvl quests on reaper that make it 20lvl quests.
    But here is 1st downside, you cant enter thouse dungeons on reaper, only on elite.

    So does this feel like smooth transitions - NO!.

    Also now we have gated epic abilities so additional power at lvl20 from epic destinies almost equal to 0.

    So option number 2:
    Run lvl 20 quests on reaper that makes it lvl22 quests. Is that smooth? - NO!.

    And another thing to address is that if you open group panel with listed quests there isnt really support for epic versions of heroic quests.
    So you have to open Adventure Compendium panel and sort there adventures by epic level. That way you able to see what quests at lvl20 you can to run.

    Slayers after all seems like most easy choise to do.

  2. #2
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    I agree the transition is problematic. Dropping the reaper level 19 cap on level 18 and 19 quests should have been removed as part of U51.

    My personal opinion is using saga xp, running slayers or challenges up to level 24 or 26 makes the most sense (power leveling with 30+ Rs using alts in my case). Then start level 20 quests at 24 if you are focused mostly on epic xp for max bb or level 25 or 26 if you want to push skulls and get more rxp out of it. At level 26 lgs and some other raid gear is available + tier 4 ED providing a significant boost to power so I opted for running level 20+ reapers starting at 26 and maxing rxp, but if you have any kind of xp pot you will hit 30 before you finish all the 20-23 quests if you do this, so I might try 24 next life.

    At 26 low level epic quests seem easier on the same skull compared to running 30s at 30. This makes sense since there is a 6 level spread vs 0 level spread. The difficulty from quest to quest isn't 100% consistent, but mostly consistent. You can still get one-shot in storm the beaches without fire absorb - even at 26. Epic Devil Assault seems much more difficult than other 21s. Bargain of Blood is the perfect example of scaling strangeness at epic levels. The first mate which once upon a time was a difficult encounter you worked hard to avoid - now he has 600 hit points which means he will be one shot. The minotaur hp dropped from close to 200k to around 40k which seems ok for level 20. The kobold boss scaling appears unchanged from pre-U51 - and now he has more hp instead of much less than the minotaur - CR on the kobold is also much higher. Seems the kobold re-stat was never done.

    Overall I am more inclined to run lower level epic quests than I was before U51 - so even though things aren't perfect I view it as an improvement.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  3. #3
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    They also need to rescale the old 18/19 quests as the mobs have higher stats now than epic quest mobs. They feel really out of place post-u51.

  4. #4
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tebaco View Post
    So i did it,
    I TRed.

    Now I am sitting at lvl20.
    What are my options?
    Basicaly i would continue doing 18lvl quests on reaper that make it 20lvl quests.
    But here is 1st downside, you cant enter thouse dungeons on reaper, only on elite.

    So does this feel like smooth transitions - NO!.

    Also now we have gated epic abilities so additional power at lvl20 from epic destinies almost equal to 0.

    So option number 2:
    Run lvl 20 quests on reaper that makes it lvl22 quests. Is that smooth? - NO!.

    And another thing to address is that if you open group panel with listed quests there isnt really support for epic versions of heroic quests.
    So you have to open Adventure Compendium panel and sort there adventures by epic level. That way you able to see what quests at lvl20 you can to run.

    Slayers after all seems like most easy choise to do.
    First grats on the Epic TR

    Second yes I agree the transition is not smooth

    Yep Epic lock out is a dated concept that came from the days when Epic Destinies came at full power @ level 20 it's not nessisary now

    I wouldn't say the power at 20 equals 0 but it pales in comparison to the power available to and Epic TR before

    I agree the LFM panel needs an update to show all levels of quests it could also use a bunch of other modernizations including fixing ghost lfms

    The only saving grace of U51 is the monster nerf making things much easier for our nerfed charicters to handle

  5. #5
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    They also need to rescale the old 18/19 quests as the mobs have higher stats now than epic quest mobs. They feel really out of place post-u51.



  6. #6
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tebaco View Post
    So i did it,
    I TRed.

    Now I am sitting at lvl20.
    What are my options?
    Basicaly i would continue doing 18lvl quests on reaper that make it 20lvl quests.
    But here is 1st downside, you cant enter thouse dungeons on reaper, only on elite.

    So does this feel like smooth transitions - NO!.

    Also now we have gated epic abilities so additional power at lvl20 from epic destinies almost equal to 0.

    So option number 2:
    Run lvl 20 quests on reaper that makes it lvl22 quests. Is that smooth? - NO!.

    And another thing to address is that if you open group panel with listed quests there isnt really support for epic versions of heroic quests.
    So you have to open Adventure Compendium panel and sort there adventures by epic level. That way you able to see what quests at lvl20 you can to run.

    Slayers after all seems like most easy choise to do.
    I ran into the same dilemma. Level 18-19 quests might as well not exist. The XP is ridiculously low. The Kobolds new ringleader, a level 2 quest, will net you nearly as much as level 18 quests.

    Just pop on over to epics. Run them on elite or hard until you're leveled up enough to go back for reaper.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  7. #7
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    They also need to rescale the old 18/19 quests as the mobs have higher stats now than epic quest mobs. They feel really out of place post-u51.

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rabidfox again.
    This, definitely. It's as if there's some hidden internal scaling when the herioc effective quest level is 20 or more.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tebaco View Post
    So does this feel like smooth transitions - NO!.

    Also now we have gated epic abilities so additional power at lvl20 from epic destinies almost equal to 0.

    So option number 2:
    Run lvl 20 quests on reaper that makes it lvl22 quests. Is that smooth? - NO!.
    Well, here we go again with more baseless accusations about "lies" from the developers that are not based on any actual game reality. How do I know? Because I just did it; on hardcore, with a first-life character, no legacy gear, using a ML10 Barovian weapon, and basic destiny points. If my character was able to accomplish running L21 Eveningstar quests at L21 when I have no margin for error how can it be so onerous for your character who can die however many times you want?

    Before getting frustrated and typing something out on the forums perhaps ask for some help first when choosing your EDs. There is a lot of power unlocked from L21 to 23. 23 for example, gives you second ED cores. Once you start to understand the ED system you'll better be able to make constructive commentary about it.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    There is a lot of power unlocked from L21 to 23. 23 for example, gives you second ED cores. Once you start to understand the ED system you'll better be able to make constructive commentary about it.
    Once you start to understand the op was level 20 you’ll be better able… lol who am I kidding no you won’t. Game’s trash now, devs are busy shifting goalposts so they can repackage and resell power they already sold.

  10. #10
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Well, here we go again with more baseless accusations about "lies" from the developers that are not based on any actual game reality. How do I know? Because I just did it; on hardcore, with a first-life character, no legacy gear, using a ML10 Barovian weapon, and basic destiny points. If my character was able to accomplish running L21 Eveningstar quests at L21 when I have no margin for error how can it be so onerous for your character who can die however many times you want?

    Before getting frustrated and typing something out on the forums perhaps ask for some help first when choosing your EDs. There is a lot of power unlocked from L21 to 23. 23 for example, gives you second ED cores. Once you start to understand the ED system you'll better be able to make constructive commentary about it.
    Hyperbole perhaps but indeed the OPs experience is based on the realization of the game

    OP was speaking on the lvl 20 experience not on anything else

    Even with understanding of the system at keels 21 to 23 it is not without faults and deserving of criticism in need of adjustments if things like DC casters have to adjust to nukers until later levels etc etc feedback floods the forums of shortcomings with the system

  11. #11
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    Level up to 22 using other means then you should be able to blast R1 (on a decent build) all the way up to cap.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Well, here we go again with more baseless accusations about "lies" from the developers that are not based on any actual game reality. How do I know? Because I just did it; on hardcore, with a first-life character, no legacy gear, using a ML10 Barovian weapon, and basic destiny points. If my character was able to accomplish running L21 Eveningstar quests at L21 when I have no margin for error how can it be so onerous for your character who can die however many times you want?

    Before getting frustrated and typing something out on the forums perhaps ask for some help first when choosing your EDs. There is a lot of power unlocked from L21 to 23. 23 for example, gives you second ED cores. Once you start to understand the ED system you'll better be able to make constructive commentary about it.
    You did read that he was talking about running reaper, which you were not running reaper 21's on hardcore on a lvl 21 character.

    Try to read what is posted before trying to attack and belittle people.
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  13. #13
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    A, epic quests are easier than pre 51 even without full instant EDs, so yeah the transition is easier

    B, no one is entitled to reaper at all times and if you can't then the game needs to change so you can. If you can't handle r1 at-level at 20 then drop down to EE till you can handle it, simple as that

  14. #14
    Community Member Wahnsinnig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tebaco View Post
    So i did it,
    I TRed.
    A bit late for you now, but the secret to get a smooth and easy start on your epic levelling is to prepare as many epic saga's as you can before you do your epic reincarnation, then you take the XP reward after reincarnating.

    If you prepare all the saga's we have in game, and use a 50% potion you get enough XP to get you almost to level 25. I usually end up somewhere between lvl 21 to 23.

  15. #15
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    They also need to rescale the old 18/19 quests as the mobs have higher stats now than epic quest mobs. They feel really out of place post-u51.

    Part of the issue with heroics is that newer heroics scale different than older heroics which isn't consistent with the dev's goal of having a smooth leveling experience. This is just speculation but since most of the low level epics are older quests they are scaling based on heroic stats which is lower than newer quests of the same heroic level.

    It's not a crisis requiring immediate attention, but I agree they should smooth out heroic quests as well.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wahnsinnig View Post
    A bit late for you now, but the secret to get a smooth and easy start on your epic levelling is to prepare as many epic saga's as you can before you do your epic reincarnation, then you take the XP reward after reincarnating.

    If you prepare all the saga's we have in game, and use a 50% potion you get enough XP to get you almost to level 25. I usually end up somewhere between lvl 21 to 23.
    Guys please, before you post something try to read the point of post.
    There is so much off topic in here.

    Dear Wahnsinnig,
    I am not a noobie. Sure I know about sagas probably much more than you and other community. I been enjoying farming saga xp to inventory and using it in heroic leveling when they allowed such awesome thing. But back to the point. I am talking about transition from heroic to epic. As you go and play heroic quests on usual ddo gamer paradigma. So basically on reaper that add +2lvl of quest to its normal level. So when you level 16 you run 14lvl quests.
    And I found out that since you reach level 20 than there exists couple of problems. That problems are mentioned in the first post. Some guys read that correctly and made excellent posts. Some just went trolling in. And some talking about something else.

    So concentrate about those problems. Say that you would like to fixing them or that you really dont care about it. But dont try to scam this post with usual troll stuff. Objective why I even bother to post something like that is because I want to show devs how their game sux. Compared to other games - the last point (read 1st post) is just not acceptable. Game than looking unfinished.
    Last edited by Tebaco; 12-31-2021 at 01:50 PM.

  17. #17
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    Epic elite and epic reaper are easier now than before but I agree the transition is not "smooth" yet. Elite has very hard hitting mobs compared to heroic and reaper has very high hp bosses on top of that (and reapers seem to have high hp too). So elite is a significant step up and reaper a big step up , but not longer HUGE as it used to be.

    And I think lvl 20/21 epics should be balanced to be played with chars lvl 20/21, that have very few ED points yet. Playing quests your level -2 doesn't make sense in low epics, since lvl heroic 18/19 quests give very few xp compared to lvl 20+ epic quests.

    I only play reaper in a group in epics, otherwise elite or even hard for speed (bosses have quite a bit of HP even in epic elite).

    edit: some outlier mobs who were not properly downscaled should be fixed, like the Crag in "Into the deep". Scorpions in Claw of Vulkoor seem overtuned too. Werewolves in general, in every quest.
    Last edited by Wizard1406; 12-30-2021 at 06:42 AM.

  18. #18
    Community Member merridyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tebaco View Post
    Guys please, before you post something try to read the point of post.
    There is so much off topic ******** in here.

    Dear Wahnsinnig,
    I am not a noobie. Sure I know about sagas probably much more than you and other community. I been enjoying farming saga xp to inventory and using it in heroic leveling when they allowed such awesome thing. But back to the point. I am talking about transition from heroic to epic. As you go and play heroic quests on usual ddo gamer paradigma. So basically on reaper that add +2lvl of quest to its normal level. So when you level 16 you run 14lvl quests.
    And I found out that since you reach level 20 than there exists couple of problems. That problems are mentioned in the first post. Some guys read that correctly and made excellent posts. Some just went trolling in. And some talking about something else.

    So concentrate about those problems. Say that you would like to fixing them or that you really dont care about it. But dont try to scam this post with usual troll stuff. Objective why I even bother to post something like that is because I want to show devs how their game sux. Compared to other games - the last point (read 1st post) is just not acceptable. Game than looking unfinished.
    My experience with the ED redo:

    Solo r1-r4 up to level 20
    EH from 20-30, could do EE/r1 on most quests but took twice as long so slowed leveling

    After ED revamp:
    Solo r1-r4 up to level 20
    r1-r3 from 20-30

    Not sure what you are talking about here, my experience is the exact opposite. Running 20+ reaper is easier than ever for me now.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by merridyan View Post
    Not sure what you are talking about here, my experience is the exact opposite. Running 20+ reaper is easier than ever for me now.
    If someone is not able read or understand written text is not my problem.
    Last edited by Tebaco; 12-31-2021 at 01:51 PM.

  20. #20
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    As mentioned in a previous thread; increasing the dismal xp in the later heroic quests, 17-19 would give a character far more options and would make the transition a lot easier.

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