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  1. #1
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    Default Subscription Cancellation __WHY????

    Subscription Cancellation __WHY????

    May 19, 2017 5:09 PM I got my VIP Monthly Bonus.

    May 20, 2017 3:01 AM I see Subscription cancellation.

    My Credit Card info is correct and has been working for over a Year now.
    Last Subscription renewal Feb 20, 2017 3:30 AM and before that Nov 20, 2016 2:02 AM.. etc….

    BUT when I go to Subscriptions to manually renew I get the following Error….

    1058: The transaction was declined. Please use a different card or contact your bank.

    I call my Bank / Credit Card Provider… and there is nothing wrong on their end and they told me that NO charges would be declined nor are there any Red Flags to halt / stop a transaction.

    My account has a Signup date of 2009 but is now listed as Premium: (

    I NEVER did this Cancellation and it took me a LONG time, on a Saturday, just to get to the web based Account info. As we all know the DDO Store does NOT work in-game any more… grrrrr… and the Store browser would not open on the Character select screen. Since my Account is now Premium all the Game would do is allow me pick 9 of the 15 Characters on my Account.

    I DID NOT want to do this in fear of screwing something up more on my Account.
    PLUS the Character I need / want to play is Free to V.I.P. but not to Premium’s.

    As a work around I went to a different server and made a Character. Then once in-game fully, I as able to open the DDO Store browser to provide the above info.

    But now I am stuck!

    I Submitted a request ticket for help but we all know how the service is lately… sigh.
    Plus I still do not have confirmation that the Ticket even hit their severs or that it was sent. In the past with Turbine Customer Service I would at least get an E-mail back.

    I want to play DDO but am afraid if I changed something on my account I could case permanent damage.

    So my questions…

    As Premium now, is it correct that I will NOT have access to all the Quests I had as V.I.P.?

    Will I still be able to enter a Quest on elite?

    If I pick only the Character I want to play are the others still there and will return, with all their stuff, once this issue is fixed and I am V.I.P. again?

    Am I correct in thinking that even though I just accessed my Drow, Half-Elf, Shadar-kai, Druid and Artificer last night that if I am not V.I.P. I will not have access to these today as Premium?

    I have been reading postes on the Forums that Tickets are being canceled because the GM can only help you if you are on-line when he / she is. So in my case should I stay logged in on that new character I made to access the DDO Store even though it is not something I play?

    Do you think GM be able to reset my Daily Dice timers because I normally roll these before work, before 10am and it is getting late; I do not want to miss out on this.

    How do you travel between Eberron and the Forgotten Realms without logging out then back into that different Realm?

    Can you deposit platinum into the Shared Bank without being V.I.P.?

    Gives an "Oops. The page you were looking for doesn't exist." Error when you click on the links inside the below posts.

    Standing Stone Games Customer Service maybe should change these links?

  2. #2
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    SSG... fix your sh*t

  3. #3
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    Default Spell Agility +5 Blue augment????

    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    SSG... fix your sh*t
    LOL… tell me about it!!!!!

    How many posts have we seen on DDO Store issues in the past few months?

    Please take my $$$$ and let me play your Game.. sigh.

    ALSO I am trying to buy a Spell Agility +5 Blue augment, because I will need that for when our group gets together tomorrow, but cannot find it.
    Comes up with “No items found” even on a search.

  4. #4
    Community Member YUTANG75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post
    So my questions…

    1. As Premium now, is it correct that I will NOT have access to all the Quests I had as V.I.P.?

    2. Will I still be able to enter a Quest on elite?

    3. If I pick only the Character I want to play are the others still there and will return, with all their stuff, once this issue is fixed and I am V.I.P. again?

    4. Am I correct in thinking that even though I just accessed my Drow, Half-Elf, Shadar-kai, Druid and Artificer last night that if I am not V.I.P. I will not have access to these today as Premium?

    5. I have been reading postes on the Forums that Tickets are being canceled because the GM can only help you if you are on-line when he / she is. So in my case should I stay logged in on that new character I made to access the DDO Store even though it is not something I play?

    6. Do you think GM be able to reset my Daily Dice timers because I normally roll these before work, before 10am and it is getting late; I do not want to miss out on this.

    7. How do you travel between Eberron and the Forgotten Realms without logging out then back into that different Realm?

    8. Can you deposit platinum into the Shared Bank without being V.I.P.?
    1. Correct any unpurchased adventure packs will no longer be accessible as you never bought them.

    2. On first life characters you can enter on normal, 2nd life can enter hard and 3rd life can enter elite.

    3. I can't remember for sure but when I had too many characters after losing VIP a long time ago any unselected toons stuck around until I deleted them. However, I could not make a new character until I freed up a slot. This may have changed.

    4. Unless you buy/ have bought those races/classes you will no longer be able to log onto that character.

    5. Unfortunately so.

    6. I doubt they would do that.

    7. Eberron -> FR: Use the eveningstar key or go through the spinners prision.
    FR -> Eberron: Through eveningstar's cavern.

    8. Not unless you have purchased it. You can withdraw any plat in it though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We are trying to kill you.

  5. #5
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    Default Request for Account Support :)

    Quote Originally Posted by YUTANG75 View Post
    Thanks for the info.

    I hope this gets resolved today as our Campaign is Sunday.
    I made an in-game ticket also that still looks to be open and have been waiting for a response.
    Been 2 hours thus far : (

    We are First Lifers and like to play Hard or Elite.

    Then I hope the Quests setup are ones that are free. I would hate to cancel Game day over this; their issue!

    Our Characters do not yet have the eveningstar key.
    I will need to look into the cavern though as I do not remember where you can go in there.
    We just hit 12 so not an issue yet, I think, I just noticed the options grayed out on my test Character so asked.
    We normally travel to and fro by logging. Then at lower levels to see what Gear is for sale on the NPC's because people sell stuff there vs. the Marketplace.

  6. #6
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    Default 6 hours thus far without a response : (

    6 hours thus far without a response : (

    Is not the weekend, the time when most people are on-line and able to play DDO?

    Should DDO support not have the most GM’s on during this time?

    At least just to tell me something like there nothing to do till Monday?

    I would not be happy but at least I will not be waiting around getting more and more frustrated.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Roland_D'Arabel's Avatar
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    Given the state of customer service lately, you might be stuck like this for weeks. At this point, the squeaky wheel gets the grease etc. so I would private message any and all devs as well as Cordovan.
    A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."

  8. #8
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    Default PM to Cordovan

    Quote Originally Posted by Roland_D'Arabel View Post
    ............ so I would private message any and all devs as well as Cordovan.
    Thanks I will send a PM to Cordovan as I sometimes see him posting on a weekend.

    I never had to PM anyone on these boards till now : (

    The sad part, other then me not being able to play as I am accustomed to, is that if this is NOT fixed by tomorrow and our group has to try and run our Campaign as Premium; then we may find that being a V.I.P. is not necessary. SSG my lose out on the monthly income from three V.I.P.’s because their Account Center is broken.

  9. #9
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    Same problem here
    Got something new?

  10. #10
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    Default 12 hours and still no resolution : (

    Quote Originally Posted by MarieJoelle View Post
    Same problem here
    Got something new?

    12 hours and still no resolution : (

    No response to the Support ticket.

    I did notice that a GM did close out my in-game ticket writing.

    • In order to provide the best resolution to your issue, you will need to contact our Account Support Team. That team is better equipped to handle your inquiry, as the In-game Support Team does not have access to the necessary information to assist you further. To contact Account Support, please open your main menu with the 'Esc' key and click 'Help.' From there, navigate to the provided link to our Help Site. Make sure to select DDO as your game and then fill out a ticket for the Account Support Team to review. If you prefer, you may visit directly from your web browser.

    I even tried DDO on a different computer with a different OS and different web browser.

    I also tried reentering my CC.

    Same issue that DDO will not take my $$$$ and make me V.I.P. again.

    On another note one needs to have a 12th level character logged in to get the Spell Agility +5 Blue augment to show up. < unless I am missing something? >
    I still like the old DDO store better and never had a payment issue or could not buy something till the change.

    Also I did get an E-mail back stating that their Server received my ticket.
    Last edited by Vyrzain; 05-20-2017 at 07:25 PM.

  11. #11
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    Same issue, same day. Even paypal method is down for me : "Unfortunately we cannot process your payment at this time"
    About the sapphire of spell agility, its a M.L. 12 one, so the store shows whats available for your level.
    I just sent a request here :
    Wait and see.
    Last edited by MarieJoelle; 05-21-2017 at 12:20 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Ebforest60's Avatar
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    1058: The transaction was declined. Please use a different card or contact your bank.

    Tried to purchase points, same issue. Tried a different credit card and was able to get it "approved" but on my statement it shows as PENDING and no points added to my account.

    I mean if SSG doesn't want my money then I guess I can play another game...

    EDIT: Tried PayPal just for kicks, still won't process. I guess I should submit a ticket.
    Last edited by Ebforest60; 05-21-2017 at 09:39 AM.

  13. #13
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post

    If I pick only the Character I want to play are the others still there and will return, with all their stuff, once this issue is fixed and I am V.I.P. again?...
    You've got good answers for most of your questions, but I do want to second the answer that your inactive characters and gear are permanent and will be there once you get your VIP fixed.

    Also, it is correct that in-game GMs can't fix this kind of problem, it has to be Account Support. ... Weekend, backlog, etc. May take a while, unfortunately.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  14. #14
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    Default 27 hours and still no responce : (

    Tried again to get V.I.P. back with my CC that has worked before…. NO go!

    Again tried to reenter that CC… NO go!

    Added a different CC… it saved… and seems to work.
    I can now access all my characters.
    It gave me DDO points on the History page but the amount did not update yet with that extra 500.
    I then deleted this new CC so with luck in three more months my first CC that I have been using for years with work again.

    I AM NOT happy… I lost a Saturday to this and now have to do all this extra work to get back what I had.

    I also sent negative feedback on the Xsolla Survey

    I did get my Gold <weekly> Dice roll so I only lost out on the Daily roll for Saturday.
    I do hope that these timers are set back to what I need. With the Daily opening up before 6am and the Weekly opening up on Saturday.

  15. #15
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post

    I did get my Gold <weekly> Dice roll so I only lost out on the Daily roll for Saturday.
    I do hope that these timers are set back to what I need. With the Daily opening up before 6am and the Weekly opening up on Saturday.
    To get your Gold back to Saturday, you'll need to note the exact time you rolled today, then reroll next week 12 hours earlier, then 12 hours again the following week - or skip a week. The timer runs from your current roll for 1 week - 12 hours.

    I think the daily Silver rolls are still set to a hard 24 hours, so for that one to change time you may need to skip a roll.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  16. #16
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    Hello, we are sorry to hear that you have difficulties with making a payment. Please reach us at and we will help you to resolve the issue.

  17. #17
    Community Member Grandern_Marn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roland_D'Arabel View Post


    squeaky wheel gets the kick



    Start cross server trading and profit!
    Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na Caveira
    New to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.

  18. #18
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XsollaSupport View Post
    Hello, we are sorry to hear that you have difficulties with making a payment. Please reach us at and we will help you to resolve the issue.
    you should ask for a forum avatar and title indicating you are official. a 1 post account offering support on credit card billing information might otherwise be seen as, well, fishy

  19. 05-22-2017, 12:59 PM

  20. #19
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    Good news, I got an answer from using live chat
    Actually, it's my bank blocking transactions on internet. A new card is waiting for me, even if my card works fine with small amounts out of internet business. That's why I didn't notice any isue till now.
    Still no response from . I thanked them for not having done anything...
    So I suggest to use using live chat for any payment issue.

  21. #20
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    Default 4 days and still not a word from SSG : (

    Quote Originally Posted by MarieJoelle View Post
    Good news, I got an answer from using live chat
    Actually, it's my bank blocking transactions on internet. A new card is waiting for me, even if my card works fine with small amounts out of internet business. That's why I didn't notice any isue till now.
    Still no response from . I thanked them for not having done anything...
    So I suggest to use using live chat for any payment issue.

    Thanks for the update.

    If / when my normal CC does not work again, after the three months is up, I will see what xsolla can do using your links.

    But since this issue was seen, I have ordered pizza online, got gas, went to CVS and the grocery store using the same CC that did not work for DDO. Thus, like my bank stated, there is not an issue with me making transactions.
    Last edited by Vyrzain; 05-24-2017 at 06:08 AM.

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