Not only did I lose all of my astral shards, and my monster manual completely reset. My entire TR cache is gone!? All of my items are now just caught in limbo?! This can't be working as intended, if it does ****ing fix it or send me back.
Not only did I lose all of my astral shards, and my monster manual completely reset. My entire TR cache is gone!? All of my items are now just caught in limbo?! This can't be working as intended, if it does ****ing fix it or send me back.
Contact SSG asap. And not only via a thread in the forum.
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Yes. this is exactly how it works. You did read the small print, didn't you?
Your TR cache is simply gone. Sorry.
Your shared bank, AS balance, MM achievements and favor unlocks stayed on your original server.
EDIT: Also
It is possible to transfer back to your original game world after transferring to a different world, but your original guild, airship, True Reincarnation cache, and in-game mail is not preserved.
Cru beat me to it, but...
My fault for not taking an hour to scour the internet for all the information about this process. It was a service that I saw in the launcher, there was no warnings or links to where I could read about it. I did empty my shared bank and everything I wanted with me.
I geuss I'm just a fool for thinking that my TR cache is character specific / personal, I assumed it would follow with me. I just wanted to move to a server where there was a community and more people to play with, **** me right?
This is probably the final straw, it was a good run. 8 years, alot less in actual play time. Is a good run right?
I've put up with and accepted alot of things. SSG is just technically incompetent to provide these services, why have them in the first place?
Take care, thanks for the replies.
Last edited by Hemondal; 11-02-2017 at 06:48 AM.
that said... with Ravenloft, much of the accumulated gear is likely to become obsolete anyway. So fck TR cache, right? I hope you did bring your ingredient/collectable bag though...
You're probably right.
I'm just really ****ed at the moment, fuming even. All I want to do is to see my character and SSG bask in the flames of the abbot.
I've put up with all the archaic mechanics, numerous buggs. When they offer a service, right in the launcher. There is no information to get there about it or anything, I assuemed (I know, stupid of me) that it would work fine.
Alot of the stuff is probably easily replaceable, except my Sword of Shadow's. It's mostly the ****ing time, and memories of aquiring these items. It's ****ing silly I know, I'm a sentimental fool.
I want at the very least some form of compensation. I probably won't get any, because I'm the fool that didn't do his homework.
I did exactly same thing. None but ourselves to blame. But hopefully they could make a condition so you couldnt change server on toon if items still in tr-cache.
It had been so easy to do and foolproof this for us who tends to do stupid things.
One good thing- you get all new rewards for mm ;-)
second good thing- its a game. I have a good time playing even wo my ender set, but i agree i miss it. A lot.
You're abselutely right, I'm mostly mad at my self. You just gave the perfect answer to the solution. Make it so people can't x-fer without clearing their cache. Can't be that hard to implement and execute. Which also ****es me of. I wan't to think it's because they are lazzy or incompetent, it's probably because they are under staffed.
If you think about it, why wouldn't it be tied to your account? Shards is a currency that you can buy from the DDO store, it's useable by all your characters(I've only played on one server). The monster manual is the exact samething. Why wouldn't they be tied to your account instead of to a server?
The whole system is just so archaic, I don't think they know how or can share the information between servers. Probably the same reason why you can't cross realm join groups. Which is a pretty standard thing these days, and has been for many years.
So I just opened up an old account thru the launcher that I havent played in years, and clicked on transfer a toon.
It says I have only 160 points, so I can't go thru with it, but It did let me select a server, and a toon from said server, and I clicked next all the way thru until I can't click confirm cause I cant pay for it.
It doesnt say ANYWHERE what happens, what you lose, ANYTHING at all. there is NO WARNING, no explanation at all. I am surprised, I didn't realize it was this way.
Oh, so I clicked on the HELP button at the bottom, and it loads a webpage that says this: Your System Default Service Level Agreement does not include the Knowledgebase Feature. Please contact for more information.
So yeah, I'm going to support the poster on this one. This is a FAIL on SSG part.
Please open a support ticket, etc, do whatever you can. Good luck.
Thanks for the support mate. It's exactly what I'm ****ed about. It's a premium service that I payed for, and they give no explinations or warnings. You have to go out of your way to find what it truly entails.
Looking back on it. I should've just assumed how ****** the service was, when you compare it to the rest of their services.