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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2008

    Default Stuck in mouselook mode with a dialog box I can't interact with

    Maybe once a week for the past few months I randomly get a dialog box pop up that I can't interact with. It's happened with the LFM interface with a dialog box asking if I wanted to save changes 'yes' or 'cancel', sometimes it's from click on a xp stone from daily dice where it says this will leave you with xxx XP away from next level do you want to use? 'yes' or 'no'.

    The problem is that I would not have been in mouselook mode, I would have clicked on the xp stone and then when the dialog box opens up the game goes into mouselook mode so I'm unable to click on the dialog box to make it go away. Enter does nothing, escape does nothing, hitting T or the button on my mouse that toggles mouselook mode does nothing. I tried Alt-Enter to jump to windowed mode and back out and still stuck. I literally can't do anything except look around with a dialog box smack dab in the middle of my screen that I can't close or interact with. If I hit the windows command key I get the start menu and I can then move my mouse around windows, but if I click on the ddo window I'm back to being stuck in mouselook. I want to be clear that most of the time these dialog boxes are fine, it's intermitten/random when it happens.

    So far the only way to get out of it is to windows command button, right click the task bar and endtask ddo.

    Has anyone else experienced this? If so do you have a trick to get out of it?

  2. #2
    Community Member Gniewomir's Avatar
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    Dec 2019


    I've got same bug and i believe it's here at least for a few years. In fact im suprised there's not much attention paid to this problem, tho on the other hand for me it always happen while editing lfm/accepting requests in social panel and i think lfms are not popular last days, people tend to solo mostly, so probably not enough players care about it to make this problem more visible on forums.

    Although i have to admit - it's extremly annoying, and since i pug a lot it happens to me maybe even once a day.

    Since i have no idea how to fix it i also just restart ddo client.

  3. #3
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Weird. Short of a re-installing the game, perhaps try a repair of the game files?

    From the launcher: Triangle --> Options --> Repair tab --> Repair button

    And if that doesn't work, reinstalling would be my next step.
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
    Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu

    Bug report form link

  4. #4
    Community Member Gniewomir's Avatar
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    I came back recently from 12months+ break, so i had to install ddo on new pc anyway and im pretty sure i had same bug on previous one too. Either the problem is not only on specific players side or the probability of creating this bug is not so small. To be honest - i was 100% sure from time to time it happens to everyone and nobody cares much, so i didn't wanted to be whiny one and i never did any attempts of fixing it or asking for help on forums. lol

  5. #5
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    Default mis-programmed dialog box

    So I did some testing last night. I tried to open up every type of window I could and interact with it with the keyboard.

    The following 'boxes' could be closed by hitting ESC, and in most cases could be acceptted by pressing Enter:
    Opening a quest, Enhancments, trade window, level up window from trainer, bank, shops/bartender barter window, auction house, npc dialog boxes in a quest, spells with options (teleport, fireshield), items with spell options (staff of power), cannith deconstruction, social panel

    windows that don't behave like everything else:
    xp stones & the 'did you want to save changes to you lfm' dialog box

    So my question now for anyone that reads this could you click on a xp stone for daily dice and check if hitting ESC or Enter does anything on your computer? If it works fine on your computer then I need to do a reinstall. If ESC or enter don't work for you either, then I think I need to put a bug request in. (Or ideally a GM could test it and just post a 'this is now on our radar' post.)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcath View Post
    windows that don't behave like everything else:
    xp stones & the 'did you want to save changes to you lfm' dialog box
    I think I also got stuck trying to get on the guild ship last week. Even though the confirmation window is now gone when entering the guildships I figured I'd mention it here just in case a GM does manage to read this and does look into it.

    The fact that the client jumps into mouselook unexpectedly isn't something thats easy to test. If we could just ESC out of every window it would just be a nuisance issue. But mouselook combined with a box that requires clicking is game-stopping. Literally.

  7. #7
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcath View Post

    Has anyone else experienced this? If so do you have a trick to get out of it?
    I have no idea if this will help: In the keymapping section of the options panel, down at the bottom are keybindings for NPC dialog. Ctrl F1, ctrl f2, etc for the first or second option in a window. Maybe that would work?
    also, what happens if you alt-z and close and reopen the UI? What about holding down the right mouse button?

  8. #8
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    I have also experienced this problem several times, most frequently with the LFM panel. A lot of windows in general dont seem to want to accept "escape" as a means of closing them(bank and bag windows if the cursor focus is in the search field, for example). I've several times had to end-task/restart the client and once even hard reboot the whole PC. It was especially a problem when I was leading a group and had no way to tell everyone "Hey, my client just ****ed the bed, I will be right back".

    Really, really, really irritating.

  9. #9
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    not sure I've had your issue, but here's one I've seen recently : if I have the guild ship send me to the hall of heroes, the box asking where I want to go will still be open when I get to HoH, can't interact with or get rid of it. I only ever see this with HoH. I only recently started using guild ship to get to HoH because of wanting to go to KOTB, so not sure if this has been around a while or not. I just stumble to the KOTB teleport guy, and after teleporting there the box is gone.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcath View Post
    Maybe once a week for the past few months I randomly get a dialog box pop up that I can't interact with. It's happened with the LFM interface with a dialog box asking if I wanted to save changes 'yes' or 'cancel', sometimes it's from click on a xp stone from daily dice where it says this will leave you with xxx XP away from next level do you want to use? 'yes' or 'no'.

    The problem is that I would not have been in mouselook mode, I would have clicked on the xp stone and then when the dialog box opens up the game goes into mouselook mode so I'm unable to click on the dialog box to make it go away. Enter does nothing, escape does nothing, hitting T or the button on my mouse that toggles mouselook mode does nothing. I tried Alt-Enter to jump to windowed mode and back out and still stuck. I literally can't do anything except look around with a dialog box smack dab in the middle of my screen that I can't close or interact with. If I hit the windows command key I get the start menu and I can then move my mouse around windows, but if I click on the ddo window I'm back to being stuck in mouselook. I want to be clear that most of the time these dialog boxes are fine, it's intermitten/random when it happens.

    So far the only way to get out of it is to windows command button, right click the task bar and endtask ddo.

    Has anyone else experienced this? If so do you have a trick to get out of it?
    I have had a similar problem with quest entrance boxes. It turns out the the quest box was popping up in the same location as my guild chat window that was minimized with the eye toggle. The only thing visible was the the quest box but it was behind the guild chat window and could not get the click. If I drag the quest box away I can then click on the button. Maybe this is a similar problem?

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