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  1. #1
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Reaper damage scaling

    Does anyone have a link for reaper damage scaling?

    You know, how damage is reduced by skull level?

    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    some tests have been made
    ddowiki has a link

  3. #3
    Crown Clown
    Death Dodger
    Gabrael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I have cracked the code!
    it's not so much that we are weaker per se, but mobs seem to be sporting prr/mrr following a formula ( i suppose ya coudl use the same formula in reverse to view it as player being weakened, but it is following the prr/mrr formula so it's more likely they got a universal % reduction of incoming damage.

    following the tests i saw using the crusader cleave static 500 dmg, I decided to test it using the sorcerer 5th tier ability heat death.
    1st the raw data.

    Norm/hard/Elite 2000 dmg = 100,0%
    Reaper 1 skull 1428 dmg = 71,4%
    Reaper 2 skull 1052 dmg = 52,6%
    Reaper 3 skull 770 dmg = 38,5%
    Reaper 4 skull 572 dmg = 28,6%
    Reaper 5 skull 434 dmg = 21,7%
    Reaper 6 skull 338 dmg = 16,9%
    Reaper 7 skull 270 dmg = 13,5%
    Reaper 8 skull 220 dmg = 11,0%
    Reaper 9 skull 182 dmg = 9,1%
    Reaper 10 skull 152 dmg = 7,6%

    this follows the melee cleave calculation, with a few fraction slightly off.
    then I had the hunch to treat it as mob having prr/mrr, and compared the chart, and I noticed a patern on the first few numbers, and extrapolated from there.

    1 skull = 40 prr/mrr
    2 skull = 90 prr/mrr (+50 from reaper 1 skull)
    3 skull = 160 prr/mrr (+70 from reaper 2 skull)
    4 skull = 250 prr/mrr (+90 from reaper 3 skull)
    5 skull = 360 prr/mrr (+110 from reaper 4 skull)
    6 skull = 490 prr/mrr (+130 from reaper 5 skull)
    7 skull = 640 prr/mrr (+150 from reaper 6 skull)
    8 skull = 810 prr/mrr (+170 from reaper 7 skull)
    9 skull = 1000 prr/mrr (+190 from reaper 8 skull)
    10 skull = 1210 prr/mrr (+210 from reaper 9 skull)

    using the 100/(100+Rating) formula gives exactly the % reduction rounded.

    the progression basically take the previous added value, and add an extra +20 on top, ( you can even picture a theretical 0 skull axis value starting at 10 prr/mrr with +30 going from 0 to 1) now my algebra is a bit shot, but I bet ya can figure out an X equation formula folloing this pattern.
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