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  1. #1
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default bladforged thrower build?

    So i'm toying with changing my monk into a thrower build what would a bladeforged build look like per say or is halfling the way to go. I kind of like the idea of not having to level him from lvl 1 so starting at 15 is attractive to me and i do still have a +20 heart.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Community Member Firewall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I made a warforged selfhealing thrower build almost a year ago:

    Due to lots of game changes it is not really up to date anymore but still playable i guess.

    People will argue that being Bladeforged/Warforged will cripple your AOE damage from Improved Precise Shot vs. small targets like wolves etc.
    I found that not much of an issue. I guess it depends on what kind of quests you play and if you use terrain to compensate but in my experience wolves and other small targets are not very common in quests anyway. The build also has AOE spells with shiradi procs for those issues.

    Bladeforged have the advantage of the self-healing SLA and Power of the Forge Action Boost but they start with fewer DEX at creation. If you want to do it for a flavor build or for the past lifes probably a build with heavy armor and the Holy Sword spell would be doable (since Bladeforged have paladin levels already). It most likely will not be much more than a flavor build and the crit multiplier from Holy Sword for throwing weapons is still bugged and not functioning.

  3. #3
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    k thanks maybe i'll just tr and start back at 1 and go drow since my monk is Dorf right now.

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