UPDATE: Argonnessen has reopened.
We are investigating an unplanned downtime of Argonessen. We will provide more information when available.
UPDATE: Argonnessen has reopened.
We are investigating an unplanned downtime of Argonessen. We will provide more information when available.
Last edited by Cordovan; 02-09-2021 at 12:29 AM.
Argonnessen has reopened. We apologize for tonight's issue, and will be continuing to investigate the cause.
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Instead of a launcher message that reads:
Argonnessen Unavailable
UPDATE: Argonnessen has reopened
Why not simply remove the entire “Argonnessen Unavailable” message when the worlds reopen? If it’s up, you don’t really need to know it used to be down (or that it’s up for that matter). The only time communication needs to happen is when it’s down. Unless of course it’s an ongoing issue. Or if there’s a pragmatic issue I’m unaware of.
When you see “Unavailable” you think “Oh carp! I can’t play video games!” Then you read “UPDATE: Back up” and think “Yay! Wait a sec, why are you telling me “down” when it’s not down? You just scared me for nothing…”
It makes me think of a sign on a (brick and mortar) store that says “We were closed yesterday.”
Last edited by Evean; 02-09-2021 at 03:18 AM.
“Standard practice” is moot. My point still applies, standard or no. No one needs to know you used to be closed, “just for reference.” It’s irrelevant noise.
EDIT: Think of it this way; Someone stops you on your way into the grocery just to tell you “Did you know we’re not closed?”
Last edited by Evean; 02-09-2021 at 03:26 AM.
Also irrelevant. Now my comment is: “This message, and the ‘standard practice,’ and the decision to publicly archive down-times in the launcher message, all need to be re-thought.”
It’s genuinely laudable you choose to come to their defence, but your efforts might be doing more harm than good! lol
Then we have different meanings for “fine.” I’ve seen messages in the launcher telling me “The game was down, but now it’s back up” over a week old. You’re correct, it’s nothing to get outraged about, but there’s also no need for it. And “There’s more important things to worry about” is a poor argument. It takes less time to delete “Down” than it does to add “No longer down.” If you think your version is better, or mine is worse, explain why. “Because I like it” isn’t an argument. I’m not attached to my ideas, I’m attached to good ideas.
And all of that aside, if it’s a virtually effortless fix, that would result in an overall improvement, why not do it?
Last edited by Evean; 02-09-2021 at 08:01 AM.
If I log into the game and see "Argonesson Unavailable," I understand I can not log into Argonesson at this time. I log in a couple of hours later and see the update stating it's open. I understand I can log in now.
If I didn't try to log in during the downtime, I had no reason to think there was a problem; so when I log in and see that Argonesson was down and now it's back up, I have several things to think of:
1. Glad I didn't try to log on earlier. Sigh of relief.
2. There was a problem, so I keep it in the back of my mind in-case I start experiencing issues.
3. Hopefully, I won't experience lag since they took it down and brought it back up.
4. Hopefully, they fixed some lag issues during the downtime.
If you drove by looking for brick and mortar yesterday and saw they were closed, you'd know not to stop.It makes me think of a sign on a (brick and mortar) store that says “We were closed yesterday.”
Unless they put a sign in the window, or on the door, that says open, and you drove by, you'd think they were still closed. If there is no sign acknowledging open or closed, you'd keep driving by.
Bottom line:
Thank you Devs.
I used to do this and had some folks on the forums here accuse us of trying to "hide" problems and pretend downtimes didn't happen. After it became an issue and community moderation trigger enough times, I started keeping the messages up for ~12 hours afterwards. Was better to let it sit a bit longer than we'd like rather than deal with the fallout of removing it too soon. Additionally, there are some people who prefer to check the game launcher to see if the issue is fixed before logging in by reading it is now open in the launcher news. Finally, we have a bunch of things like player-created Discord and guild web site bots that take the launcher news feed and populate that messaging elsewhere, so removing something like an "Argo down" without doing the "world has reopened" bit leaves them without the messaging they are looking to use for their own purposes.
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To click or not to click? That is the question.
Argonnessen is my home server. If another server is down, I wouldn't know it and I wouldn't prowl the forum looking for information about it; it is not relevant to me. It is just that easy to filter out unwanted/unnecessary information with my built in auto-filter 9000 MK XII. If you feel that these announcements are unwanted/unnecessary for you personally, upgrade your built in auto-filter to the 9000 MK XII auto-filter by Spishak!
Incorrect. You see “Down” and you know it’s down. When the game up, like it is 99.9% of the time everyone logs in, you see nothing. Not a “Not down” sign. You’re simply trying to rationalize bad design, instead of making an effort to think of good design.
Imagine a sign IRL that looks like this:
(not actually closed)
Are you trolling me and I can’t tell? Surely the absurdity of such a sign requires no explanation?
EDIT: As an aside for future reference, a “brick and mortar” store is a term for real-life physical stores, used to distinguish them from online stores. Not a store that sells bricks and mortar. Similarly, an “Internet store” is a store on the internet. Not a store that sells internet. And what I was describing was the uselessness of a sign informing someone of things that had already happened. Such as “Sale: Yesterday.”
Lastly, more communication =/= better. Don’t be ridiculous. Following this logic, you’d consider it better if I informed you of everything, including things that didn’t happen:
Yesterday, you didn’t die from cancer. Or bear attack. And the world didn’t explode. And I didn’t buy a new Gameboy. And I don’t have three heads. And I can’t fly. And you can’t drink gasoline. Also, I didn’t go to the store to buy pants. I’m hungry, but I’m not a sure what I want to eat. Maybe a sandwich? Darn. I don’t have any bread. What is that smell? It smells like urine. Did you hear that? I think I heard something…
Last edited by Evean; 02-09-2021 at 07:49 PM.
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It wasn't my intention to appear to be defending anyone. I was pointing out that having the superfluous and no-longer-relevant information still being posted, is a commonplace practice.
If anything, pointing out when they've fixed an issue also highlights each time there is an issue.
"Oh, The worlds have reopened? I guess that means it must have been DOWN. AGAIN. Sooo encouraging!"
Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!
EDIT: “standard practice” is moot.
Could also be phrased “Standard practice is a moot point.”
Last edited by Evean; 02-10-2021 at 03:31 AM.
If not for our communication, I wouldn't have learned so much. I thank you for that.
I still stand by my statement, though. More communication IS better. Especially when you're invested in it.
We, as players, continually ask the devs for comments. It's nice to get any information from them. If you have such a problem receiving communication, why come to the forums? Just ignore their statement.
AND you would've never known about the "pragmatic" issue (with Discord), without the Cordovan stating it.
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