A separate post from Janave got me to thinking about the poor scaling of blaster locks in epics and a missed opportunity for Tainted Scholar.
Soul Eaters and Enlightened Spirits both have unique play styles, but TS is generally relegated to a support tree for the others.
So I started scheming a bit. The goal is to add a bit of blast damage to everybody, but a bit more power and speed when focusing on single target.

Too much coffee tonight, may be a touch off the rails, but I tried to keep balance in mind toward the epic end. Constructive criticism appreciated.

1) Tainted Focus- Blast Shape Stance- You have learned to focus your eldrtich blasts to a fine point. Your eldritch blast will now fire as a ray, scales with 130% spell power.
Passive: You gain 1 universal spell power for each point spent in this tree and no longer incur a penalty to pact die when activating an eldritch shape stance.
2) Tainted Lore- You have focused your studies allowing you to do 5% more critical spell damage for every core taken in this tree.
Passive: +1 Spell Pen. The Web spell is now added to your spell book as a level 2 spell.
3) Stanch- Similar effect, but remove depravity from the equation. Would still incur the max hp penalty.
Passive: When using Tainted Focus your pact die are now d6s. Add Crushing Despair to your spell book at level 3.
4)Tainted Lore II- Your studies have taught you to more efficiently harness your eldritch power and can now fire your eldritch blasts 5% faster.
Passive: +1 Spell Pen. Death Ward is added to your spell book as level 4 spell.
5)Tainted Lore III- You have become even more efficient at harnessing your Eldritch energies and can now fire your eldritch blasts 10% faster. Total, not cumulative.
Passive: When using Tainted Focus your pact die are now d8s. Add Greater Heroism to your spell book as a level 5 spell.
6)Heretical Lore- Passive:+4 Charisma, and 2d6 Eldritch Blast damage. Add Energy Drain to your spell book as a level 6 spell.
While using Tainted Focus you receive an additional +2d6 eldritch blast damage, and 2 additional pact die.

Tier 1: Mostly unchanged. Remove Command SLA, Replace with Pinpoint Blast - Fire a ray of eldritch energy that knocks down the target of a failed fort save.
Strong Pact - Change to increases pact damage by 1 die, rather than 1d4 to scale with new cores. Repeat for subsequent tiers.

Tier 2: Remove Utterdark Blast. Replace with Utterdark Influence - Your studies have taught you to merge your eldritch energies with that of your patron. Toggle this ability on to convert
your eldritch blast damage to your pact type. 1 rank, 2 AP cost.
Remove Chain Shape. Replace with Eldritch Efficiency - You have learned to more efficiently harness your eldritch energies while using Tainted Focus, and can now fire your Eldritch Ray
10% faster. 1 rank 2 AP cost.
Stunning Blast - Change to fire a ray of Eldritch Energy rather than the clunky slow moving ball it uses now.

Tier 3: Faltering Blast - Change to passive rather than stance. +1d6 Eldritch Blast damage.
Confusion - Remove depravity cost, change to single tier at 2 AP cost, 6 second cool down.

Tier 4: Penetrating Blast - Converts your Eldritch Blast damage to Piercing. +1d6 Eldritch Blast damage.
While using Tainted Focus shape stance your Eldritch power chips away at the targets magical resistance. -2 MRR, stacks up to 10 times.
Enervating Shadow - Change to passive rather than stance, lower proc rate from 10% to 5%. Puts it in line with a draining weapon.
Bewitching Blast - Still linked with Confusion below, also lowered to single tier at 2 AP, 10% proc rate.

Tier 5: More less a complete over haul here.
Mass Confusion - Reduce to single tier, 2 AP cost. 20 second cool down.
Eldritch Power - +1d6 Eldritch Blast damage, +1 pact die. Link with Strong Pact line. 2 AP cost.
Eldritch Ball - Removed. Replace with Eldritch Barrage - Fire 3 consecutive rays of Eldritch energy which scale at 150% spell power. 1 rank 2 AP cost. 10 second cool down.
Planar Focus- Removed. Replace with Eldritch Surge - Fire a concentrated beam of Eldritch energy which passes through targets. 150% spell power. 1 rank 2 AP. 10 second cool down.