Ballista Sniper
32 pt Drow 14 Paladin 5 Artificer 1 Fighter
Will add code shortly but, for starters, here are the specifics on a ranged build I will be running on my character Six. Right now, as it stands, Six has 2 ranger past lives, 2 monk past lives, and 1 fighter past life. I am creating this build for him, to service him through epic reincarnations for epic past lives, through epic completionist. With intentions of keeping him in this configuration for farming, EE, and end-game content. I have several other characters with more heroic past lives in efforts toward completionist or other specific roles, but this guy will be my "Ranged" character.
As an experienced veteran of the game, my knowledge of the game mechanics, gameplay and, resources, I am making this build optimized for veteran players. However, it also allows for newer players to work towards what is required to truly optimize the capabilities of this build.
This build can be run as a 28 point Drow with 10 base CON and re-distributing INT points from MAX to DEX and no tomes, with Level up stats being applied to INT and DEX for Combat Archery prerequisite, but I advise against it personally, and recommend working on Ranger past lives to get to 32 point Drow at least, first.
Also needed for this build are; access to Drow, Artificer, and Harper making this build one that is NOT REALLY meant for a player brand new to the game per se.
I have tried several different racial variants however, Drow is solidly the leader stat-wise for this build. The bonus' to INT, DEX, and CHA and the role those stats play with this build make for a build that utilizes the very strengths of what the Race has to offer. No other race really came close, as far as stats go. However, some variants that I worked with, included; Shadar-Kai (with and without +1 Lesser heart swapping out of Rogue) as 14 Paladin/6 Artificer w/out Force of Personality and 14 Paladin/5 Artificer/1 Rogue again w/out FoP. Also, tried Bladeforged as 14 Pal/4 Art/2 Ftr or Mnk and was very unhappy with the stat point distribution and feat allotment overall. Also, worked with Sun Elf, (with +1 Lesser Heart of Wood) but, again, I was unhappy with stats distribution.
I currently have a full set of +5 Tomes and build with that in mind concerning prerequisites.
DEX 16 (Need 21 DEX for Combat Archery, w/+6 DEX tome start at 15 DEX for full optimization allocating stat points to CHA and/or CON depending mostly on gameplay experience. Everything in this write up is set to allow for this change concerning stat and BAB prereqs for Feats.)
CON 13 (32 pt. Drow)
INT 20 (All level ups here, as it is the builds primary stat; DPS, trapping, skills, Ref. Save and, trapmaking DC's)
CHA 12 (Personal choice here for save bonus' from Divine Grace and Force of Personality, I could put more points here instead of CON but, it seems like the right thing to do to maintain HP and stat point costs. I will undoubtedly play with those numbers in future epic reincarnations to find the "Sweet Spot".)
1. Point Blank Shot
1. Artificer auto granted Feats/Abilities of note: Rapid Reload, Weapon Proficiency: Great Crossbow; Heavy and Light Repeaters, Trapfinding, Class Skills: Search; Disable Device; Open Lock; UMD; Spellcraft; Repair; Spot; Concentration, Level 1 Spells, Iron Defender (For hitting switches and opening doors as needed).
Drow Traits of note: Spell Resistance equals 10+Character Level, Shuriken Proficiency, Shuriken Expertise, +2 Search, Spot, Listen, +2 bonus to saves vs. Enchantments.
1. Paladin auto granted Feats/Abilities of note: Follower of the Silver Flame, Aura of Good, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Class Skills: Heal; Diplomacy; Intimidate.
3. Rapid Shot
2. Paladin auto granted Feats/Abilities of note: Divine Grace, Lay on Hands.
3. Paladin auto granted Feats/Abilities of note: Fear Immunity, Divine Health, Aura of Courage.
4. Paladin auto granted Feats/Abilities of note: Turn Undead, Level 1 Spells.
6. Insightful Reflexes
6. Paladin auto granted Feat/Ability of note: Unyielding Sovereignty
8. Manyshot
1. Fighter auto granted Feats/Abilities: Fighter Bonus Feat; Manyshot (as listed above), Class Skills: Jump; Repair.
9. Improved Critical Ranged
8. Paladin auto granted Ability of note: Level 2 Spells.
12. Precise Shot
11. Paladin auto granted Ability of note: Level 3 Spells.
15. Improved Precise Shot
14. Paladin auto granted Ability of note: Level 4 Spells HOLY SWORD!!
2. Artificer auto granted Feat/Ability of note: Rune Arm Use.
18. Force of Personality
3. Artifice auto granted Ability of note: Level 2 Spells.
19. Construct Essence (Required for Battle Engineer Tier 5: Weapon Attachment)
4. Artificer auto granted Feats/Abilities of note: Artificer Bonus Feat: Construct Essence (as listed above), Trapmaking.
5. Artificer auto granted Feat of note: Retain Essence.
21. Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
24. Epic Feat: Combat Archery
26. Epic Destiny Feat: Toughness/Flavor or the month Feat depending on gameplay.
27. Epic Feat: Blinding Speed
28. Epic Destiny Feat: Doubleshot
31 Battle Engineer most notable enhancements:
Tier 5 Weapon Attachment, Endless Fusillade, +2 INT, Weapon Training IV total +4 to hit and +6 to damage with Great Crossbow or +4 to hit and +2 to damage with repeaters, Infused Weapon: +1 to weapon enchantment bonus, Wracking Shot, +3 Extra Action Boosts, Field Engineer: +3 DD, OL, +1 Reflex Save vs. Traps, Disable Construct.
24 Harper most notable enhancements:
Know the Angles (Gain Insight bonus to damage=1/2 INT modifier), +4 INT, Strategic Combat I and II (Uses INT modifier for ATTACK and DAMAGE with Missile and Melee weapons), Highly Skilled +3 to all skills, Harper Enchantment: +1 to weapon enchantment bonus, Agent of Good II +2 to hit and damage vs. Evil, Versatile Adept II: +6 Ranged/Melee/Spell power total, and more.
17 Drow Most notable enhancements:
Envenomed Blades +1D6 Poison Damage/hit with weapon, +2 INT, Nothing is Hidden @-8, Keen Senses: +3 Search, Spot, Listen, +4 SR, Venom Lore: +2 Heal, Saves against Poison, and +4 Poison Resistance.
72 Total with 8 AP remaining for Optional/Situational/Optimal load-outs.
1-8 Knight of the Chalice most notable enhancements:
+1D4 to +1D8 Light Damage per hit Scales with 100% Melee Power, Divine Light 18D6 Light Damage to nearby undead; scales with 200% Melee Power.
1-7 Kensei most notable enhancements:
30% Fighter Haste Boost (to supplement and maintain very fast Rate of Fire,and for use with Manyshot), up to +3 Extra Action Boosts.
I will follow up on this build, as I lost several hours of work writing it up in depth. Stay tuned, this is one sick build.