Does anyone know if using Tactical Genius from Legendary Dreadnought will reset the cooldown of Frozen Fury and Spinning Ice?
Does anyone know if using Tactical Genius from Legendary Dreadnought will reset the cooldown of Frozen Fury and Spinning Ice?
I'll borrow from the wiki:
Tactical Genius : Active Ability: (Cooldown 5 mins) Activate to clear the cooldowns of all Tactical feats.
Bug: This ability isn't working at all. Cooldowns do not clear.
Spinning Ice: Attack all enemies around you for +(2/3/4)[W] damage. Each affected enemy is frozen solid if they fail a Fortitude save (14 + Charisma modifier + 1/2 Bard Level + Stunning modifiers) for a number of seconds equal to your half your Bard level. Bosses cannot be frozen. Increased ranks increases how much Bard levels contribute. Activation cost: 6/4/2 SP. Cooldown 45/35/25 seconds.
The Frozen Fury: Make a melee attack with +(1/2/3)[W] damage. Affected enemies must make a Fortitude save (14 + Charisma modifier + 1/2 Bard Level + Stunning modifiers) or become frozen solid for number of seconds equal to half of your Bard levels. Cooldown: (12/9/6) seconds. Bosses cannot be frozen.
Why would you want it to? The cooldowns for Spinning and Frozen are short enough to not have to worry about.
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