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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2009

    Angry Fixing the broken game

    So when does turbine plan to fix all the older content we love to play instead of adding a bunch of new garbage that nobody needs? I'm tired of a server that cant handle its own workload and content. in fact, everyone is sick of lagging in great content, such as "spies in the house" or say.... EVERYTHING in Eveningstar? how about you use the money we throw at you for a beloved video game to fix it, instead of adding a bunch of lazy content that's just copy-and-paste of quests we already have?
    of course, turbine will insist that my new gaming PC cant handle their obviously "superior" product, but they're wrong, so very, very, wrong. If i can run Elder Scrolls Online at max detail with no latency drop, your decade old graphics and game engine shouldn't even cause my system to warm up and by my observations, doesn't cause more than 10% resource usage.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lemdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fallenchosen View Post
    So when does turbine plan to fix all the older content we love to play instead of adding a bunch of new garbage that nobody needs? I'm tired of a server that cant handle its own workload and content. in fact, everyone is sick of lagging in great content, such as "spies in the house" or say.... EVERYTHING in Eveningstar? how about you use the money we throw at you for a beloved video game to fix it, instead of adding a bunch of lazy content that's just copy-and-paste of quests we already have?
    of course, turbine will insist that my new gaming PC cant handle their obviously "superior" product, but they're wrong, so very, very, wrong. If i can run Elder Scrolls Online at max detail with no latency drop, your decade old graphics and game engine shouldn't even cause my system to warm up and by my observations, doesn't cause more than 10% resource usage.
    Sometimes the world just isn't fair..
    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    Moved his sense of humor to a new data center, eh?

  3. #3
    Community Member bartharok's Avatar
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    It could be that your computeer is just too good to handle DDO.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fallenchosen View Post
    So when does turbine plan to fix all the older content we love to play instead of adding a bunch of new garbage that nobody needs? I'm tired of a server that cant handle its own workload and content. in fact, everyone is sick of lagging in great content, such as "spies in the house" or say.... EVERYTHING in Eveningstar? how about you use the money we throw at you for a beloved video game to fix it, instead of adding a bunch of lazy content that's just copy-and-paste of quests we already have?
    of course, turbine will insist that my new gaming PC cant handle their obviously "superior" product, but they're wrong, so very, very, wrong. If i can run Elder Scrolls Online at max detail with no latency drop, your decade old graphics and game engine shouldn't even cause my system to warm up and by my observations, doesn't cause more than 10% resource usage.
    I don't experience this. Spies and Eveningstar content generally works flawless for me with max details. I haven't even seen any lag in DoJ yet, although I've not tried it on EE yet, where it's supposed to be horrible.

    The only place where I consistently notice a little bit of stutter is when running Black Loch.

    My PC is quite new (6 months) with rather nice specs.

    I do sometimes experience server/network lag, but not very often, and not related to the consistant problem that you've reported.

    Did you try using DX9; I've read before that it might work a bit better for some people.
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  5. #5
    Community Member Lorianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fallenchosen View Post
    So when does turbine plan to fix all the older content we love to play instead of adding a bunch of new garbage that nobody needs? I'm tired of a server that cant handle its own workload and content. in fact, everyone is sick of lagging in great content, such as "spies in the house" or say.... EVERYTHING in Eveningstar? how about you use the money we throw at you for a beloved video game to fix it, instead of adding a bunch of lazy content that's just copy-and-paste of quests we already have?
    of course, turbine will insist that my new gaming PC cant handle their obviously "superior" product, but they're wrong, so very, very, wrong. If i can run Elder Scrolls Online at max detail with no latency drop, your decade old graphics and game engine shouldn't even cause my system to warm up and by my observations, doesn't cause more than 10% resource usage.
    They anounced a hardware change/server change at some point afaik. And DDO does more for old contend than most other MMORPGs do. A lot of other (FTP)-games are just about sitting at max. level and waiting for new stuff to come out. Getting pastlives in DDO can be quite fun if you run with freinds and don't let it become a mindless XP grind. DDO has some bugs, but not that bother me much personaly. If you find a bug-free MMOPRG without subscription let us know

    Fixing older content would only be a good thing if there was a large influx of new (and therefore low-level) players running the old contend.
    “Willy Loman: I don't want change, I want Swiss cheese!”

  6. #6
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    Have played on and off for years. Nowadays basically never have lag in regular quests (can have gamebreaking lag in for example Defiler with lots of warlocks/auras going around). And my computer sure ain't top of the line at the moment.

    Many of the possible causes of your issues are simply not server side. Especially since not all of us experience the problems you experience. Local config, game settings, your computer, connection, service provider, viruses, faulty corrupt game files, problems with other open apps/processes on your computer/network, etc etc.

    One thing that does bother me (haven't experienced in about a year though) is that when one groupmember has severe clientside lag he may influence all others so they get lag too. WHen he finally DCs the lag is immediately gone.

  7. #7
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandeibra View Post
    Have played on and off for years. Nowadays basically never have lag in regular quests (can have gamebreaking lag in for example Defiler with lots of warlocks/auras going around). And my computer sure ain't top of the line at the moment.

    Many of the possible causes of your issues are simply not server side. Especially since not all of us experience the problems you experience. Local config, game settings, your computer, connection, service provider, viruses, faulty corrupt game files, problems with other open apps/processes on your computer/network, etc etc.

    One thing that does bother me (haven't experienced in about a year though) is that when one groupmember has severe clientside lag he may influence all others so they get lag too. WHen he finally DCs the lag is immediately gone.
    Before DDO, Ive never heard of an issue in an MMO where when one person lags or freezes, everyone else in the same instance lags or freezes. In specific raids here in DDO, once the lag freeze begins, it will only stop freezing right after everyone has died. Why would everyone's connectivity/performance be tied to the LCD among everyone in the same zone?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

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