Last edited by jessman615; 12-21-2021 at 03:03 PM.
Last edited by jessman615; 12-21-2021 at 03:04 PM.
Most success in Reaper, whether defined by item farming or speed in quest completion vs reaper point accumulation, comes from grouping. If you're unwilling to group, then yes, this mode isn't for you. But that's OK, the game supports a staggering number of difficulty levels.
I am Awesomesauce!
Sir, there is nothing wrong with this. We have 14 difficulties for a reason.
If reaper is too spicy, don't run reaper. If it's fun in groups, run it in groups. Eventually when you get there you'll find fun in pushin the difficulty higher.
Play at your own pace and have fun. Happy hunting.
I don't think any of the "recent updates" would have affected your levelling experience in heroics - since the adjustments only affected epic levels. Not to mention it is somewhere like 10 times easier to level in epics now - so if anything it should be a breeze.
For farming gear, get yourself to cap, then take some time to farm low level gear. Saltmarsh gear is good because you can use it at level 3 or you can upgrade it to level 20. Feywild gear is incredible.
Build selection is important - my favourite for farming reaper points in heroics on a newish toon is Warlock. Very survivable right out of the gates and has a nice assortment of tools for soloing.
Finally, quest selection is key. Newer content like Saltmarsh and Gatekeepers are much tougher than other quests at the same level. It takes a bit of experience but you eventually learn what difficulty to choose to suit your needs.
This is nonsense.
Last edited by jessman615; 12-21-2021 at 03:04 PM.
Couple recommendations, I know you said you don't need advice but what you said paints a bit of a different story.
Most of the good tr gear is account bound, so you don't have to inflate your tr cache too much. When I was getting completionist on my sorc, I liked to have my tr cache be around 80 items at most. I would then immediately pull everything for non-epic content out of my TR cache so that it was small and the bank would load quickly. If you have an inflated tr cache, look at items that you pull out of your tr cache just to put them back in without using them and ask yourself why you're holding onto them.
Taking some time at cap to farm tr gear makes life much easier. Feywild makes 5-10 super easy, Ravenloft gear at 10 goes a long way towards making the early tens easy, and sharn gear (+ some epic gear at 20+) makes getting back to 30 easy. Put up a group for heroic elite and list in the lfm what item you're looking for and you're highly likely to get it (this made getting 6 shattered onyx rings (heroic and legendary versions, one for each casting stat) much less horrible, for example).
Don't be afraid to use a hireling to get your self-healing done. This is more true of reaper than elite, but self-healing through potions or scrolls or wands can feel bad. Piloting a hireling takes a bit of practice, but bringing out a hireling with raise and heals makes questing easier, even if you only use them to top off after fights.
I don't understand what you mean about you were doing elite easily before the update, heroics haven't changed in a while; however, DDO is very much a preparation and knowledge game: having the right answers to a quest on your character is generally what makes it easy. Getting good gear makes it easy to bypass some of this knowledge (the preparation part), but having a thorough knowledge of quests is an even stronger advantage (see hardcore, and how fast people can get to 30, for example).
Last edited by WruntJunior; 12-21-2021 at 02:07 PM.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
Honestly, I think you do need some advice. If after 8 lives, you are still getting owned in elite, then there is something off with your build. What build are you running? I have a few characters that are melee and can hold their own in elite, even on first life. So give us the breakdown and let us help.
as far as XP goes, yes it is a grind without pots. No real way around that.
Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.
Last edited by jessman615; 12-21-2021 at 03:05 PM.
Try running 4 levels over the quest level. Your heroic xp still beats elite and you only lose 10% of base rxp which ends up being 2-3% once you factor in all the first-time bonuses.
I was able to solo R1 4 levels over on a first-life free-to-play paladin with no hand-me-down gear, no purchases, no passed plat or other goods - just what I earned in game. I believe you can do it too.
As a paladin unyielding sovereignty is your ticket to bypass plague reaper healing debuff which is tougher during heroic levels.
Your complaints don't comport with the common experience of the game, so that suggests the issues you're having aren't because of the reasons you think. There's no reason you should be struggling on heroic elite, with a decent melee build, even with mediocre or incomplete gear. So continuing to bash your head against the wall is irrational and unnecessary. The standard for elite isn't that high, though the standard for reaper isn't as low as you seem to expect, so yeah that's unsurprising and not anything you need to worry about till you master elite.
Your build is the most likely culprit, but we can't diagnose it without more info. You might be able to improve your gear with cannith crafting, if you're having trouble with named item hunting. If you want to be more successful and enjoy the game more, then let people help you enjoy it. If you just enjoy complaining and don't actually want to fix the problems, then don't expect many sympathetic ears...
thanks for advice all. Ill get it sorted.
For what it is worth, I play on Normal, Hard, Epic Normal, Epic Hard. At higher difficulties, damage comes in too fast for me to counter and the game becomes extremely stressful. I have pretty good equipment and have asked for advice _many_ times. I have tried quite a few 'Reaper Ready' builds including various Paladins but they do not work for me. So it goes. In the end, your happiness flows from what you can accomplish and enjoy, not from what other people think you can accomplish and enjoy. You are not playing for them. You are playing for you.
Last edited by Annex; 12-22-2021 at 12:26 AM.
Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!
Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.