Hi guys. I've never had any interest in this type of build before, but I'm almost done my first completionist and I need to get fighter life done and out of the way. Most of my gear is specialist stuff (short swords, rapiers, daggers, etc) and I'm finishing a monk life (ninja spy). I figured I'd take advantage of the gear I already have and roll up a kensai fighter/monk dude. Thing is, I know nothing about them. Class mix, stats, etc I have no idea how to build one. So I need help.
The goal of this build is to get me a fighter life. That's it. I don't care if it can't solo god on EE. If I do any epics at all, I'll probably fill up Legendary Dreadnaught and then TR. I know there are well established builds already out there. But they're old and buried (I looked for some and came up empty). If anyone can point me towards one and maybe even opine on why they think it's a good one, I'd much appreciate it. Thank you.