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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Permadeath mix of Monk and Cleric - Never played either.

    Hi All,

    I have joined the new PD guild on Wayfinder (check it out - most fun I've had in a long time playing DDO)

    We use random rolls to determine character build and I've rolled up a Sun Elf Cleric/Monk or Monk/Cleric and even though I've played for years and had many TRs on my mains in Khyber, I have never played either class other than the occasional splash.

    Please help me come up with a build.

    I read somewhere about an 18 Monk/ 2 Cleric that with the monk levels (Shintao?) was able to do s significant amount of healing? I like the idea of going 18 monk as I tend to think I'd be a lousy healer which makes one a bit unpopular in a PD setting.

    I'm not opposed to going the healer route, which I guess would be an evasion healer w/ 2 levels of monk splash.

    Also trying to figure out if the INT benefits of the Sun Elf tree could be used to any advantage? I have the harper tree open as well. Other options include accessing the Arcane Archer tree through Sun Elf, though I've never played with bows either.

    So, any advice? What would you do if you had to build a Sun Elf with both Monk and Cleric levels?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by hrmn8r View Post
    Hi All,

    I have joined the new PD guild on Wayfinder (check it out - most fun I've had in a long time playing DDO)

    We use random rolls to determine character build and I've rolled up a Sun Elf Cleric/Monk or Monk/Cleric and even though I've played for years and had many TRs on my mains in Khyber, I have never played either class other than the occasional splash.

    Please help me come up with a build.

    I read somewhere about an 18 Monk/ 2 Cleric that with the monk levels (Shintao?) was able to do s significant amount of healing? I like the idea of going 18 monk as I tend to think I'd be a lousy healer which makes one a bit unpopular in a PD setting.

    I'm not opposed to going the healer route, which I guess would be an evasion healer w/ 2 levels of monk splash.

    Also trying to figure out if the INT benefits of the Sun Elf tree could be used to any advantage? I have the harper tree open as well. Other options include accessing the Arcane Archer tree through Sun Elf, though I've never played with bows either.

    So, any advice? What would you do if you had to build a Sun Elf with both Monk and Cleric levels?

    Thanks in advance.
    since it's PD i would go 14 clr 6 monk, or 14 monk 6 clr most of your heal should come from aura, it's closest to pnp style, where the healer could drop really few healing spells due the slot limitation
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

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