I just recently finished up my last sorc life and was ambitious with the build. I almost exclusively run ee content and the mobs tend to hit hard and sorcs tend to draw a lot of aggro with aoe spells. Most of the time taking more aggro then one can handle. I couldnt get my dodge up high enough to satisfy me so i ended up taking adamantine body. It was the best thing i could have done for my sorc. Prr goes up to around 100 and mrr about 50-60ish. Much better then a measly 12 or so percent dodge. I advise those wanting to play sorcs in endgame ee to find a way to get proficient in heavy armor. As a bladeforged/warforged you can drop your arcane spell failure by 35% (15% inherent body + EK tree 5% + 15% spell agility aug) so there is no worry on arcane spell failure. I will post my bladeforged 18/2pal fire sorc if some are interested.
May the age of running from bosses be over.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.