I made my pure 20 bard morninglord (it's a pure spellcasting spellsinger, might seem strange as a morninglord, but it works great, for me). I'm enjoying it a lot, however, I'd like to do some epic lives to finally get some past lives to make epic completionist. This should be easy on a pure bard: spellsinger is a pretty strong caster, and has great synergy with magister and exalted angel destinies, and swashbuckler can easily be done in legendary dreadnaught and fury of the wild, so that covers all destiny spheres.
So, now that I'm almost ready to ETR, I've come to a few crossroads.
1) Weapon choice: I can't decide. Morninglord has a line that could work for light maces and light hammers in swashbuckler stance. Or should I just go with rapiers like everyone else? Maces seem ideal due to the current end-game content having so many skeletons (and epic orchard coming up), but rapiers seem more suited to more general dps.
2) Strength, charisma, or dexterity? This pertains a lot to my 1st issue. On one hand, charisma has great synergy with bards and bard abilities. Strength is a no-brainer as it allows for much easier stat disbursement. Dexterity, however, has an added option: weapon finesse can be used so that you can use dexterity for both attack and damage, and you can get dex-to-damage via morninglord's mace/hammer line, as well as swashbuckler. High dexterity would give high reflexes (great evasion from the swashbuckler capstone), easier stat placement (strength would become a dump stat), and only cost one feat.
3) Offhand? I see the vast majority of people using a buckler, although a hybrid sort of build can be taken by using an orb, to take advantage of my 18 spellcaster past lives. Has anyone ever tried using nothing in their offhand, or is the damage you gain from it insignificant?