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1. When we get the 10 PRR in medium armor at level 11, is that ONLY while we are raging? Or is it a baseline 10 PRR all the time as long as we have the medium armor on?
Going Heavy Armor on a Barb is not preferred unless you have Thunderforged Plate for the 30/60 DR or however much it is. Even then, it is preference and it is debatable. It's only while raged, but, currently, after level 14ish, while you are ranged, another player in heavy armor will only have 5 more PRR than you. That's it. However, you'll have end up having, if built for it, 10-12% more dodge, which I feel is a considerable advantange.
2. Is there a value in taking heavy armor feat early on, even to swap it out for something else once the PRR with medium kicks in at lvl 11? Or is that a waste of a feat slot (especially on a non-human) that gives not a lot of benefit?
Stated my feelings above. I feel it is a waste, but it is solely a personal preference after level 28.
3. A number of the enhancements that give healing say they give healing that scales with melee power. Does that mean healing scales with melee power INSTEAD of healing amplification? Or do both melee power and hamp scale up those heals?
It scales with both.
4. All three of the enhancement trees seem very attractive to me. I'll be mostly if not entirely soloing on this character, and am a more cautious type by nature, so I am happy to sacrifice a little DPS in order to increase survivability/soloability. With that preference in mind, is there any one particular tree or build that would be superior to the others in that regard? (I'm thinking more of the process of leveling up to level 20 than I am in the epic levels beyond 20). This is a first-life character, no tomes, with a little bit of twink gear from my 22 monk but not a ton.
Ravagers Blood Strength is the most player friendly and it is probably the better of the options. Check the barbarian threads for Zoda and Red Sonia's builds and look at their AP spreads. I, as they, prefer to go 38 pts in ravage for +2 crit range/blood strength and go for core 6 and 41 pts in FB taking the crackling attack line and sprint boost, etc. Don't forget that both FB core stances stack for +6 str and 4d6 dmg+ Melee power
5. It's been a LONG time...forever...since I have quested in the level 1-10 or so level range. Any particular quests or quest chains that are "can't miss" because of specific loot they give? I'm currently VIP so I think that means I would have access to anything out there.
You just always want to have the highest items for Strength/Constitution, saves (for enhancements and reflex), HPs, doublestrike, healing amp that you can find while leveling. You probably want to run Devil's Details for the axe there starting at 13. It'll be good enough until you get a better epic axe. I prefer it in the Vale mainly and other quests full of outsiders, but it's got a very nice crit profile. GS Min II is always nice if you have a way of getting mats to make one on your main
A first life barb with no tomes can hit str in the 60s with no problem. So you'll be able to contribute to group DPS or solo if you'd like. My first completionist has sat as a barbarian for years because that's just what I loved back in the 1980s, and I like them a lot. In Epics, LD is great, but DC is also a great destiny to keep you alive, fyi-imo