Cormyrean Knight Training: You now use Charisma or Strength, whichever is higher, for attack and damage with shortswords, longswords, bastard swords, and greatswords.
In addition, as long as your Charisma remains higher than your Strength and you are wielding one of the above weapons, you receive a bonus to the DCs of your Tactical Feats equal to 1/3 your Charisma modifier.Looking for confirmation on if these stack? If they do, should we expect it to stay like that?Divine Might: Battle Trance: You now gain an insight bonus to hit, damage, and tactical dc's equal to half your charisma modifier for 30/60/120 seconds for 21/18/15 sp. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Anti-requisite: cannot be trained if you have any other Battle Trance abilities (Know the Angles, Falconry Deadly Instinct, etc.).
For a paladin 70-80 cha is "easy" with current endgame stats, a potential +10-13 to might be interesting. Not done the math to see if it's better then strength-based though...