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  1. #1
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Default Request a build for "Terror-Dwarf"

    Hi all,

    anyone played already around with the idea of a "Terror-Dwarf"? I´m looking for advice to build one that can stand LE.

    36pts, Lvl30. Has to be dwarf, max. CON-build with Core6 Ravager for "Visage of Terror" (probably a CON that high i reach a no-fail vs. Will n LE?) and "TYWA" for synergy. THF Greataxe-user. Tomes are +5 / +4 / +5 / +4 / +3 / +2.
    The idea is to have about 10-12 usages of "Terror" inbetween shrines coz i feel Mobs are mostly in packs of 4-8 so i can "Terror" as many as possible away and leave the remainers to my greataxe.

    Thx in advance for ideas!
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 05-19-2016 at 11:16 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    LD greataxe barb (EDIT: mauls would also work w/Pulverizer instead of Headmans Chop), max CON, Ravager capstone, plus Dire Charge; Know the Angles boosts DPS & DC DCs. Part of what I like about it is you really only care about two stats - CON (dmg, HPs, Fort saves) and INT (to-hit, KtA, Reflex saves); every other stat is superfluous unless you care about Spot or Will saves. 36-pt build w/+5 STR tome should be able to start CON 20 INT 18 STR 12 and tweak the feat order a bit: Insightful Reflexes (1), PA (3), CL (6), IC:Slash OR Blunt (9), THF (12), GC (15), hvy armor prof (18), ITHF (21), GTHF (24), PTHF (26), OC (27), PTWF or Elusive Target (28), Dire Charge (29), Epic DR or Blinding Speed (30), Scion of whatever.

    Dire Charge mobs, use your AoEs, sprinkle with Terror once in a while - rinse, repeat. EDIT: also an easy respec to OS instead of Ravager if you want sky-high SR, since you only have to reset one PrE and swap between them.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 05-19-2016 at 11:33 AM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post

    LD greataxe barb (EDIT: mauls would also work w/Pulverizer instead of Headmans Chop), max CON, Ravager capstone, plus Dire Charge; Know the Angles boosts DPS & DC DCs. Part of what I like about it is you really only care about two stats - CON (dmg, HPs, Fort saves) and INT (to-hit, KtA, Reflex saves); every other stat is superfluous unless you care about Spot or Will saves. 36-pt build w/+5 STR tome should be able to start CON 20 INT 18 STR 12 and tweak the feat order a bit: Insightful Reflexes (1), PA (3), CL (6), IC:Slash OR Blunt (9), THF (12), GC (15), hvy armor prof (18), ITHF (21), GTHF (24), PTHF (26), OC (27), PTWF or Elusive Target (28), Dire Charge (29), Epic DR or Blinding Speed (30), Scion of whatever.

    Dire Charge mobs, use your AoEs, sprinkle with Terror once in a while - rinse, repeat. EDIT: also an easy respec to OS instead of Ravager if you want sky-high SR, since you only have to reset one PrE and swap between them.
    Thx, that´s a wonderful blueprint!

    I´ll stick to greataxe and spot saves don´t matter to me. Not sure about Insightful Reflexes or elusive target, but if they contribute to an Overall better survivability, sure. I Love dire Charge and Terror. Certainly a few Points into OS for longer rages coz i´ll burn my rages with Terror. Since i found a belt with SR69 that´s it about OS.

    P.S. Any idea what´s the DC for a no-fail vs. will in LE?
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 05-19-2016 at 11:54 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Not sure about Insightful Reflexes or elusive target, but if they contribute to an Overall better survivability, sure.
    With the elimination of armor MRR, I think Reflex saves are more important than they were pre-U28, hence Insightful Reflexes. You can take something else if you like, but the issue is feat progression: if you start STR 12 (like I did), you hit STR 13 @ lvl 3 (Power Atk), STR 15 @ lvl 11 (THF), and STR 17 @ lvl 19 (ITHF & GTHF); hence why I had to backload ITHF & GTHF into epic lvls. So your heroic alternatives are limited. Starting STR 13 INT 17 eases your heroic feat progression, but means a qtr-pt less dmg & DCs in the long term - UNTHINKABLE!
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    With the elimination of armor MRR, I think Reflex saves are more important than they were pre-U28, hence Insightful Reflexes. You can take something else if you like, but the issue is feat progression: if you start STR 12 (like I did), you hit STR 13 @ lvl 3 (Power Atk), STR 15 @ lvl 11 (THF), and STR 17 @ lvl 19 (ITHF & GTHF); hence why I had to backload ITHF & GTHF into epic lvls. So your heroic alternatives are limited. Starting STR 13 INT 17 eases your heroic feat progression, but means a qtr-pt less dmg & DCs in the long term - UNTHINKABLE!
    Ok, i´ll try to avoid leaving myself a cripple.
    On second thought about ins. Reflex i´ll Need to take em and have to go through the heroics, and hopefully can switch the Progression after ER from ins reflexes to epic Reflexes?
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Reflex i´ll Need to take em and have to go through the heroics, and hopefully can switch the Progression after ER from ins reflexes to epic Reflexes?
    If you drop Insightful Reflexes, then you have to worry about DEX gear again; you're also going to lose about 4 or 5 pts of Reflex saves (at least on my build), since I dump DEX and max out INT. If it's really a concern, then I'd rather have both IR+ER and drop either heavy armor prof (which is really only for Shadow Guardian) or Epic DR / Blinding Speed.

    So let's look at a slightly tweaked version of what I talked about:
    Kundarak Terror!
    Barbarian 20
    True Neutral Dwarf
                   34pt     36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     ----     --------
    Strength        13       13       +4       4: CON
    Dexterity        8        8       +4       8: CON
    Constitution    20       20       +4      12: CON
    Intelligence    17       17       +4      16: CON
    Wisdom           8        8       +4      20: CON
    Charisma         6        8       +4      24: CON
                                              28: CON
     1        : Power Attack
     3        : Cleave
     6        : Great Cleave
     9        : Improved Critical: Slashing OR Bludgeoning
    12        : Two Handed Fighting
    15        : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    18        : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Insightful Reflexes
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Reflexes OR Armor Proficiency: Heavy
    28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR First Blood OR Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge
    30 Epic   : Blinding Speed OR Epic Damage Reduction
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Plane of Water
    The advantage to this approach is (A) I can take the THF feats sooner which means more heroic DPS and (B) I free up a couple of epic feat slots if you want more of the epic-only feats. I backloaded IR, but you can take it whenever you feel your Reflex saves need a bump. Not listing Enhancements or EDs, as they're the same as what I had in my other thread. Blinding Speed is just a convenience feat which saves a gear slot, IMO, although some people insist that an optimal endgame-DPS gear set doesn't have room for a Speed item, so *shrug* do as you see fit. Arborea is the "no-brainer" DPS option since it requires no additional gear; Plane of Water adds +20 MRR (which this build is lacking unless you go heavy into OS) as well as +2d20 cold dmg, but the downside is needing to slot Glaciation gear to max out dmg.

    EDIT: like I said, heavy armor prof is only for Shadow Guardian, so you don't need it before lvl 28. The only reason I might take it sooner is if you wanted to use, say, PD armor for Knights Loyalty bonus when you hit 20, but I don't consider that necessary, esp. if you have Terrorweb Chitin which can also get the set bonus 2 lvls later.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 05-20-2016 at 10:54 AM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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