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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2019

    Default Update on Mac crash/Wine client from Cordovan:

    While the legacy Mac client continues to work (after today's patch), we are moving away from that client to the WINE client that debuted earlier this year. So, make sure to download it here if you ever run into any issues with the legacy client:

    We don't have a firm cutoff date (yet), but people who play on Mac should consider upgrading to the newer client regardless if they can.

    as i type this, the installation of the new client just crashed.
    Last edited by Daarsurra; 08-15-2019 at 05:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2019


    managed to finish the install, and back to the Resources folder opening because the program can't find the client.

  3. #3
    Community Member ManiacHigh's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Default 16 hr download...still bugged

    mine does the same...opens RESOURCES folder, then crashes after I click LOGIN
    "For those who would stand against the weight of a universe to rise but one step further over its horizon."

  4. #4
    Community Member kbaskins's Avatar
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    Dec 2013


    I'm having the same problem with the "Resources" folder. ::sigh::

    Back to the Steam client for now, I guess.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    May 2014

    Default New client works about as good as old one... can't log in

    I downloaded the new client from the link on the 42.2 update... can't log in still. As soon as I click 'play' it opens my finder for the DDO files.

  6. #6
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    can't stop imagining the one guy working out the Wine client through a VM who looks strung-out surrounded by 5hr Energy bottles, while the desk next to him in the corner of the basement where the Legacy client dev should be is now now home to an obese cat and a monitor covered in dusty swipes bouncing around a Windows 95 screen saver.

    ...and there's a suspicious lack of hamsters.
    Last edited by Daarsurra; 08-16-2019 at 02:38 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member ManiacHigh's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Default still now Mac fix??????

    is there still no word on a Mac fix? Shouldn't devs at least post something about the fact that Macs can't log on?
    "For those who would stand against the weight of a universe to rise but one step further over its horizon."

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManiacHigh View Post
    is there still no word on what's going on with Mac not loading?'s after midnight here and this will be day 5 of not able to log on...
    try this:

    Restoring Mac app from Time Machine backup: WORKING

    and YES, the devs should have...
    Last edited by Daarsurra; 08-16-2019 at 01:40 PM.

  9. #9
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    here's a "conversation" i had with Cordovan:

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    ================================================== ==============================
    From : Cordovan
    To : Daarsurra
    Date : 2019-08-16 14:50
    Title : Re: i believe you care and you're advocating for us Mac users...

    I don't know the answer per se but I have been told that if it is asking for a file it's due to a corrupted download or installation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daarsurra
    i believe you care and you're advocating for us Mac users...
    ...i want to believe that.

    first, i apologize for @ing you on Discord; when i feel powerless to get real help or to make any sense at all of the cause of problems like those with the Mac clients, i get nasty. i want to make it clear that i don't blame the problems of Mac users on you personally. i'm sure it's difficult to be you.

    that said, SSG's handling of these issues is problematic at best:

    • while buried deep within the forum, you posting that SSG is working on fixing issues with the Mac clients is in direct conflict with messages players receive from support that state, "unfortunately, we don't offer support for the Mac clients." SSG and it's customer support need to be on the same page.
    • you posting info regarding Mac client issues and links to new downloads should not be buried within other threads; they should be prominent and given priority by the forum search
    • while i know you're all forced to deal with Turbine's customer base, i'm a relatively new player; i had no idea that playing the game would require a fair amount of money only to learn that i'd be a 2nd class citizen as a Mac player
    • i also understand that you have 3 primary choices of what to do regarding Macs:
      • we represent both a small percentage of players and of your profits, so do you get rid of us altogether?
      • that obviously causes a number of problems in the community; so do you ignore us/drag feet until we give up?
      • or do you all buy actual Macs and hire enough people to properly hammer out a client that works/stays working?

    • if the decision is to devote as little time and resources to the Mac client, not posting a notification to new/returning users DIRECTLY on the app download page feels callous at best.

    so, currently neither the new WINE client you recently posted a link to in this thread or the legacy client work on current Mojave for many of us. i found the only solution to the problem to be restoring the app from my Time Machine backup. this is information that should be explained and posted properly (i did it) in the forum.

    anyhow, here's hoping your life gets easier and that SSG does the right thing.



    Quote Originally Posted by Daarsurra
    ================================================== ==============================
    From : Daarsurra
    To : Cordovan
    Date : 10-09-2019, 10:31 PM
    Title : Re: i believe you care and you're advocating for us Mac users...

    well, as of today it's clear which of the 3 primary choices i mentioned seems most likely. with this update, not only does my Time Machine backup of the app fail to get past the instructions to download the Wine client, but the Wine client can't even be loaded producing this error:w

    until today, i've been able to restore a previous backup of the launcher app from Time Machine, but this insistance on not providing the ability to use slightly outdated versions of the 13 year old app and failing to produce a solid Wine client is just plainly counting many of us Mac users out completely.

    well, it's been fun; guess i probably shouldn't have started playing a 13 yo game in year 13; hard to say which i feel more, regret for having been sucked into the in-app-purchases for a great but deeply flawed old game, or fondness for what came and went.



    ================================================== ==============================
    From : Daarsurra
    To : Cordovan
    Date : 2019-10-26 14:13
    Title : Re: i believe you care and you're advocating for us Mac users...

    so it remains to be seen if i'll succeed in playing again, but i plan to try at some point...

    i eventually got the Wine client to load, but after tweaking the graphics settings again, i discovered the same lack of a solution to the keyboard layout translation that robs Mac users of an entire modifier key unresolved. nevertheless, i decided to take on the super-fun project of running Windows on an external drive; unfortunately, this still required tweaking the keyboard layout, and in the process aggravated the impending failure of the W key on my Macbook. so, having researched heavily for an inestimable time, i've decided to gut my laptop, replace the keyboard, battery, and upgrade the logic board. on top of a "secret" Apple replacement policy for certain Macbook screens with anti-glare coating where they literally replace the entire screen assembly, if all goes well, i'll end up with a new, faster Macbook for about $600.

    but i'm here awaiting the arrival of everything necessary, and thinking about how ****** i will feel about SSG from here on out. i began thinking, i get that us Mac users aren't particularly important in the scheme of things, but each one of us that abandons the game represents more than just a small amount of ongoing profit that no one will miss; some of us honestly try to give-back to our fellow n00bs amid the daunting task of learning an incredibly complicated/nuanced game whose developers didn't care enough to provide guidance regarding. my last message (no response x) was sent around a week after last playing, which means that every player i recruited into our guild, every friend who'd have me zerg over-level to help them farm, every reason to contribute in the forums or on the Dscrd channel has been without me entirely for almost a month. look, i don't pretend i'm super important to everyone i interact with in DDO, but my point is that there are broader consequences to treating Mac users with little regard.

    now, i've only been playing for just under a year, but because of this unusual year, i've spent a great deal of time and money learning this obtuse game. so i can say that one thing the game hasn't failed in getting right is how to hook users into a cycle of investment of hard work and money. in the last month, i might have spent $30, which has to represent half an hour of someone working on making a decent Wine client, but because of being laid-off by SSG, i never had the chance to contribute.

    anyhow, hopefully i'll be playing again in a couple weeks, but i encourage you to impress the virtues of not being ****s to Mac users on your fellow Standing Stoners. it's really just not a particularly smart way to be cost-effective. that said, i'll admit that i wish SSG could make me feel like spending $600 to get a new computer unexpectedly was worth ever having played this game. from this point on, i'll be carefully watching for the moment when it becomes undeniably smart to abandon DDO completely.

    in closing, i want you to know that i'll be posting this conversation in the forums and on Dscrd; i don't intend to be punitive; i simply think Mac users deserve to know as much as possible about all this.

    soberly sad and sadly sober,

    P.S. it's still a really common-sense/basically decent move to append a notice to new/returning users on the client download page...C'MO

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