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From : Daarsurra
To : Cordovan
Date : 10-09-2019, 10:31 PM
Title : Re: i believe you care and you're advocating for us Mac users...
well, as of today it's clear which of the 3 primary choices i mentioned seems most likely. with this update, not only does my Time Machine backup of the app fail to get past the instructions to download the Wine client, but the Wine client can't even be loaded producing this error:w
until today, i've been able to restore a previous backup of the launcher app from Time Machine, but this insistance on not providing the ability to use slightly outdated versions of the 13 year old app and failing to produce a solid Wine client is just plainly counting many of us Mac users out completely.
well, it's been fun; guess i probably shouldn't have started playing a 13 yo game in year 13; hard to say which i feel more, regret for having been sucked into the in-app-purchases for a great but deeply flawed old game, or fondness for what came and went.