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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Epic destinies guide for rangers


    Are there any decent epic destiny guides for
    rangers ?

    AA / DW, bow using.

    Can’t figure out which destiny to choose, and then which
    «?*enhancements «?* to choose within that tree.

    Am looking for best DPS options, not really
    worried about healing.

    I expect I will be healing well over 250 hit points
    at level 25 or so with my cure serious wounds with
    my gear and feats, don’t really see the need for cocoon. Or
    other healing «?*enhancements «?*.

    Or am I missing something.

    If not, as asked, are there any good epic destiny ranged DPS guides out there ?


  2. #2
    The Hatchery Melkazar's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    It has been a while since I have been in epics (on a TR run) but I don't recall self healing in the two hundred range. With fate points you should be able to take cocoon no matter what destiny you use.

    That said, I found Fury of the Wild to be the highest DPS. Take all the critical enhancements that matter. You didn't mention your enhancements but I find concentrating on one element of damage (acid) and maxing it out was superior to having all the elements (situationally useful but you give up additional damage dice.) Shiradi has some decent perks to it but for unbridled damage, Fury is the way to go.

    I noticed you also were asking about what to take within the tree. Add to your dex and take the enhancements that power the Unbridled Fury. Combine that with Manyshot. Take Fury Eternal so you almost always have powered shots to spare. From the DW enhancements take the ones which add to damage since the Fury shots will multiply that damage. I recall getting a crit in the 8000 range in Fury of the Wild.
    Last edited by Melkazar; 05-27-2018 at 11:40 AM. Reason: additional info
    What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good anymore?

    Baldric, Mulray, Tirimon, Clant, Melkazar, Dorakeen, Blastium
    If one of them falls off a cliff, it ain't their fault.

  3. #3
    Community Member Tricosene's Avatar
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    I'm about to TR back into a ranger and my plan is to use Shiradi. In my extremely subjective testing, it seems like the best epic destiny. Some people, like Melkazar, use Fury of the Wild. He's given you some good advice, and if you need more information about that build, then I suggest that you search on "furyshotter" or "furyshot."

    In Shiradi, I take the prism / rainbow / double rainbow line. I take pin and otto's whistler. I take nerve venom. Spend other points according to your build, e.g. dex if your dex is uneven, or dodge if you aren't capped for dodge. People often take audience with the queen, but I don't. I normally do take stand and deliver, but I'm not sure if it is essential.

    I believe that the furyshot builds give more DPS; however, for me the utility of Shiradi makes up for it. Specifically, being able to use improved precise shot with pin and otto's whistler to have a crowd of enemies dancing or slowed with just one shot I find especially useful, as well as the paralysis from nerve venom. I'm willing to trade some DPS to keep enemies at a distance. I'm also not a fan of having to charge my uses of fury and choose when to spend them - it's just not fun for me.

    I'm not sure yet what I'm going to twist in. Cocoon, of course. Possibly grim precision. Possibly sense weakness (I need to figure out if nerve venom induces helplessness or not).

    If you follow Melkazar's advice and use Fury, then I suggest twisting in pin and otto's whistler.

    Ultimately, the best advice is probably to try out both and see which one works best for you.

    (As an aside, it sounds from your posts as if this might be your first foray into epics. My advice is different, if that is correct. Early on, you don't have the enhancements available from other trees or the fate points for twisting them in. Early on, the Fury Shot build isn't as good because you don't have Fury Eternal or Unbridled Fury yet. You will want to start with Shiradi. An additional advantage over Fury is that Shiradi lets you open up more destinies more quickly. Since you are just starting, grab stay frosty ASAP, then, when the adjoining destinies are open (Legendary Dreadnought, Fury of the Wild, Primal Avatar) move over to them so you can get additional fate points. Not having many fate points, twist in stay frosty when you are not in Shiradi, and cocoon once you can. Move back and forth between the open destinies, leveling each up. The epic destiny levels have an XP curve, so the lower levels are easier to obtain, letting you get fate points faster. Also be aware that you need 6,000,000 xp in one sphere to epic reincarnate, so although you should move into additional epic destinies to get fate points, watch to make sure you are spending enough time in the primal sphere to be able to reincarnate at level cap, if that is your goal.)
    Last edited by Tricosene; 05-28-2018 at 10:33 AM.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Melkazar's Avatar
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    I fully agree with everything Tricosene says and Shiradi was the first destiny I maxed out. While I found Pin to be merely okay (maybe it was my timing) Nerve Venom is awesome. So I agree that if you are just getting started you might want to start with Shiradi.
    What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good anymore?

    Baldric, Mulray, Tirimon, Clant, Melkazar, Dorakeen, Blastium
    If one of them falls off a cliff, it ain't their fault.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tricosene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melkazar View Post
    While I found Pin to be merely okay (maybe it was my timing)
    You are right, timing is essential to pin. They need to be stationary for the best results, otherwise it's just meh.

    Before I've been sighted, I line up as many enemies as possible, then hit them with pin. Next, I line up as many of those charging me as possible and hit them with Otto's. The next set I hit with leg shot. I take down the rest, then start working on those that I've slowed or immobilized. Sometimes it works great. Sometimes it fails. Either way it's fun. Pin is so awesome for me that it's a must-have on any of my ranged builds, just like cocoon is for many builds. Of course, YMMV according to play style and preferences.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the advice. From what I gather, I will
    take Shirardi.

    You guys talk of twisting and changing epic destinies.

    I thought you had to max your first epic destiny
    before investing points in another.

    And if you have to max your first epic destiny
    before investing in another, does that
    not take you to level 30 ?

    Do you still get points to spend on epic destinies past
    level 30 ?

  7. #7
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Whatever your first epic destiny, you have to take it to level 3 before you can move to either of the sister destinies in the same sphere.
    If you're in a bridge destiny, you need to take it to level 4 before you can move to the next sphere over.

    If you move while leveling,going from 20 to 30 will allow you to completely fill a sphere (3 destinies) and then some.
    And even after you're capped by character level 30, you can still earn destiny XP towards destiny points.

  8. #8
    Community Member Tricosene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elindel22 View Post
    Thanks for the advice. From what I gather, I will
    take Shirardi.

    You guys talk of twisting and changing epic destinies.

    I thought you had to max your first epic destiny
    before investing points in another.

    And if you have to max your first epic destiny
    before investing in another, does that
    not take you to level 30 ?

    Do you still get points to spend on epic destinies past
    level 30 ?
    Epic destinies are odd.

    They seem like they should work like the enhancement trees, but they don't.

    I think of it as a separate leveling system - you have an epic level (20...21...22...) and an epic destiny level (Shiradi 1...2...3...).

    Like xCataluna said, you need to get to a certain epic destiny level to switch to an adjoining epic destiny. Some people switch between destinies based upon the adventure. I recommend a new person switch between them to build up fate points, which you get one for (I believe) every three epic destiny levels.

    Once you take an ability in an epic destiny tree (e.g. the ever-popular cocoon), you can still use it, even if you are in another tree through twisting it. The fate points I keep referencing are needed to let you twist abilities from other trees in. Often the build plans and guides people post assume you have a fair number of fate points - but a person who is new to epics doesn't and cannot take the twists they recommend.

    This sounds more complicated than it really is. Once you hit 20, take Shiradi, then, as you're leveling, it will be more clear.

  9. #9
    Community Member Tricosene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elindel22 View Post
    And if you have to max your first epic destiny
    before investing in another, does that
    not take you to level 30 ?

    Do you still get points to spend on epic destinies past
    level 30 ?
    Sorry, I forgot to address this. xCataluna is right. It takes more experience to get to level 30 than to max out an epic destiny.

    What is important is that, if you plan on epic reincarnating, to make sure you have 6,000,000 xp in one epic destiny sphere. The epic destiny screen will show you how much experience you have in the sphere.

  10. #10
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    FYI: You can cap 4 destinies in your run from level 20-30. You want to do this to unlock Twist of Fate slots and abilities to fill these slots with.

    I’d suggest the following order:
    - Shiradi: Most of your twists will come from there. Specifically, Whistler, Pin and Stay Frosty.
    - Primal Avatar: This is where you can pick up access to Rejuvenation Cocoon and Extra Favored Enemy. This will ensure that you have access to the Doubleshot destiny feat.
    - Fury of the Wild: Don’t let the barbarian facade fool you, it’s a surprisingly good ranged destiny.
    - Legendary Dreadnought: Near the end of this destiny, you will want to switch to Morphic Arrows to stack stuff with Pulverizer.

    - Optional: Epic Reincarnate for the Doubleshot Past life feat.
    - Optional: Racial reincarnate so your first time XP resets.

    - Shadow Dancer: Not a bad generic destiny if you went with the Deepwood Sniper capstone.
    - Fatesinger: Tailwind, Reign and Echoes of the Ancestors: Shiradi Champion are you friends in this tree.
    - Draconic Incarnation: Swap to an elemental arrow damage type for this destiny.
    - Magister: If you have the “Spell Focus: Enchantment” feat, you can use this tree to make your instakill arrows better.

    - Optional: Epic Reincarnate for the Enchant Weapon Past life feat.
    - Optional: Racial reincarnate so your first time XP resets.

    - Cry, because the 3/4 of the upcoming destinies suck on a pure ranger archer build.

    - Grandmaster of Flowers: This destiny is decidedly less terrible on a centered Monkcher type build.
    - Unyielding Sentinel: Level this destiny up with Thunderholme / Orchard slayers.
    - Exalted Angel: Level this destiny up with Thunderholme / Orchard slayers.
    - Divine Crusader: Enjoy, as this is the only divine destiny that supports archers.

    - Optional: Epic Reincarnate for the Brace Past life feat.
    - Optional: Racial reincarnate so your first time XP resets.

    Here’s my non-Shiradi, Sniper twist layout:
    - Whistler
    - Pin
    - Stay Frosty / Favored Enemy Construct (Swap in a tavern based on upcoming quest need.)
    - Cocoon
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elindel22 View Post

    Are there any decent epic destiny guides for
    rangers ?

    AA / DW, bow using.

    Can’t figure out which destiny to choose, and then which
    «?*enhancements «?* to choose within that tree.

    Am looking for best DPS options, not really
    worried about healing.

    I expect I will be healing well over 250 hit points
    at level 25 or so with my cure serious wounds with
    my gear and feats, don’t really see the need for cocoon. Or
    other healing «?*enhancements «?*.

    Or am I missing something.

    If not, as asked, are there any good epic destiny ranged DPS guides out there ?

    Great questions. I run a tempest ranger myself that has very strong healing and dps. While I don't focus on ranged, I used too. Absolutely you will want to max shiraz for twists and fury of the wild for main destiny. It is truly beast ranged dps.

    For heals, get yourself the morninglord scepter from ravenloft and craft a greensteel healing amp bow or rapier from legendary shroud(rapier is good because you can use it and the scepter at once). You can also craft some excellent heal pieces from against the slave lords of you prefer. Being AA/DW you should also get some decent spell power enhancements. In full healing mode (slavers heal pieces plus greensteel plus scepter) I heal for 400 to 700 hp per serious wounds cast without any additional metamagic feats. I also have cure moderate wounds cast. Casting both together means you can heal a serious amount of hp very quickly.

    Edit: if you have the extra feat, you might want to consider investing in a metamagic feat. Quicken is very helpful to ensure you can heal damage even while taking damage. Also empower healing can be useful if you don't want to be switching gear to heal all the time but still want some extra power.
    Last edited by Strika; 06-06-2018 at 03:49 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
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    For a AA/Bow user I see essentially 4 options:

    Fury of the Wild:
    Pro: Super high burst damage
    Con: Fairly useless when burst damage is on cooldown
    This destany is quite popular; especially amongst builds which use tier-5 abilities from Arcane Archer; specifically arrow of slaying. By hitting all of the ranged dps buffs then knocking off an arrow of slaying that auto-crits for 800% damage; you're talking about several thousand damage with a single attack. It can kill a lot of stuff in a single shot.

    Shiradi Champion:
    Pro: Great CC/utility
    Con: Not... having the pro of any of the other destanies?
    This destiny is a nice mix of having some ranged damage boosts and quite a few options for CC/utility through nerve venom, prism stance and tea. Note that the spellpower it gives adds to imbue damage, which is a nice perk that fury/dreadnaught don't have.

    Legendary Dreadnaught:
    Pro: Highest sustained damage, durability
    Con: No utility of frills
    This pretty much boils down to Blitz. Blitz grants up to 70 ranged power; which is more then you'll find in any other destiny. It also gives defenses, which is nice. And since there's not that much other good stuff in the destiny; I often find the destiny gives some con for a bit of extra durability (as well as HP from the cores). The end result is a build which can deal more sustained damage then any other destiny; and can take a hit. As a ranged build; it's usually pretty easy to keep blitz running unless enemies die so fast that you don't need it anyways.

    Divine Crusader:
    Pro: Nice combo of damage+defenses+utility, especially for healer-archers
    Con: Often not as impressive as some other destanies for a pure ranger
    This is the destiny I love running my cleric or favored soul archers in; since it gives full BAB, Empyrean Magic, Divine caster levels and a decent mix of damage (critical profile and doubleshot), and defense (prr, HP, mana and paralysis immune). It also has the option for wisdom as a stat; which is great for the fvs builds.
    Selvera: Aasimar Fighter 20/Epic 10; Old and wise fighter.
    Jen: Half Elf Fvs 4; Healer Archer on a TR with friends
    Mayve: Drow Bard 14/Wizard 6/Epic 7; Vampire Enchantress

  13. #13
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Not even a question, go LD.

    With Epic Purifying Quiver, you fire blunted ammo and it works with pulverizer. It is very easy to sustain blitz. Also, advancing blows works.

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