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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Potions and Scrolls storage

    Hi, Is there any storage options for potions and scrolls so they don't take up so many backpack spaces?? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011



    "Scroll cases" and "Potion cases" have been suggested (as sell-ables from DDO Store, perhaps?), but so far have not appeared.

  3. #3
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post

    "Scroll cases" and "Potion cases" have been suggested (as sell-ables from DDO Store, perhaps?), but so far have not appeared.
    The devs have stated in the past that while they could create these to hold potions and scrolls (and even spell ingredients), there would have to be a lot of system work to make it so they could be used from those bags (i.e. when on a shortcut bar).

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I don't care if neither potions nor scrolls can't be used directly from the bags - please, please, please let us have containers for scroll and potions. At present I have one character's job is just to hold potions and another 2 that keep my scrolls.

  5. #5
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    I just want a case to keep all my rare scrolls in, so I don't have to keep them on separate mule character.

    There are 42 rare arcane (wizard) scrolls, like 29 (I think) Artificer scrolls, and few more rare divine scrolls worth keeping (like FoM,Harm, mass heal and stuff). That's a lot of inventory space.

    Why I just don't toss them you ask? Well i like playing multiple wizard characterless, and hawing a scroll for a friend, or a new player, when they can't find it in auction house. I also put any extras, after I have like 10 or so of the scroll up on auction house, if there are no scrolls there. Not hawing to switch characters to do that would help a lot, and it be easier to help new players if I could keep the scrolls in my inventory.

    As for potions, being able to keep few extra stacks (preferably at lowered weight) would be nice. Same for wands.

    There is no need to have them usable from the bag. Hawing a bag like cookie bag is just fine.

    Hell i would pay for newer winter style bags that reduce weight for stuff stored in them by a percentage. that be nice, and I could actually play hafling.

    As for "inventory takes up too much memory" I refer to the insane amounts of collectables, and amount of collectable bags you can have. If they can do that, they can add more bags. Also increase the darn stack size. 100 is not acceptable stack size for things you have(and use in thousands. same for thousands and tens of thousands. If a recepte asks for 15'000, and max stack is 10'000, you are doing it wrong.

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