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  1. #1

    Default Character Slot for Hardcore League Server Toon

    Character slots are 25% off this weekend, so I was going to purchase at least one additional slot for my hardcore league server character(s). As the character transfer itself is free, does this mean that an empty slot is included with the transfer to a regular server? All of my character slots on Argo are presently occupied. I'm guessing that this isn't the case, but I wanted to make sure before buying more slots. The HL FAQ doesn't seem to answer this question:

  2. #2
    The Confused Starp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Purchasing a character slot adds a slot to every server

    Whenever you go to the DDO Store and buy an account-wide item like a character slot, it applies to your account as a whole. In this case, buying a character slot will add one more slot to every server (Argo, Hardcore, Orien, etc.).


  3. #3
    Community Member Solacetine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    If you are maxed on character slots on one server, you won't be able to transfer to that server. You need a free slot to be able to transfer. You can have 45 slots bought from the store, and that goes to all servers. If you bought some expansions then the number I think is 47 or 48.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Solacetine View Post
    If you are maxed on character slots on one server, you won't be able to transfer to that server. You need a free slot to be able to transfer. You can have 45 slots bought from the store, and that goes to all servers. If you bought some expansions then the number I think is 47 or 48.
    Thank you, that answers my question.

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