Let's say hypothetically...that a person crafted from the old crafting system on her runearms a very specific recipe that she put on all of her rune arms. Then the new crafting system comes out....and she puts her old rune arms in for the new crafting system and HOLY SH@T, She has all the old crafting stuff on it in and the new and say it is something like Toven's Hammer ... suddenly there is a crafting glitch and all her rune arms no matter what lvl they are suppose to be suddenly are lvl 3 but all the goodies on them are for lvl 19 or 24 etc. and usable at lvl 3. She realizes rut ro, that is a big bug giving her the kind of advantage that could get her in trouble, so she turns herself in with pic of the runearm. How does DDO fix that glitch. Absolute Minimum Level.
That turns her lvl 3 overpowered rune arms back into what they were suppose to be.
Hypothetically speaking, of course